Well Jow Forums?

Well Jow Forums?

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If nobody else wants them why would I?

>hurr dur we care about kids even though we kill millions of unborn children a year

Republicans should care about the unwanted children before demanding we bring more unwanted children into this world

>Leftists turned foster care into a labrinth of bureaucracies to protect the adoption industry and supply so hey can continue massive handout programs without running out of kids
>"Why are there so many foster kids alive if you're mad that we murder babies?"

95% of foster homes are mills suckling at government gibs, and they'll fight to the death to keep others out of their racket in constant need. The for-profit prison system is just an extension of the for-profit foster system


So if a child gets orphaned we should murder it?
>1 post by this ID
Get laid you incel

All of these problems can be solved if women kept their legs shut.

How many of those are niggers?

No we need to take care of the kids already borned into the world before making new babies


my best friends family for some reason decided to adopt a kid from Honduras and it was total chaos. totally wrecked the family

for more on the link between abortion and crime, see Freakanomics

>take care of the children we have before telling me I cant kill the ones in the womb

they get fed and clothed and grow into adults, what fucking more do you want faggot

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who do you think does more work for them religious or the demonic baby killers?

What is this about

Which foster homes already do, if you're complaining about how inefficient it is then your thread is misleading, or are you suggesting that we should support abortion because orphans exist?

basically a round about way to say if you kill niggers crime will go down.

Make sure you are ready to go

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so give those little fuckers a home
duh, problem solved

there are waiting lists for white children. no one wants brown savages

Perfect farming method for human experiments, organ farming, and sex magic ritual sacrifices.

We need to kill babies til we can send orphans to college for free at least

Jews ruined foster care, what's your point?

Foster care being broken doesn't make it remotely moral to murder babies.

Democrats should care about the unwanted children before demanding we bring more unwanted adults into this country

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yep if you are against baby murder you must hate foster kids

>Children are unwanted.
>Let's just kill 'em.

Children in foster care were never unwanted fetuses.

Getting a baby adopted at birth is really easy, its only hard to convince people to adopt children who are older than newborns.

As a result the unwanted children are people who were taken away from their parents or whose parents changed their mind some time after they were born.

Unironically yes.

There is 'we'. People get knocked up and then decide to murder their children out of satanic convenience.

Do you even listen to yourself?

It's not satanic it's the right thing to do because the kid will have a terrible life in foster care which is inherently a satanic organization

Do you give charity to niggers in africa?
Okay so do you think its okay for me to go to africa and just slaughter people?

after all they're just poor unwanted people who you dont want to help

What race are they?

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Sink or swim or be murdered.

You do know that the majority of foster kids are not adoption-eligible, right?

Liberals act like people get abortions so they can go adopt a child. What a shit argument. I saw this all over kikebook today.

pro lifers adopt a bunch more too. Pro-abortion people's solution is just to throw other people's money at the kids.

Why is someone else's offspring more important than mine?