Why don't you fags just join the military?

Why don't you fags just join the military?

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>go fight for zog
Lel, no you dumb faggot.

To die in wars for Jewry?

haven't heard the call yet.
Its pointless to join unless you're called to duty in my opinion.

>why don't you go die for the jews

Nah I'm good.

You're not going to do cool goy shit unless you're in Ranger bat, SF, CAG, or on a SEAL team. Otherwise you're doing road guard, cleaning shit, and dying by surprise.

Even at a moment like that, the manlet refuses to learn

already there homie, its overrated 0 kills so far

Fuck off zogbot

They wouldn't let me because of a minor medical condition, yet I'm a professional athlete. It's cool. Someone needs to be back home fucking all the pussy next time there is a major war.

i heard they use cag now to defend the interracial breeding grounds in new yourk

Yeah, that niggers name is Manbungo


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I did, learned some good skills, got out and took advantage of the free college.

Swept a lot of concrete though

Look at your ID, the first 2 letters in caps is the answer to your stupid question.

Because I'm not a fucking Iraqi like the ones pictured here. You're fucking retarded if you think those are Americans.

Yes destroy Arab communities so they flood the west further

I don't want to kill Muslims in their own countries. That's disgusting and unethical. I only care about Muslims if they come to my country. Nationalism. Cosmopolitan Jews like yourself will never understand.


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Because civy life is too comfy. And Id rather turn the entire United states into a massive military base.

There hasn't been a single American soldier fighting for America since the civil war. I have no respect for the armed forces, nor would I ever join them. If we went to war tomorrow, and I was drafted, I'd sooner shoot myself than participate in mercenary work for internationalist elites.

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maybe. Virginia Boys and...something Orange I can't remember. They're not even under DOD. They do things.

I joined, don't do it, Afghanistan and Africa deployments are not worth it, especially when all we do is suck Israeli dick as a hobby

I was EOD. afghanistan was fun. what did you do in apefrica?

Because I wouldn't want to become government property with barely any rights.

People in the military sign away their constitutional rights and can't do any of the shit that normal people can do.

Did you know when they get drug tested another man stands there and watches them pee into a cup? That's so fucking gay.

Everything about joining the military sounds fucking gay. That's why people only do it out of financial necessity.

Can confirm that deployments blow. Not going to recommend against white patriots enlisting, however. Just don't join the Air Force unless you want everyone else to hold you in contempt.

I don't trust my own government to serve the will of it's people whatsoever. Why the fuck would I fight for them in some proxy war for banking interests and Israeli control of the region

fob security so they rangers didn't have to do stupid shit like that

That sounds awful.

Fuck, how often did american soldiers died?

I don't know if I want my patriot brothers fighting for zog desu, military's not bad, but who are weeven defending anymore? first day I get back from the field, I read about a 10 year old tranny dancing in gay bars for money and if you disagree you're a fucking disgusting white bigot monster. I'm just completely demoralized by society

psychopathic/narcissistic ppl do it for so-called narcissistic supply, there's nothing like killing impoverished brown skin scavengers and masquerading as a war hero.

They don't have KBS in Africa?

I wish I could show you videos of the swarms of fucking flies, cause locals are so retarded they eat all animals that might eat insects

The military is full of shitlords exactly like us and we both know it. I don't want to fight wars for Israel either, but our current President at least made a show of trying to get us out. What else are we going to do, give up on the military? That'd be a mistake.

Well hopefully you don't have some wazoo brain worm, brotherrr. Fucking hate bugs!

>Fuck, how often did american soldiers died?
that was an american contractor, it happened in Fallujah.
Fallujah is a bombed out wasteland now.

I joined cause of trump too, but I realize he's probably not gonna win the next election, and the communists just change the demographic to solidify their domination for the next 100 years, I honestly don't know what to have hope in anymore

I've honestly want to join because of the coming civil war, and want to be prepared by learning good skills for it and be on a side. what's the most redpilled branch? I've been considering Marines or Army scouts/infantry

>sucking the cock of isreal

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>Why don't you fags just join the military?
Because I'm straight

Because Im not a homosexual

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That's what you get for being in a shit unit.Did for a bit, was top bants.

army's honestly a great opportunity, air force is a bit cushier, if you're physically healthy I think everyone should do it
the only problem is Israel, of course

Have hope in yourself and your brothers. I'm not going to let myself and my heirs become second class citizens in our own country. Better to go out fighting. Our enemies will fold when they realize what they're up against, they'll try to cut and run with their riches. Frankly, I'd rather be us than them right now.

are you talking about sniper attacks against your quote unquote political rivals?

user why would you type such things we love our elected leadders and all media outlets and would NEVER question their authority

I'm talking about shitposting, of course. Sniper attacks? I'm just a Russian bot.

I get all my news from comedy central, I'd never challenge the status quot
I also inject onions directly into my veins like my masters at buzzfeed direct

I did and now I have CTE...but at least I got to kill some people and steal some money from country

>only care about Muslims if they come to my country. Nationalism
Well they're already here nigger.

I’ll sign up when it’s time to remove kikes from Israel

male on male sexual assaults are up in the
military, you want dick you join.

>I'm just completely demoralized by society
I keep saying we need a fucking ethnostate.

we do, hopefully one day I can move in with those anons with a homestead in the northwest

Lol. The Kikes in Israel are not the issue.
The Kikes who run your companies and your coverment are.

>looks good on your resume

Smoked weed. They won't let me be an intel officer.
Also this.

>wanting to go help destabilize more third-world shitholes and further flood the west with more inbred refugees
Nah, I'm good.

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Yes put on your dog tags goyim.
the more disposable servants eager to fight the better.
You shall follow my orders obediently.

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>dying by surprise
Kek when you’re right you are right
Spot on assessment