High functioning stoner?

How do they do it? Any advice on how to become one?

There's successful people I work with and go to school with who are constantly high, yet productive. How do they do it? Someone I work with is an honour student, and sneakily smokes weed during her lunch breaks and is able to do very well at work and school.

What's the secret? How do you do it without becoming forgetful, lazy, and apathetic

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You're better off sober, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Marijuana tanked my grades big time. I became unable to motivate myself through studying without being high.

There is no way to say cannabis caused your grades to plummet. I have a 3.8 and smoke everyday.

I'm an engineer for a triple A game company and I'm high basically every day. Not AT work, mind you, but after work basically 7 days a week.

It sounds like you're talking about people that are stoned DURING work though? I dunno, I DO get forgetful and unfocused when I'm stoned. I know some people that get stoned at work though, but they have service jobs (like waitress). If you can throw your job on auto pilot, it doesn't seem to be an issue. If it requires critical thinking though, I dunno how you'd do it. I guess it just effects everyone differently.

This honestly

Tolerance, basically you don’t get too stoned after a while and the differing states of consciousness become easier to maneuver between.

you dont smoke a giant log every time you smoke, user. its also a matter of finding specific cultivars that suit you (indicas most of the time for me)
i hit it a few times every couple hours. moderation is the key for me. of course sometimes i like to get completely fried (i.e. when ive completed my to do list for the day), but most of the time i have just a slight buzz going. i have been consuming cannabis for over 15 years now. i would say that i am modestly successful in most respects.

I just kept pushing myself while high, so after some time I didnt really mind doing shit high. Im still sort of forgetful though, and really the only reason why im doinh this is cause i cant lay off the weed. I know id be better off if i did all this and more sober. Better try and quit or cut down on the consumptoon bro.

yeah i can't do it either
better to just be productive first and then smoke yourself retarded at night

I was a high functioning stoner, I have a difficult and above-average paying job, but believe me I was not living the dream at all. I too could go to my job after smoking, and still produce the same amount, but it has other downsides: it covers up depression, amotivational syndrome (for other stuff, not work), building up such a high tolerance that it's not fun anymore and it frustrates you.
I stopped smoking weed daily a year ago, now I do so very unfrequently, like once every 2 months, and I feel way better. It was the best decision I could make.
So I advice you against it. Everything in moderation.

I was a high functioning stoner for 5 years. Only quit cause of mandatory drug screens. I'd say it just takes extreme will power and dedication. Actually when I was still in undergrad I started making straight A's after I picked up smoking. I think being all the time opened up a lot of new perspectives in me which led to a lot of newly found motivation to not be a shitter at life.


t. "high functioning stoner" from 2008-2017. got a degree, and high paying job while smoking daily. realized it was holding me back and quit. best decision of my life.

Oh man I cleared a couple bowls and the room is spinning. I've got to walk to work in 20 mins how do I survive?

work ethic

knowing how to to stop smoking before you get too high to understand the statement I made above

If this is happening to you, then weed and getting shit done may not be a combination for you

By not using marijuana because you enjoy it but by using it when you need it. Oh no you have some shitty chore to do? You don't need to be high for that. You worked a 12 hour day on your feet and you're in pain and just want to sleep? Use it for that.

It's medicine and should be used as such.

No such thing as a highly functional drug addict. Without the drug they don't function.

oh man the risk haha they're totally gonna know you're stoned oh no hahaha just hit those dopamine receptors on the daily totally not addicted though!

enjoy your shit uni


Use a one hitter.

Lol fuck off you cant tell me what to do.

>forgetful, lazy, and apathetic
That has very little to do with weed it self.
There's millions of people on this website who piss in bottles and smell like shit and haven't left their parents' basement in months or years and they've never smoked once in their lives. You also have people who smoke heavily and still live healthy active lives. Of course there are some lazy stoners as well but they'd be lazy without weed as well.

That said, smoking AT work or at school if you're in college or whatever is just like more of a waste of a high than anything. I know cause I used to be like that. When I'm high I want to go for a run or bike ride or play video games or play the piano or re-arrange the furniture or something, the last thing I want to be or do is having to do some kind of work indoors.

these LARPing fags lmao

Attached: IMG_20190521_003202.jpg (1080x824, 190K)

>having that pic saved to your computer and posting it, thinking it that it's an epic pwn against stoners rather than just an embarrassing display of immaturity on your behalf

>damage control

"damage control" implies that your silly picture dealt some damage. It didn't.

You probably have that exact same pic saved like 4 or 5 times just in a different context like "feminazis.jpg" and it's another dumb strawman post that you post because you're unable to your use your own words to express yourself, let alone argue or discuss with someone else.

>triple a game company

Lol grow up and get a job in B2B you manchild

>now comes the denial
junkies as is

Why do you want to become one? I don't see the problem with just doing your work sober lol. If you feel like you work better high then try it, but I don't know why would strive for it.

[spoiler]have sex[/spoiler]

Go ahead, try to form a complete sentence and a full argument using more than just two or three words and sad greentext like the average Jow Forums NPC. I know you can do it.

y would i even bother

you forgot an "it", are you sure you are not a stoner?

he's high on autism, that's like ten times more powerful than fentanyl or any opiate

>Lol grow up and get a job in B2B you manchild
>get paid 180/yr to make computer games
Whatever you say bud :^)

the key is not getting stupid high, just a nice buzz, that's how they all do it

How do you guys sneak it at work

>high functioning stoner
>"high functioning"
there's no such thing as a high functioning stoner. Stoners are fiending, hypocritical scumbags who waste their entire lives on one plant, advocate for its legality, and nothing else. Stoner's aren't hard working people, there are on the other hand just hardworking people that smoke weed to take the edge off when all is said and done. anyone who unironically blazes it 24/7 doesn't actually do anything productive with their lives, and when they get into trouble, they do their up-most to avoid taking responsibility for their mistakes. Its a pathetic, delusional existence user and don't fall for media's tricks. If you want to keep weed in your life, don't let it take it over. you see it first hand happen all over San Francisco

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>Who is Carl Sagan?

microdose and increase the dose each week.

takes a while to get used to the amount of weed though. like 2 months. but then you are golden.

Ganja boosts your intentions. If you intend to be a lazy ass you're gonna become a rock. If you intend to become better, you will have more motivation.

My brother has a bio degree and his masters in bioengineering, the only times he's not smoked since he was a teen was to detox for job interviews. He's in his late 40s.

Meanwhile I don't smoke at all and I'm a useless sack of shit

You should try it, it's pretty dope