Serious, do you support this guy?

Do you honestly suppirt him? No memes or bants, do you think killing those people was right? His ideals?


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Other urls found in this thread: say that Brenton Tarrant/ Brenton was just like you and me/

fuck off kike

He was mossad. That's why you keep making new threads. Because you're freaking out about all the threads exposing this psy op. Your supervisors should kill you all. Unironically.

>Jews must be removed from the west
>Jews in Israel that don't subvert us are fine with me
HE'S A ZIONIST PLANT! .. said the stormnigger CIA plant

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Of course, my first thought was basically, well they're bringing in tens of thousands that accumulate up to millions. We all need to do this locally for it to have a big effect on the overall invader populace.

he was a troll and probably nothing he wrote was serious.

Yes. I need a picture of him in knights armor so I can post it to youtube/twitter. Based knight Tarrant should be acknowledged for bravery and initiative.

Our jewish and non-jewish elite are terrified of copycats so they're spamming this shit everywhere. The schizos that you see in every thread are paid posters larping as stormfags, it's their job to convince you this was an anti-white 'Mossad plot' and that 'Accelerationism' doesn't work. say that Brenton Tarrant/ Brenton was just like you and me/

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do it then

He is based af. Anyone who says otherwise is a schizo.

Satan flag

I disagree with his violence. I disagree with with his communist leanings. I do think he had valid points about demographic replacement.

i support him being raped in prison or cutting himself to death with a Gillette after decades of isolation from humanity. that i do support

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Seems pretty solid, nice, good build. Probably a chill guy who hangs out with some pretty jacked dudes.


Honestly? No I do not advocate for violence. The muslims are not the problem the Jews are the problem. I’m just being an edgelord on the internet.

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His actions and ideology mean nothing to me. I just love watching first-person livestream happenings. Imagine if Pulse nightclub was live-streamed with a GoPro and you could hear the fags screeching while their POZ blood spills everywhere. That would be kino.

jewish poster

I support this guy.
I hate commies, he has some commie leaning opinions. I support Breivik too.
But on his views on how corporations are race traitors, I cant prove him wrong. He is right on everything he wrote.

That's gonna be two categorical Nos from me.

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I'd be with him if he named the jew. He had a fit of rage, and I think it was justified. I just hope one day more people have his balls.

Support him? What am I, a manssiere?

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A wise man once said, an eye for an eye will leave the world blind

He didn't single out any race.

I appreciate him bringing light to the problems I also see in our world today, but I do not agree that ramping up chaos and hatred in order to force a change through violence is needed.


he named them. Like him I dont want to gas them, as long as they dont subvert our people. And we cant blame for being a nationless people, and at the same time, blame them for Israel.
I dont have many friends, and two of them are jews. One polak jew and one north african jew. I dont want to kill them. The first is even more racist than me, the second is a libtard.

He visited Israel, Pakistan and Turkey in the last few years. He was probably Mossad and his mission was to get Christians and Muslims and nationalists and socialists to fight. At the very least he was a try hard but I’m leaning less towards that and more towards a plant

>The invaders must be removed from European soil, regardless from where they came or when they came. Roma, African, Indian, Turkish, Semitic or other. If they are not of our people, but live in our lands, they must be removed.

If you read his manifesto you'd know he attacked Muslim men because they are hated the most and have the highest birthrate.

Honestly? No. I just like racist jokes bc they're funny. I don't actually give a fuck what your colour is. Except maybe the Chinese, but that's because their government is a massive faggot and they don't do jack shit and act like they're entitled to the world.


Why? Because the situation has become the textbook definition of an impasse only correctable by violence. The kikes, leftists, and shitskins have taken away all peaceful avenues for a resolution, so you basically have the option of either waiting to die, or doing something. What do you really think we should do? Just let ourselves be exterminated because fighting back might offend some people, who want us dead anyway?

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No I do not.
I have finally got my shit together after years of being an autistic NEET. I have a pretty good job and a long term gf. I'd hate all that to be ruined by some race war starting by extremists on both sites chimping out. They have nothing to lose. I do.

I support legal democratic resistance to immigration. Voting in anti immigration politicians like Trump.

I would like to keep my friends around tho. :( but yeah in the grand scheme of things, he is right on this.


Yikes, like a neutered dog, totally tamed and rendered harmless by the system

Typical American conspiratorial response. Embarrassing.


Indifferent, m8. The guys just a symptom. He's not the first and won't be the last. It gets serious when they start killing the politicians and media. Ordinary people don't matter, they never have, they are used as an excuse for the media to make money and politicians to grab power.


He also said that Israelis were fucking based! and he at no point mentioned the nation wrecking attitudes and moral insanity they cause through institutions.

The only thing that’s embarrassing is this pathetic intel operation. Your thing is falling apart and no one is going to start shooting a mosque because of you. No one here wants to go in and kill 50 innocent people. Fuck off

also consider

proof the christchurch mosque had many ISIS supporting members and tolerated it.

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What innocence? There was even a kiwi who thanked Tarrant since he lived in the neighborhood with all those muslims and felt unsafe.

He never said Israel was based you lying CIA nigger.

I hate all muslims
less of them = good

>killing those people
He is a hero

I don’t support violence, but it isn’t his fault that it happened.

No we don't support Mossad Assets, (((OP)))

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Yes, Muslims are cancer.
Left to their own ways, they WILL dominate the entire Western World and turn it into an Islamic shithole while subjugating all non-Muslims under their rule.

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literal bait thread from some "journalist"
>everyone answering ITT is a giant faggot

Yes. Unarmed invaders are still Invaders, and are legal combatants if they are part of an organization with the goal of demographic and cultural replacement (islam).

Islamists violated the NAP by immigrating to NZ and breeding out of control. They also violated the NAP by coercing NZ residents into extremists acts (recruiting for terror orgs), and by contributing funding to violent extremists overseas that target europeans.

They made themselves targets. What is more, they know this and talk about it. This is their Jihad. Their struggle. They already know they are at war. It comes as no surprise to any muslim that this happens. Only deluded white sheep who cry bitch tears when the wolves preying on them are killed by a shepard.

I think you'll find that my attitude is shared by the overwhelming majority of normal people out there. People who have kids, jobs, houses, etc are highly unlikely to support radical violent action even if they oppose immigration and Islam. Obviously NEETs on the chans want to see a race war because they have nothing to lose.

Nationalistsm is growing all over the West. USA elected a nationalist president. Immigration is being openly criticised by a lot of commentators in the media. It's only a matter of time before nationalists are leading the west.

KYS, Jew and get OUT

t. Jew

literally who

t. another memeflag Jew

I would never do anything like what he did nor would I advise anyone to. However......It was pretty beautiful seeing those savages finally get a taste of their own medicine. Payback is a bitch. This was a game changer. Now muslims know that if they keep invading where they're not welcome and killing innocent people, someone is gonna be ready to hit them 10× harder. The white man has risen.

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I like the memes, but not the means

This eco-nigger was a fucking retard. He claims to be a fan of Anders Breivik, but ignored some of the most fundamental parts of what Breivik showed us.

1. He attacked the first mosque without setting up a diversion beforehand (as Breivik did with the Oslo bombing of the PM's office in 2011)

2. He went in-and-out of the mosque 3 times in the 6 minutes or so he was there. He would have been far better double checking that all those were dead with a double-tap to the head and then leaving.

3. He retained the same car throughout, he should have had a backup car to switch to with a separate cache of arms and ammunitions on route (since he knew where he was going)

4. When he started running out of clips (green, amber, red marker tags attached to his last three clips) he should have retreated from the scene and gone to somewhere secure to upload the full video of his attack.

5. Then he should have an heroed, because once you can no longer progress your game you should reload and try again.

6. Lets remember that this was totally caused by him being an Incel eco-loon, not because every terrorist attack by Muslims has been paraded as "Islam is a religion of peace" and other lying bullshit.

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How many times do we have to say? YES

>I support legal democratic resistance to immigration.

Enjoy getting wiped out dude. Your replacements are already here...

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Check out this KINO video and tell me. what you think afterwards.

That's not kino. It's kek!

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The fact that he killed unarmed women and children makes me dislike him. But there is next to nil in his manifesto I disagree with

>he was Mossad
Cite your sources kike shill.

I disavow, Aryans are a race of peace. It was oppressive society that done it.


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I don't support ZOG or their golems.

They were the least peaceful people in existence and raped literally everyone from India to Spain and erased every single male lineage in existence except in Scandinavia

...and your point is?

War is not nice, Muslims swarming western nations and deliberately out breeding the native population is a war tactic nothing more. Quite simply some (((elites))) decided to do their little experiment and want to get rid of their competition. In war winning is all that matters and poor widdle muslims are just useful idiots used destabilize the west so it can be plucked for its resources.
When muslims take over a country there is no future because they believe all the matters is what happens in heaven so there will be no more scientific progress, no space exploration, no future all because of nonsense from an old book.

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No, of course not. What he did was appalling. 99.999% of white people will say the same.
Now, ask muslims if the attacks carried out by jihadis against european civillians are justified. It would shock you how many say they are.

I'm just here to shitpost officer

You kill me and my family or I kill you and yours. We have more heart than them but it must be cast aside if we are to avenge girls like Ebba and so forth. Anytime you feel trepidation think of that. Its like a dog that has been mortally wounded and is suffering you dont want to do it but you know it is right. It either that or cuck yourself and lets be done with it. At its core this guy knew its either all in or all out you must realise that. We are at war.

You can't judge the entire the entire race by a few bad apples. The average Aryan is a peaceful and hardworking chap just looking for a better life.

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picture thousand words.

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To those who are interested in the manifesto but are driving or preoccupied with some other faggot shit, Herr Kommandant is narrating it for us.

Based and Crusadepilled

I... support his manifesto. I don't know the man personally but what he wrote made me respect him.

Based and dadpilled.

>Journo looking for muh internet racism
fuck off

1 post by this ID

This is a glownigger. Notice the meta approach of accusing other's of he's himself guilty of.

journa nigger, fuck off

Mossad or not, I don't fucking care.
He poured fuel into the fire and wasted some mudshits.

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Good man, user, good man.

We both support and suppirt him.

no. he did the exact wrong thing. he was an emotional weakling.


No memes or bants? Ok.
I don't think accelerationism is the right way to go. There are still plenty of ways to get this whole thing done without a societal collapse. At least in most white countries. South Africa will be a bloodbath, ofc.
That being said I don't feel sorry for one second for shitskins being slaughtered in white countries. They are invaders and they are our racial/demographic enemies. He laid it out quite clearly why he did, what his expectations are for the future and the political ramificatins of his actions. He wasn't irrational or illogical in his writings if you're familiar with fascist ideology.

>Supporting a Mossad Jew

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Necessary evil.

You ain't wrong