ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to give honest answers, don't answer questions.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

>Why is there no new thread?
Create one yourself. You can use these macros:

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Girls, what are you honest feelings about niggers? You're anonymous remember.

>work during the day
At night, I only want to watch YouTube and play video games. So, when do I message girls?
I don't want to be interrupted. ;_;

Guys, do you shave your genitals? Girls, what do you prefer, shaven or not?
Why/Why not?

So I wanna ask this guy out when I see him in the morning.
And I don't really think I'll be able to say anything so should I just kiss him? Honestly I think it would be easier for me to do.
What would he think? I'm pretty sure the feeling is mutual. Ballsy or??

If a girl described herself as being 'highly empathic but amoral', would you consider it to be a red flag.

Don't do that unless you're very close friends and are alone somewhere.
As a woman who has asked out five men, strangers at that, just fucking ask him to coffee or lunch later. If/when he says yes you can just prepare yourself for the conversation and go in for a kiss at the end of the date if you feel it went well.
If you don't get along and he isn't interested on the date, then don't go in for a kiss.

If a woman confronted you about behavior in the past that she viewed as sexual assault/rape, but you hadn't, how would you respond?

If you were in an LTR and your partner told you they wanted to fulfill a sexual fantasy involving other people, how would you respond?

how do i approach guys for a cnc gang bang? i'm in college if that helps

>girl I've been talking to says it's uncomfortable and regretful that I know quite a few things about her personal life/past and she barely knows anything about mine even though she rambles on about "private" stuff when we talk
What does it mean?

I got some black friends but I am not sexually attracted to them at all. I rejected every black guy (and black girl once...) because of this. Other than that, I know some good, decent black people, met some assholes.. like every race I suppose

Isn't that boring? I want it to be memorable.

You can get away with a surprise hug but a surprise kiss might be too much even if the guy's really into you.

From just that I'd say she wants to know about you and your past.

I mean, I can't stop you. But if it embarrasses him and he tells you to fuck off or is otherwise turned off I warned you.
Wish you the best anyway.

I took a girl out for lunch 1.5 weeks ago. We had fun, but I wasn't even sure if it was a date. Couldn't even kiss/hug her. She texted me out of the blue today. Is she interested?

>Friend wants to talk about something important
>Turns out their bf raped them
>She's sort of bouncing between ok and depressed
>She's floated the idea of being roommates in the near future

I feel like this has a lot of potential to blow up horribly

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I trim my pubes because otherwise they sorta wind up my dick like a maypole upside down. That's about it.

Depends on the context, but listen to her probably. I know one dip that didn't think his action counted as rape because she wasnt actively fighting back, despite saying no.

Anything including amoral is a red flag if not deal breaker.

Is a practice girlfriend a good idea?

What do girls think of the idea of a guy having a practice gf? (Obviously I wouldn't tell the girl she was practice gf)

My boyfriend complains that we have no sex life and then proceeds to just masturbate into the toilet anyway even when I say we can have sex.

What the fuck does this mean?

Do you guys think exclusivity should be an outspoken conversation, or do you think it's something that happens organically?

I've never been in a long-term relationship, but I've been dating someone for a while now and and unsure if I need to make it official? I just don't want to scare them off.

Only if she's a casual dating sort of woman just looking for fun.
If she's the dedicated looking to marry type you're just lying to her and messing with her. That's pretty shitty.

Personally wouldn't date a man who has had a "practice gf" or dated casually at all. It's weird and emotionally distant.

How do you keep sex interesting with your partner? After how long does sex become a little more boring for you?

I'm seeing someone for 5 months now, and I always thought the sex was great, but not it's starting to be a little routine. We make out, he fingers me/eats me out, we have sex, and I ride him or give him a blow job to finish him off. Now don't get me wrong, I still think it's a lot of fun, but it's so predictable. Is that necessarily a bad thing? I just don't know if perhaps he is feeling like it's starting to get boring. I mean he always cums and keeps it up so I know he still likes it, but I guess I'm paranoid because I've never slept with anyone consistently so I'm not sure what's normal/abnormal.

>Personally wouldn't date a man who has had a "practice gf" or dated casually at all

So how else am i supposed to get experience necessary as an adult? I didnt do casual dating as a kid/teen unfortunately, even though I wanted to no girls liked me. So now I'm 23 and what choice do I have? I need to get experience somehow

Deez digits.

For me it always came up organically, during your conversations, it should be obvious where you two stand without any declarations.

Could be. It'd be reasonable that she might've waited a week to give you a chance to contact her.

He's a jerk-slut.
More seriously, maybe he wants you to take more initiative in sex. Sounds like he could be kind of subby. Do you catch him jerking off?

Date people you actually like.

>Guys, do you shave your genitals?
No, no one ever told me that's something guys even do.

Like just date someone you like and figure it out together.
If you date someone and she has different relationship expectations than what your "practice gf" wanted in a relationship then you're back at square one anyway. Same with sex.
I have no dating experience either but a practice bf wouldn't help since men want different things in relationships. Women are similar, unless you have a specific type or dynamic you're into. But in that case...why not just date your practice gf if she fits it?


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these are what i ask any potential gf
>do you want to get married?
>do you want kids?
>do you drink?
>do you smoke?
>do you do drugs?
>are you close with your family?
>do you have a career?
>are you healthy?
>are you willing to take it slow?

am i an asshole for doing this?

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>are you healthy?
You should word that more specifically. Ask about medications, STDs, etc

How's the relationship itself? If you're not laughing or giddy while taking your clothes off, I'd say something is wrong on a more base level.

Some women would run, just like most men would.
I feel similar to you in that questions like this should be asked right away on the first date but people are dumb and complicated.
Try to phrase them less bluntly and space them over time is my advice. Mentioning marriage right away is seen as "crazy" but what the fuck else are you dating for?

Pathetic cuck

It's fine, and yes we are pretty lighthearted about it still and coy. When it starts we still make out pretty intensely and seem to not be able to keep our hands off of each other.

So like, even though it's good- it's the SAME, you know? And while for me I know it's fine, I'm just wondering if maybe he thinks its same old, same old? Granted like I said, never been in a sustained relationship so maybe I'm freaking out over nothing.

>are you willing to take it slow?
Lol. Yeah sure, why ask that. Nobody even knows what that means because "slow" is subjective. Asking that question is a bad idea because it just puts an idea that the relationship needs to go slow to have anything meaningful. So both people are just going to hold back until one person shows slightly more interest, then more holding back.

More idiotic than assholish. Any self-respecting person would bail the fuck out after a questionary like that. These are all things you can get from a normal conversation.

Women always say they aren't that different from men but is that really true

How normal is it to have your mom looking at your bulge/tent? It’s bothering me, it makes me want to stay away from her.

Isn't casual dating the step before serious dating? Seems odd to just fall straight in love with someone you don't really know

>keep sex interesting
Try new things.
>After how long
It's not a time thing, it's how intimate the experience is. If it's plain and without any heart then it can be boring the first time. If it's exciting in some way or another then it's not boring.

I'm not trying to say that you always have to push the envelope and constantly innovate. Just keep it fresh. Don't make it into a ritual or habit.

I'd suggest something like Fetlife. You'd have to be very lucky to already have the right people in your life and picking randos is a really big risk of turning CNC into just NC. Stick with people who respect these sorts of things and be careful.

idc, so long as it's not expected for head with long ass pubes.
Eh, it's possible to be an empath and an anarchist though. I'd ask for clarification.
I'd want to talk about it, obviously.
It means you are exceedingly underestimating his desires.
You need to talk about boundaries in any relationship.
I have several persuable fetishes to keep stuff interesting. I don't really get bored, I try lots of positions out too.
Sounds normal
Just maybe flesh out the details of each individual question.

Sympathetically, because I'm not a douchebag. But I'd probably then try to put distance between us because her judgment might not be that sound.

I'd decline unless the sexual fantasy was cuckqueaning.

Reposting because last thread died and I got no response.

>girl sits next to me in lecture hall all term
>we make small talk and crack jokes
>ask her out last week at the end of class
>she says she can have lunch with me on wednesdays on-campus
>no good, I have a twelve-hour shift at work on wednesdays, ask if she can do another time
>she says she doesn't have a car and has to go get a ride from her brother
>says goodbye and speed-walks away
>next class she comes in and pointedly sits a seat away from me
>doesn't talk the entire class, breaks eye contact quickly
Am I right to assume this means she wants nothing to do with me now?

>I don't really get bored, I try lots of positions out too
You don't get bored because you have many partners.

Girls, can you be interested in a guy who's much less attractive than you ? There's this 9/10 girl who was in my class this semester and she kept staring at me all the time. She'd also come to talk to me out of nowhere despite the fact that I never talked to her before. I'd understand if it was a really social girl who just talked to everyone but she's kinda shy and only does this with me. Also on the last class of the semester I stayed a little after the end to talk with the teacher and she stayed too with her friend, and they walked slowly in front of me like 3 times. I think she wanted me to approach her or something, since it was our last class together. So, do you guys think she's interested or is this something girls do when they want to make friends ? I've been told I'm a 7/10 so idk what she sees in me

Do exclusively submissive men exist? How common are you? And where to cop one? What traits and hobbies to you tend toward? And what kind of social circles do you run in?

The problem is that submissiveness is one of the worst traits in men (while it's more of a positive thing in women), so the submissive men are usually those disgusting D&D nerds and such losers. Male social status is largely based on how assertive you are, so the ones who aren't are low status

I bet you pass a dozen a day but don't know because they are all quiet and shy.

What's the appeal? You willing to make the first move?

>Do exclusively submissive men exist?
>How common are you?
About as common as dominate women
>Where to cop one?
Vague question, could you tell me where to find a femdom gf?
>What traits and hobbies to you tend toward?
Traits and hobbies is kind of a different thing for every person. I guess I don't work out at the gym, instead I do cardio. I also do some sewing sometimes.
>And what kind of social circles do you run in?
My friends all play magic:tg/D&D and meet up at comic book stores. Also I have the same questions as

>Do exclusively submissive men exist?
>How common are you?
How am I supposed to know that? Most guys aren't outspoken about being sexually submissive because they'll get laughed at by their friends and it's a deal breaker for most girls.
>And where to cop one?
Same places you cop any guy, I guess. We don't exactly meet up with eachother. You could seek them out online, guys are open about it there, but good luck finding any near you. I will say a lot of them hang out in a particular thread on /trash/, other than that I haven't met other guys like this. If you asked your question there maybe you'd get a wider variety of answers.
>What traits and hobbies to you tend toward?
Trait wise I suppose I'm an introvert. I prefer doing solo hobbies like reading, vidya, masturbating, etc.
>And what kind of social circles do you run in?
I have a few good friends I hang out with regularly. Other than that I have work and college acquaintances.

A big disclaimer, not all guys are like me, I don't know the personal lives of other guys like this.

Whenever I show interest in girls, I come off as getting too serious too fast and I drive them off.
Whenever I hide my interest in girls, I come off as cold and aloof and I drive them off.
Can I just have an aneurysm in my sleep already

do you really want a submissive man ?

Most women don't. What they actually want is a man willing and into pleasing them, but having to deal with an actually sensitive insecure submissive male is the biggest pussy drying thing ever.

yeah seriously , thats what i thought, but i thought the user that i responded too was implying she wanted a submissive man. I honestly find it repulsive, and i'm a man who likes ddlg etc

Does it bother men if their girlfriend likes rough sex? It seems to make many men uncomfortable.

>>Do girls/guys like ?
>>What do girls/guys think about
>There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.
Wrong. Ask any women why they like their bf and they will list physical attributes, always

all the girlfriends i have ever had wanted and loved rough sex. I have come to absolutely love it , well i just love seeing a girl sexually satisfied from what im doing. haha

Define your version of rough sex ? i'll tell you if id love it or not haha

Depending on what you mean by "rough sex", yes, I would feel rather bothered. Things like choking, slapping, beating, and hair pulling are all kind of sex-killerss for me. That's not the way I want to treat the person I'm in a loving relationship with.

I shave them so it doesn't sweat as much.
I think that's coming on a little strong especially if you don't know him well.
That does sound pretty weird to me. Not sure exactly what you mean by that though so I don't know if it would definitively be a dealbreaker.
This Hard no.
Try something new, maybe something kinky. Sounds like he's bored. Still I think he should probably talk to you about it instead of dodging it.
Checked. I'd go with it should be an outspoken conversation, if you're serious about it, that way you definitively know what each other's boundaries are.
I'm very submissive sexually, if that's what you mean. I'm not a submissive person in general though. Less common than average men I guess, wouldn't really know where to find one. It's not really something men talk about to each other. Online maybe? I can't speak for all of us, but my main hobbies are TV and anime, video games, and baseball. I actually run in a pretty normalfag social circle, nothing related to sexual submission.
Not unless you count BDSM as rough sex. If you mean "normal" sex with dirty talk and hair pulling, etc, not my thing. I'd be willing to do it if my partner really wanted it though.

I've actually been too nervous to ever explicitly tell a partner what I like unless I'm very turned on. They always figure it out anyway because them going harder means I lose it. However, i told my last bf once in the heat of the moment I wanted him to tie my hands and he was very put off lol.
I have some wild fantasies and pain just becomes enjoyable when I'm turned on, even though I normally have a low tolerance for it. Just the endorphins I guess.

I don't know what my definition is but I'm scared of freaking someone out again lol

If I went out with a girl several times and then told her than I liked her but she told me that she didn't want any relationships soon.

Does it mean that my chances are fucked?

Do girls find penises attractive?The girls ive dated always seemed more into me feeling good/getting me to climax rather than "man this big dick is so sexy". If they ever comment on it they say the generic "its big" but thats only commenting on the size. Penises are a really weird freaky looking organ to me so i was just curious and didn't want to ask a female friend and give them mixed signals. Im including the testicles when i ask this.

teing your hands was enough for him to be out ? what the fuck ? thats honestly realllly tame now. omg.

Like do you want you ass spanked or something like that ? which i find absolutely sexy as hell.

And desu, dont be scared of telling someone that, your partner should be willing to try things at least once if its what you want, you know ? That was my mentality , and now i'm completely hooked in the dominant rough roll hahah

i have heard , " god its so big, i just love your cock " with a fuck buddy in college and good lord ever since then i have had the biggest ego boost literally ever.

I love dick, not even just during sex. I used to like playing with my ex when he was soft, and of course even more when he was hard lol. I think most dicks are really nice to look at, and I like how warm, hard yet soft they are. Something about a dick is quite comfy and lovable, yet arousing.

So would prowling local anime or comic cons or otherwise joining some aspect of the local "nerd" scene perhaps get me closer to finding one?
I might be too old to finally get into D&D or Magic or something though (seems like the sort of thing you need to have experience with growing up so you don't come off as a complete idiot when joining an adult club), but there is an anime club at uni and two annual conventions in my city. I'm into that.

Would you say shy men tend more towards it, like the above user said?
>What's the appeal?
I'm an exclusive domme.
>You willing to make the first move?
Yes, and I have...with poor results. It never escalated to talking about sex because we just didn't get along heh.

That's wholesome.
Yeah, I guess it is pretty vague and men on here will probably give answers that even doms on 4chins might share (enjoying tabletop games and animu and being introverted).
I'm just wondering if there are any signifiers that a man may be submissive. I like to think I give out domme vibes in terms of dress and carrying myself but who knows.
I'll probably just have to keep asking out men and see if things fit.

>good luck finding any near you
A LDR isn't ideal so that's a bit sad. If I graduate without finding anyone and settle into a job I'll just have to take to the web and ship a boy over.

But until then as may of you have mentioned I guess I'll try socializing more in certain circles and feeling guys out before making a move.

Yes, of course.

I'm not really "most women" then I guess, although I know other dommes exist as I've talked to them before online.
I can into sadism, but gfd is my main thing and comforting an insecure guy who I love dearly would be a great bonding experience. Then tossing him around fucking him afterwards? Amazing. Leading the relationship and eventually financially supporting him? Absolute turn on.

i wish i had a qt 3.14 to love and admire my dick :(

A girl wanting a submissive man is something i have honestly never heard of ? Like yes i've seen the porn etc etc but nope ive never seen it irl. Just curious , do you have a overly large clit ?

Any other perspectives on this? Just trying to get a sense of whether I'm making something out of a nonissue

I don't suppose you're taking bf applications?

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I have the ability to have many partners, but I really haven't done anything in like a month besides kiss someone. Busy doing other stuff.

Would you accept if gave you cocaine?

>financially supporting him
Lost me there, I love my job. I just happen to want a girl to give me nursing handjobs and peg my ass.
If you want guys that are submissive in and out of bed and have no life NEETs are an easy target.

It seems really hard to find someone like that in real life who still respects me, but you're right, being honest is the only way to find the right match.
Yeah spanking, being tied up, then just standard rough sex. I don't even want dirty talk or anything special, I just want to have that sort of primal experience while still having a healthy relationship. It would be nice to meet someone eager about it tho

I think I'm a little intimidating to some guys. I make an effort to be kind to people and can be shy, but I'm also kind of a smartass and independent. I think part of my problem is that I don't always attract super dominant guys lol

In fairness I've never seen a malesub irl either (that I know of).
I think my clit is pretty normal lmao, unless what you're hinting at is that I'm high test. In which case maybe? I have a deep voice, gain muscle easily, and used to struggle with anger, but I still have a feminine face and shape.

Maybe in a few years.
LDRs seem like a lot of pain and as a domme I'm not into pain.

Are you the normie-passing baseball user? I guess the aforementioned Nerd Clubs would be the place to find "lifestyle" type subs.

Alright. fuck me I think I'll actually end up dying a khhv if no woman approaches me and initiates everything.

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well, myself personally , i would absolutely love to give you everything you wanted sexually. Ofc maintaining a healthy relationship too. People dont understand that rough sex and a healthy relationship is not mutually exclusive.

You literally sound like my ex. hahaha She was independent and knew what she wanted in life, and honestly took no shit what so ever. Which i absolutely loved , more than anything. And i made sure she was completely sexually satisfied every night. hahaha

i miss her , i need to find a girl like you again desu jesus christ

a girl pegging makes me cringe, what the hell man.

I geuss im not one to judge , but my lord

Don't know if this should be in this thread but I don't feel like making my own.

Question for other women: I am a woman. My mood swings are wild, one day I hate someone's guts, the next I could love them deeply. And these emotions feel real to me. Is it the same for the rest of you and just biological fuckery or should I be concerned? My only reference is the people I observe outside. It seems like women and men both do this, from what I've seen, but I don't know those people thoroughly.

Im an artist, i paint, draw, sew,cosplay and stream art on twitch(most of my followers /donations are from gay men despite me being straight).I am soft spoken and kind of passive aggressive. My social circle is everywhere but the close friends ended up being anime fans because the normal ones are very boring outside of beach trips and movies. Every girl ive ever dated was set up for me by them so ive never asked a girl out so im still inexperienced when it comes to romancing. Realistically though i think you just want a bf that will listen and not a full on sub. All the girls ive ever dated cheated on me/left me for assertive men or assholes which is fair, the only shitty thing is that they always tried having me on the side or be FWB/ play therapist whenever the guys they left me for treated them like shit.

Dude here. I just want a gf to cuddle, laugh and have fun together. I've tried to date some but seems like they like me a lot as a friend and don't see me as something else.
Considering sudoku.
Any femanon with an advice? I really like how I am and I like the friendship but the perspective of just being permanently alone is breaking me little by little

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No, I'm good luck user. To be honest, I didn't really find my submissive side until I met a girl on the internet who was into it. We spent many nights talking and masturbating together, good fun, but when we parted ways I was left with fetishes that weren't normal.

Wow that's awesome, lucky girl. Any advice for how to spot/attract people like you? Lol

I used to have this once every few months for a few days before I got a hormonal IUD. Just monthly hormone shenanigans.
If this is regular, that's a sign you might have something like BPD or bipolar. This is something you should definitely explore with a doctor or psychotherapist.

You can't start a healthy relationship when you are depressed like this, sadly. Fix that first, dear user.

Well i met her in a class, and we hit it off by being really competitive with each other. But she also had alllot of issues that i helped her out with , so she really trusted me and i feel in love with her.

Tbh , i would say that finding guys like myself would be the more successful guys in manager roles i would say? But i would be careful , a lot of guys that like to be dominant blur the line between bedroom and real life and i think that's stupid as shit.

We our out there i promise hahaha. Literally the best feeling ever is standing there looking down at my girl who i just roughly fucked watching her smile so happy. Anddd after all of it exhausted cuddling is so nice.

Ok just talking about it is absolutely killing me frick

I'm not depressed, yet. I know how that feels and I know I'm not there. Still, this streak of girls that constantly turn me down when there is not a clear reason why is little by little taking me there

As someone who is generally shy and bad at talking to women, romantically aggressive ones terrify me, especially black and Hispanic women.They ACTUALLY dont give a fuck. Like christ.

They exist. I think it just depends on where you live. My assumption was theyre jsut rushing to have kids while im just trynna be peter pan with my boys.

This gives me hope and is also sexy as hell hah. Aw and cuddling after.

See it's intersting, this dominant kink of mine literally came from me doing what i could to make my ex happy. And now it is literally what gets me off. Like even thinking about it kills me. Now , in the future i dont even know how to bring it up to new girls who i like ? hahaha like i dont think saying ' " can i tie you up and fuck you while i spank your tits with a gag in your mouth" will go over well.

But i guess i have to try hahaha

aw im glad i could give you hope babygirl

I wish I could give you advice back but thinking in the reverse just tells me how difficult my opening question was.
In my experience dommes that I've interacted with are also into nerdshit.

>an artist
Huh, I wonder if I'll ever stumble upon your work. Probably not since there are countless artists online heh, but I also create art as a hobby.
>all the girls cheated and left
Were they already interested in submissive men though?
Regardless I'm sorry that happened to you and that it seems to have maybe even tainted your view of your own desirability by women. Being cheated on is an awful fate I don't wish on anyone.


Holy shit stoppp lol. That's pretty ideal.
I can understand liking whatever turns someone on for sure though. makes sense to me.

Yeah now i'm currently dreaming over here so that's good haha. Oh god its so fun literally so hot desu. AND now its all im thinking about hahah.

And yeah exaclty! and my ex also did things that i liked too , it was honestly beautiful. We both did our wildest fantasizes and made like a combined form of them every time we fucked ? idk

Ok so how do i find girls like you ?

>tfw best friend has a younger sibling who claims to be a transgirl
>tfw he looks like a typical emo kid with long bangs covering his eyes
>best friend tells me he wears long sleeves to hide his cutting habits
>can tell he's a loser
>tfw one day when I was over my best friend's house I grabbed his sister(brother) crotch and starts rubbing him out furiously.
>he screams starts acting frantic
>best friend walks into his room
>he laughs and says it's just locker room culture
>me and my friend laughs
>continue for a few more minutes
>he starts fucking crying
>tfw stopped and got worried I might get reported
>tfw my friend starts getting aggressive with him(her) to not go tell anyone about this
>she(he) doesn't react at all, can tell they're angry
>tfw blurted out I'll get him HRT
>friend looks at me like I'm a weirdo
>his brother(sister) says ok
>we leave the room awkwardly
>he asks me what's up
>responds with I have no idea how else to keep his mouth shut
>still awkward as fuck, decided to break the ice by drinking and playing some Fifa
>tfw forgot about the incident but still on the back of my mind
Should I get the guy HRT to keep his mouth shut? He doesn't have my contact info and I don't know how to approach the subject with my best friend without it being awkward again.
Do you guys think he'll go tell the cops or something?

Yup, me too. Nice to imagine, I really do miss being fucked hard, it's been a while lol
Such great chemistry, why the breakup?

>find girls like you
Basing this off of myself and a couple friends I know with similar preferences, I guess there is that sort of inverse relationship between a know-what-you-want attitude and being submissive in bed. Weird mixture of stubborn/outspoken/confident yet awkward/shy/nice/quiet. Maybe smart too?

It really is so nice to imagine but so much better doing. frick. And i miss fucking so hard, the adrenaline is just orgasmic in of it self. We really did have amazing chemistry , we problably still do desu. We broke up because of our careers took us in different states and the long distance was possible for years. We worked it out and it was so nice, but we grew apart. Tbh i still love her. I hope its not fully over, but i have no idea as of now. This happened months ago , and last month i could hardly eat i was so heart broken. Which is not like me at all. idk im doing better.

And yeah honestly , i really think the most independent girls that are headstrong love being dominated in bed. Which i absolutely love. And hell yeah smart, i love smart , and outspoken girls that are also a little awkard.

omg youre literally describing my ex, and honestly it makes me feel so much better knowing that more girls like her our out there.

I know how hard breakups can be, I'm glad you're starting to feel better :)
I'm feeling happier and more confident knowing there are people like you out there as well!

Lots of girls who would be very happy to be with someone like you, definitely

Im not jaded enough to think all women are like that but yeah that caused me to focus more on work/hobbies for the last 4 years aside from a 1 night stand back in January.They were just random girls my friend set me up with so im sure their taste was more shallow. My art style is all over the place but this is some concept art for a V/N i did a while back. Art is a good hobby to have if youre looking to attract sub guys, i also agree on going to cons to find them.

Attached: WSgirlsclean.png (2700x2100, 2.15M)