Y persians so creepy

> be me
> student nurse (am girl)
> have to work in surgery theatre
> creepy Murican-Persian surgeon flirts with me
> creepy guy touches me at every opportunity
> cant move cos doing nurse shit
> tell him to stop
> mfw he tells me nurse career gonna end

Thank u NHS

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its not your fault, report him to HR. or have some one report it for you.

Wire yourself and record him. Gg

I am noy persian, will you date me?

You still creepy tho.

Record him seriously...

where do you work? Iran? USA?

Really? That's too bad. I avoided doing things like faking a hobby or interest just to find women specifically because it is creepy, I figured that asking out women directly would be better and less creepy.

I agree OP, persians are creepy

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Responding to someone who's feeling like shit for being creeped on by asking them to date you is creepy.

Expecting someone to date you based only on nothing else but that you're not persian is creepy.

Well I would show more about myself if I got any sort of positive reaction. I got a response this time, so I guess it is better than most attempts?

No you fucking idiot, read the room. Shes clearly not in the mood and came for advice.
I'm not even a white knight but come on, learn how to fucking read the room before going "please fuck?"

You miss every shot you dom't take, etc.
NOT asking out a girl NEVER helps.

NHS sounds like National Health Service - which is UK

I'm not saying don't try, i'm saying theres suitable times to ask someone out and then theres autisically forcing it into an unrelated convo.
Like a rando Jow Forums girl would have said yes, think next time

As for OP you should report and avoid until situation is dealt

It helps the girls.

Am OP.
In Glasgow, Scotlandia

[OP] I really feel I'll get fucked over if I report desu. There's no evidence and everyone likes him (ultimate nice guy). I feel stuck and will probably ask for a transfer.
Thank you for the advice, anons

I'm looking to get a girlfriend.

you gotta talk to HR..but FIRST record it any way possible they need proof other wise it may go south for you ....HR is not there to protect you its there to protect the company

Have you ever had success with this method?

Getting rejected is the correct path, right?

Do you have a racism loicense?

Tell him you'll help him get another circumcision for his purple penis if he doesn't stop.

It has NOTHING to do with his ethnicity. Some guys are just creeps.

Keep a record of everything he does, particularly the threats, and report him