Welcome to Caliphate of New Zaylanda

Welcome to Caliphate of New Zaylanda

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na bro. something happens here and it's the biggest thing in the history of the world ever for a week and then it just goes away. no one will give a shit in a mouth.

They'd wear a full burka if they actually meant to show respect

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Not if you figure out you are someone and can do something

lawl just as planned

>no one will give a shit in a mouth.

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wtf that's so gay lmfao

Do you think they would dress up as nuns if a church was attacked? No, because they hate God.

tfw even literal Muslim countries are less Islamic than New Zealandstan

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Women were a mistake. #MWRB #Make women ribs again

>implying this is a bad thing
all women should cover their hair

Kill it with fire before it lays eggs!!!!!!

Sauce on the monk faggot

This is more than a little creepy, NPC's are getting weird.

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women are always the first betrayers of their society.

remember, on the day of the rope, kill are traitors.

Brent should've shot up the local neo-nazi meeting place. They would've looked better.


NZ is no longer a western country

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Women look better with a headscarf that still shows some hair

Media figures and politicians first

All according to plan.

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>Wear hijab
>Still show hair
Way to piss off all sides but other dumb kiwis. Why are leftists so ignorant to other cultures while a white nationalist such as myself is far more knowledgeable?

There must be some brave and independent Kiwi woman who just rolled her eyes at it. Right? Right?

Ashin Wirathu

This is how we beat the Jews.

Oh yeah. There’s tons who won’t. Jehovah’s Witnesses women won’t.

Wellington - In Progress

Wishlist -



Nation destroyed in a single week.

why are they all wearing towels over their heads?

Pls buy this bitch a ticket to Saudi Arabia ,Somalia or some other mudslkme shithole, so she can be culturally enriched.

I'm 99% sure this was a mossad operation now. This is exactly what (((they))) wanted

AHAHAHA Fucking hell i am going to have so much with these stupid women, every time they complain i will tell them to go put on Burqa. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I'd add Frankfurt, Berlin, and Malmo to your list of fallen western cities

Women are inferior to men
They're weak and submit to invaders

>user that's racist
Shouldn't you be wearing a Burqa?

Why are all Anglo countries cucked as fuck?

Holy shit, this monk is fucking right.

Jordan Peterson's book got banned in NZ/Aus too this week. Gun grabbing, book burning, assimilating to an extreme minority. What a country.

Yeah to an odd degree. I mean they're going above and beyond what the guy wanted them to do.

>Nation destroyed in a single week.
yup. I can't believe this was a lone wolf. It seems that the whole thing was coordinated with police, media, and gov leaders -- all have reacted in a way for it to have maximum impact on NZ and the world.

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And I thought WE were the prime example of a cucked nation.

Thanks, New Zeaghanistan.

I feel better now.

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This astounds me..
I haven't seen a single one of them wear their hijab correctly.
I can't stand Islam and I'm not a women but even I know that.
on top of that one minute she's wearing it in public next minute she's not.
It's not a fucking fashion statement.
They're basically asking to get stoned.

>denial acoustic version plays softly in the background



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>lol Christians? I've got nothing but contempt for those backwater hicks
>Jesus Christ please don't bomb us

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Yeah you guys are like hardliners compared to these faggots

I could have sworn I was on Jow Forums kek

Isn't this cultural appropriation?

political correctness fueled by feminsm won where so many other ideologies failed.

Funny how liberals whine all the time about "appropriating culture" and then do weird virtue signal shit like this.

They should cover up the entire length of their hair and bodies if they want to do it properly. As Allah (swt) commanded.


Have you bought your quran yet?

God I hope some woman from out of Iran or Saudi Arabia rips these virtue signalling cunts a new asshole.

Never ever ever vote a female into power boys this is our punishment and we need to wear it.
Everyone today going insane over an islamic paryer being held you want to see the uproar and now these stupid thots want to wear buqas on TV i am dying from laughter looking at the absolute shitshow. If this government doesn't get voted out then we will get what we deserve

the head thing is weird. Its a religious garment, but in the west its fetishized as nothing more, but a fashion statement. About as significant as what color shirt you will wear, but that its for shitskins and thus racist to be against it. At best its basic bitch woke-ism that can go into the "disregard opinions" bin. At worst, its advancing the cause of Islamism, as was seen in the Middle East especially in the 20th century, and on-going in the west since the 21st century. Also considering that atheism as a peak of the global population peaked in 1970s, and the religiosity by per capita is increasing, almost exclusively with Muslims, it adds to the dilemma.

I look forward to the day where numerous poos are killed and they'll all start shitting in the street, in sign of respect

christians did it way before muslims even existed so no

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Try getting your 1A or 2A back in a month.

You just got told to shut the fuck up and get on your knees...and you complied without even an angry murmur.

I want to fly to NZ right now; I could probably forcefully start a feudal monarchy with all you good little serfbois.

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They want to virtue signal, do you think these Harridans know a single thing about Islam? It is a bloody joke.

Wow, one man did this. White people will not be denied.

Ugh, I would shitpost so much if I had your flag. :(

Homonationalism future ftw.

Is this why Aussies hate kiwis?

>Thinks voting will change the behavior of virtue signalling women
Get your Quran

Atleast I can still roll 31337.

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Anyone from NZ - what are the females like there? Are they really Sweden tier or is this just the few vocal ones?

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Does anyone else have like nonstop mass murder fantasies? Ive been thinking about mass murder for like a decade now. It drove me insane and made me try to kill myself. And when i survived suicide it made me want to massacre people even more. You tried to murder me. But your mistake was your cowardice. Now im gonna kill you.

You think i give a shit if based boomer gets back in and floods the country with Chinese after this? I don't give a fuck anymore.

>total annual tourism expenditure is $39.1 billion - $107 million per day.
Tourism is a big part of the NZ economy. Protest by refusing to go there on vacation.

Aussies are even worse.

>wears hijab like grandma wears her headscarf

The irony is that all this will do is piss off the white people even more.

>voting in a literal DJ into power
You pakeha cucks deserve this, every bit.


You better believe I'll be posting all these hijab pics your leadership has been posing for.

Arrogant and opinionated

I voted for the Hori what a bloody mistake that was, his party is destroyed after this shit show.

Sweden will do something out of nowhere, they can't stand having there throne taken away

It's exactly what the shooter wanted.

>couldn't kill one person
>thinks about mass killing

I have never had a positive experience with someone from your country and I know of no redeeming values of your country either other than natural scenery. Enjoy the slide into cuckery.

Their* ffs

well, last time around you got a government where the main party lost by 7% and seized power anyways

it wouldn't surprise me if Jacinda just refuses to hold a new election and rules by decree instead of risking losing

This shit is hilarious. The kikes really just use their media apparatus in as punitive and severe a manner as they can. So impotent and cornball. You're witnessing Jew outrage and it is hilarious. Keep on going! Go all the way, Shlomo.

Fuck me are New Zealanders pathetic or what.

They've pretty much given up *all* shit-talking rights at this point. You guys suck, your accent is godawful and it says a whole lot that you're always happy to be confused for Australians when you're traveling and yet we hate being confused for you.

Cringe and bluepilled to the max.
I'm glad their government wants to completely ban them from the website and hopefully Sweden and Canada follow.

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Your image conveys why Jow Forums should actually side with the Muslims, not against them. Don't you realize Jow Forums and Muslims claim to have almost all the same values?

They know of the might of the ummah and wish to appease some of the more naive among us with such silly acts.

Yeah. My neighbor in Dearborn was an Arab. He told his wife to either wear it all the time or not at all. It's not a fashion statement. It's to make it so men are not turned on sexually by hair. A woman belongs to her husband and marital infidelity is very much frowned upon. So they stop the marital cheating even bedfore it starts by keeping their women locked up in the house, and staying covered. You can't get sexually aroused by a walking set of draperies, can you?

Jewish women do the same thing, though in a different way. They shave off all their hair and wear a wig. What is it about those Middle Easterners?

so just like American women. That sucks.

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unfortunately i can be locked up for saying i would buy a U-haul truck if that happened. Not all of us are cucks but the great majority are.

While I'm here, at this point I'm a mosque in my city away from converting to Islam. The Chad of religions has emerged in these past centuries - hopefully someday they'll have as high a jew kill count as christians.

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Just don't forget the FB live

Haha. Funny. I dream of murdering people. Thanks.

eh, maybe. Haven't had any reports of mass ficki-ficki over here yet though unlike you and the bongs


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>schools want to donate to local mosque (Dunedin, NZ)
>every student expected to pay $1/$2
>principle wore hijab, BUT SHOWED HAIR, literally disrespecting muslim culture

didn't that mosque post things on facebook about replacing white people? I feel uncomfortable donating but w/e :/

imagine if all women were from california and new york and you pretty much have australia and nz