Why is everyone these days obsessed with gender?

Why is everyone these days obsessed with gender?

>Larping as the other gender
>openly discussing how you envy the other gender
>non binary, agender, other.

All I ever hear is them being insecure. I can have a normal conversation with a girl but she will often find a way to turn the conversation into "God, gender needs to die, man i envied this guy at work today because he had a muscular body but I'm stuck with a female body that's squishy" even though she's not trans, in her own words. Is there anything I can do to quickly change topics to avoid hearing about their long rants about how much they envy the opposite gender/hate gender? These topics have gotten annoying/boring to me.

To add, these types will get furious at me whenever I mention I'm a tomboy or boyish in hobbies. I don't get it.

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People like orgasms.

That explains the porn, the furries, the LARPgenders, the people with smartcrud governing their every decision like brainslugs, the Pygmalion complex, and whatever other 'nowadays' stuff I'm not quite able to understand due to my age.

Marriage is broken and the average nobody isn't able to fix it. Thus, people do all that other crazy crap instead.

>Stop doing that!
Have fun shouting at clouds.

>this thread again
Because it gets them attention
It's why tripfags trip. It's why people show up on Jerry Springer and Dr Phil. It's why people make YouTube channels about themselves. People are self-obsessed by nature.

>another blogposting faggot who doesn’t want advice but wants to bitch about political shit

That's all of Jow Forums
That, >tfw no gf, and bait

I’ll take >tfw no gf threads over these “let me tell you my opinion on X” threads any day. At least most of the incels want to be helped.

And that's exactly what moot made this board for.

He made Jow Forums hoping for /b/ without copypasta, then when it turned out to be sheep following trolls he made Jow Forums hoping to give the sexual outcasts their own quarantine zone. This board has never once been better than this and it was never meant to be.

Nope, you're deadass right, we're a containment board. I got nothing on that.
>Incels want to be helped
No, they want magical solutions to all their problems like most people who come to Jow Forums, because the solution to 99% of threads boils down to one of two answers, "communicate more clearly with them" or "you need to find the willpower/drive to self-motivate because it is a crucial life skill."
And if you tell them that they get mad because it's not easy enough for them.

Frankly I don't care about the flavour of thread, I just think this board needs to A) ID OP and B) be forced anonymous (no trips, like /b/).
But nobody wants to mod this shit board because as the other poster said it's a shit board by purpose. At least if they troll and shitpost here they aren't shitting up more valuable boards.

Eight-chan has both but there's only a handful of people on that site and they're all autistic goofballs.

>right wing!
It also has /leftypol/ but the above still applies.

You’re right, I shouldn’t expect a containment board to be anything less than shit, but I mean for all the stupid bullshit the incels on here spew, they’re at least using the board for its nominal purpose: advice.
They really should make ids mandatory here though, especially when the very nature of this place means interacting with the OP for the whole thread.

The last time I went to another chan was because of a flat Earther who showed me to his thread which was just more 240p photos that totally debunk the globe model.
I also don't do online politics, I usually find people discuss politics online because they're not smart enough to do it in person without Google there to help them escape arguments and the time to edit and proofread their shit. Infinite monkeys, infinite typewriters and all that

IDs should at least drop on OPs and we should all be forced to anonymous for the rest of us. The irony is nobody with a trip or a name gives good or unique advice. They're pretty much all just argumentative failed trolls who have attention complexes.
The problem though is that Jow Forums is never going to escape the root of 'OP is genuinely uninterested in putting in hard work,' so even without tripfags the board would just be a bit more tolerable.

>flat earth

2D images of circular-looking Earth still prove Earth is a sphere thanks to linear perspective and fresnel. Linear perspective makes further objects appear smaller and fresnel makes some parts of a sphere (or any other 3D geometry) look more reflective and less transparent than others. Flat earth is just a meme and memes are all some people care about.

Yes, that's always been my stance. Flat-Earthers are just desperate for company that doesn't rightfully think of them as idiots. I'd be shocked if any of them genuinely thought the Earth was a plate.

>Why is everyone these days obsessed with gender?
Not everyone. Left is obsessed with it, because that's what the pile of shit called identity policy revolves around - the identity, the labels you can set up and artificial boundaries in which you can utilize them. They push that crap on others, which makes the right understandably retaliate, and even more buzz is created.
Thankfully not everywhere it is like that. At least I am not bothered by such discussions much in my country.

>To add, these types will get furious at me whenever I mention I'm a tomboy or boyish in hobbies. I don't get it.
I'd suspect some crap like the fact you use traditional terms for certain attitude and obviously those are "the tool of patriarchy" rather than sanitized terms of progressives for various genders. You don't identify yourself as some weird SJW shit, merely a girl with certain attitude and interests and in their "inclusive" ideology, such kind of approach that doesn't subject to their whole philosophy of what gender is has to be excluded.

You need to hang out with SJWs less.

>society forces you to be something you dont want to be
>you realize life is too short
>start questioning why you should choose to follow the rules instead of choosing what makes you happy
That, basically. Why should I be forced to act like a dude if I have no interest in anything men do stereotypically? Society wants stereotypes and most people obviously follow the stereotype. But if I don't want to, why should I?

Many of them genuinely believe the earth is a plate though. They’re just gullible people who want to believe they’re the special ones who know The Truth about the world

>IDs should at least drop on OPs and we should all be forced to anonymous for the rest of us.
The tricky word here is "should." Nobody actually cares about this site.

>The irony is nobody with a trip or a name gives good or unique advice.
This is ancient imageboard wisdom. People who trip do so for attention, and the fact it's mostly negative attention is no problem for them. People with no skills stir up negativity because getting a reaction is their greatest accomplishment.

> 'OP is genuinely uninterested in putting in hard work,'
People have what they have and 99% of responders expect them to have something completely different, which is their idea of a solution. OPs aren't the only ones guilty here - most people pretending to give ADVICE are really just giving opinions and fantasies, then patting themselves on the back for doing so.

>so even without tripfags the board would just be a bit more tolerable.
There are browser extensions to make specific trips disappear from your screen permanently, but I don't look into that because long years of imageboard reading have trained me to tune them out on my own.

nobody was talking about the left or sjws until now, Jow Forumstard

I wonder about that, if you removed all the group dynamic and backpatting they do, what changes?
You're not wrong about any of this but none of it really changes my statements. Exclusive ID on OP would be a boon, tripfags have eternally been shit and shit up any board they're on, OPs are still apparently uninterested in self-driven works and making the board just a bit more tolerable won't make it any more or less than it still is: the sadboi containment board.

And that's what Jow Forums is, just a shit containment board. I just wish it had a hair's worth of extra QC.

They didn't have to be mentioned to be relevant. The discussion is about gender, user asks why it became such a big deal - and I answer that gender never was a big issue till western political climate and progressive movements started making it all about gender.
Try to keep up.

No, I just want advice on how to avoid such topics. But also, what insight others have on this. I hate politics. I don't belong to any political group.

>Not everyone. Left is obsessed with it
I'm not very political, not anymore at least. So I didn't consider what political side the people I've interacted with had.

>You need to hang out with SJWs less
Your post makes me feel like every living female is now an "sjw" except me and one other female friend. Most female friends of mine are what you described as an "sjw". Where do I find.... Less weird females?

I feel like it's natural for women to have a short phase of envying men for some various reasons. I had that phase as a 15 yr old. But grew out of it, clearly. And if what you're saying is true, I suppose western politics perfectly plays with that natural phase every female goes through, and makes them even more insecure and probably why they stick to gender so much.

But I still don't understand it. How can you seemingly devote half of your life to nothing but obsessive about genders, gender theory, gender roles, gendered speech, everything. Do people not have hobbies anymore?

>99% of Jow Forums threads have these solutions:
>communicate more clearly with yourself
>you need to find the willpower/drive to self-motivate because it is a crucial life skill

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