My girlfriend just told me that she didn’t feel any pleasure from the sex we just had. Before...

My girlfriend just told me that she didn’t feel any pleasure from the sex we just had. Before, it was extremely easy to get her off and she was highly sensitive. She said that it just felt like something was inside her, but no pleasure. Should we be worried? What could be the cause of this?

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Eat her out boi, if you can't please her the conventional way find an alternative to let her know her pleasure is just as important as yours. If she doesn't want to try to fix the issue then that is likely a cause for concern and stems deeper than you not performing as expected.

She said it had nothing to do with my performance

Rape her. Women cums when they are getting raped. You gotta be animal.

Women can be easily taken out of the moment if they're preoccupied with other thoughts. If it had nothing to do with your performance she probably ended up getting something else stuck in her mind, if this becomes a thing you can combat it by trying to help set the mood/tone beforehand as well as trying to help deal with (or listen to her talk about) any stressors earlier in the day so she's not stuck in a pattern thinking about them. Shit happens, don't dwell on it, and help her not dwell on it either.

could be medical, could be hormonal , could be mental/emotional. Has everything been alright between you two?

Yeah one time my gf started crying and said this too during sex. Thing is my Johnson is big so I was confused. Women are weird man. It wasn’t about your performance so don’t get anxiety about yourself over it.


I have 10/10 sex with my boyfriend, but one week I was feeling really insecure about my body for reasons.
Couldn't get an orgasm if I paid for it.

Bodies are weird.

>slurp birthcontrol daily

Really harlot?

I was upset because a friend of my boyfriend made a comment about his ex and it made me feel ugly.
Stop being a cunt. That makes pussies dry up faster than any birth control.

You realize that chemicals in your body made you think the way you do? Hormones can make you agressive, passive, fearful or sad. Even clinical depression is caused by hormonal imbalance.

Aye roasty?

Do you realise that I've been taking birth control for 8 years (IUD) and I felt insecure for 2 days? So the cause is not an "hOrMoNaL iMbAlAnCe" but simply because someone said something that made me feel bad?
What is the most likely explanation, asshole? A random spike in my estrogen levels at the same time of my boyfriend's friend saying something mean that went away after I talked it out with my boyfriend, or simply me having emotions because I'm a human being?
God damn, fuck yourself.

you are emotionally deranged for 8 years and you dont even know about it. Even your posts are emotional. Also 8 years of birthcontrol probably burned your babymaking oven pretty hard. Wouldnt be surprised if you was infertile.

You insulted me and I insulted you.
If I'm "emotionally deranged" so are you.

Far from infertile, thanks for your concern.

>Far from infertile, thanks for your concern

Dont think so. Even if you are ovulating it doesnt mean the egg isnt all kind of fucked up after the jewish pills.

I'm literally pregnant now. Took me 2 months of trying.
Again, thanks for your concern.

Kid will have autism

Took me one shot to get my never having an iud wife pregnant, good luck! Get off this place. Not good for the baby.

Is it even possible to get an orgasm from vaginal intercourse?

Sure is. Maybe not for all women. If you are rooting in cowgirl position, try sticking cushions under the bloke so he is elevated and sitting kind of upright, so his penis is angled into the g-spot, rather than the womb. Then grab her hips and help her. I've seen women have squirting orgasms this way.

The other thing that helps is consistent rhythm, which is hilarious because changing it up is what'll keep you lasting a long time, but it'll also kill her orgasm.

try some playing some gusic