Oh shit she’s gonna get Omar treatment!

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Other urls found in this thread:


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We wuz Palestines

She’s based


Mommy >>>>>>>>>>>> Trumpstein

Loving it.

Gotta call noice when noice is due.

I mean she's right.

Even if you have no problems with Jews, it's fucking retarded. Imagine if Trump suddenly said South Korea belongs to China who is the rightful owner.

Trump will be furious, expect segments from Hannity and co denouncing the bigoted Democrat radical Tulsi!


Bullshit, we're not voting for yang or Tulsi, we have to push back against corporate power and the only candidate with the track record required is Bernie.

The insane defense budget and corporations are our only concern. They're going to destroy the country and I guarantee that bitch will keep the military funded.

In case you guys haven't noticed our "defense" budget is actually the Global Jewish hegemony fund. The media will call her an antisemite and she'll cave, Bernie's immune from that.

We have to stop the slide towards a global sweatshop, Bernie's the only one with a track record of action, all these other candidates are fucking lying corporate whores.

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I hate these fucks so much.

God bless Israel.

So that's why we have the other thread attacking her outta nowhere.. you jews are crafty little devils.


No, no, no (((Jew PR))) told me it's the Russian troll farms that always play up both sides at once. Oy vey!

Evangelicals should unironically be gassed.

If the Christian God existed he would hate Jews. I don't know how you can possibly think Jews who killed Christ and refuse to accept him as their messiah don't go to hell.

Bernie+Tulsi as independents.

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Will Tulsi or Yang call out the banks? Oh fuck no, besides Bernie not one candidate has the integrity and experience to take on the corporate machine.

Register as a dem and vote for Bernie. If we get one more corporate whore in the white house this country is toast. We can't trust anything our candidates tell us, we have to look at their past actions only.

Bernie was doing this shit before it was cool and without fanfare.

She's already getting the Ron Paul treatment by her own party for being anti war. I don't think polls even list her anymore

Who thought that women are going to uncucking the usa

There is evidence now that the foreign state that sabotaged the Clinton campaign in 2016 was Israel. >Perhaps some Democrats are beginning to coalesce around the Israelgate issue?

Well yeah that is the new testament. Its god telling the jews that they fucked up so he's giving salvation to the gentiles now.

The shit he says is so fucking retarded that it *almost* justified the coup attempt and the deepstate fuckery they've gotten away with.

I voted for trump in 2016, and I unironically support his impeachment, and anything else that hurts his 2020 chances. I'm just fucking sick of his shit

She shows her true cunt colors

Blame “““Christian””” Zionism.

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Read Romans 11, reprobate


>i voted for trump in 2016
No you fucking didn't

I didn't claim that he abandoned them but Jesus and the salvation of gentiles made it clear that god was pissed at the jews

she's right you know

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Tulsi's based as always, but everyone here in this thread is missing what all this REALLY signifies:

Namely that the Christchurch event was just a planned distraction from this move that the US was about to make.

pic related

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>Genie Energy

i did, and i wouldn't care at all if they took him out. but they never will, no friend of israel ever loses power.

>i did
You didn't

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