My ex-gf has a new bf

I found out my ex is seeing someone new.
Ever since I found out I'm unable to sleep, can/t focus, have zero appetite and when I do eat I feel sick
I guess I thought we'd always get back together.

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cont. I actually thought things were getting better.
We were talking a lot more, it was like the old days.
Then she went quiet. Stopped messaging me.
That's when I realized something was up.
It all makes sense now.

My advice to you is to get the fuck over it. Move on. Forget her. It sucks but that's all you can do.

Easier said than done, friend.
This wasn't some random sloot.

I've been there, user. You have to move on. You probably hear it all the time but it is true. Don't end up like me.
>Old gf moves on
>I can't because fag
>She lives her life to the fullest
>I become a junkie-alcoholic that is literally alone
>Literally took me 5 years to move on because I am a pathetic loser
>Once I truly moved on, I felt a lot better

Seriously, user, moving on fast (but taking the necessary amount of time to grief) is the best thing to do. It will alao help with your mental-emotional fortitude too

Thanks brah.
Does seem like women deal with breakups better than men, don't they?

I agree. It is probably because the have a spare guy they keep in case things go south for the relationship.

not really
>be single sad women
hordes of horny males want to fuck you and cheer you up
>be single sad man
even your friends start to look weird at you if it goes for long

they have it easy

I mean, clearly she is

That is what he was saying retard

How so? I've known this girl for a long time. She was a friend long before we started dating.
Now she's with someone else and I just feel worthless.

Your worth isn’t intrinsically tied to her, your relationship, or any relationship. Figuring that out is step one. You should take some time to meditate on things in your life that you value, and how you have value to other people. As young men, this is difficult. I don’t mean that in an inch way: it’s just a fact that we’ve been socially conditioned to exclusively seek feminine influence as an outlet for our emotional burdens. It takes a lot of work and support to unlearn that conditioning.

6 years here. How do I move on? I literally had a girl try wooing me for half a year before giving up because I was a sperg due to all these post-breakup feels.

in an incel way*

>Your worth isn’t intrinsically tied to her, your relationship, or any relationship.

Yeaaaah... I'm pretty sure it is. You haven't met me, dude.

Oh I’m positive that you believe it is. But that’s a personal choice you’re making tofrsme your life that way, and it’s a shitty choice. Not to devalue your lived personal experience, but your case really isn’t special. I’ve seen it in countless young men. Find something to live for dude. Find an emotional outlet that amounts to you just dumping all your pent up frustrations on a woman every other week. Then maybe your next relationship can actually be a healthy partnership instead of an abusive codependent nightmare.

I think I'm just gonna have to resign myself to a life of singledom for the rest of my days / until I blow my brains out. I don't want to meet someone else, I can't meet someone else.

Okay, then spare us the pity party threads at least. I wasted time on an actual thoughtful response.

Learn that it is an unhealthy attachment that is only effecting you. Nobody cares about your broken heart and it isn't going to get you anywhere, just hinder you. As corny as it sounds, learn how to love yourself first because no one can truly make you happy besides yourself

My man, break ups are hard. But ultimately you need to realize that women literally don't matter. Not as much as having bros. Friends and your relationships with them are less hard to maintain and much less fragile than one with a woman.

But anyway, yeah, breakups. They're tough man but you'll get over her, I promise you that. You need to focus on yourself right now. Hit the gym, get into reading, try something new and keep growing as a person. Fuck her man, you don't need her. Women are like anchors. They're only good to have when you want to be weighed down.
If this is really how it went down, she was an emotional leech and a manipulative cunt who just used you for validation, a shoulder to cry on, or simply out of loneliness. My ex tried the same shit months after I dumped her. MONTHS. Fuckin crazy bitches.
It's important that while you're working on moving on and shit that you remind yourself not all women are like this. A lot are, maybe even most. They simply arent as smart as men, and if they aren't raised right then they're fucked for life unless they were lucky and have common sense.
Bottom line my man, you do you. You don't need a woman to define you or give you a sense of self worth. Be independent. You're your own person now, own that. She sounds like she was a self centered pile of dogshit anyway. She might've been good to you during the relationship but once things were over, she just used you. You're too good for her bro.

I'm getting there with the self-love thing, but the thing is, the world seems "less real" somehow after all these years. I'm emotionally much more numb now and I don't like it. It feels like things don't really matter, and I can't emotionally attach to people. It's like I sat in a prison for the last 6 years and now I came out and I'm experiencing a culture shock. I've had suicidal thoughts over the years and now it feels like part of my soul really died back then.

Remember that you can move on too and find someone better than her

And to elaborate on the "don't really matter" thing, of course ultimately "nothing really matters", but what I really mean is that nowadays everything seems so joyless to me, nothing really has any weight to it. I used to have ambitions and a bucket list of stuff that I wanted to do, images in my head that I wanted to paint one day... nowadays, nothing! It's all just a dull grey bore in there. What the fuck happened to me?

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The first cut's always the deepest. Sounds like you got red-pilled too. I have expirienced everything you mentioned too. I embraced the numbness and the fact that life is meaningless and that I am alone; in return I because content and learned to love myself because I am all that I have. I still talk to people and am the funny guy, but I am slow to trust people.

Being numb and emotionally distance is a good thing because once you feel safe to let someone in then you know they are special

You got redpilled

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Be happy for her buddy.
Monogamy and all this concepts of one man one woman is crap and its never working beacose we are there to be happy and share love for everybody both in the sexual way and emotions so focus on that and everything be allright you will see
Let her enjoy new man and feel happy for her and also try to find your hapiness,
I am súre you are a good guy and now you háve chance to open yourself to new sexual partners with out any questioning

Fuck that bullshit! Hate her guts, user! She doesn't care about your feelings so why should you give a shit about her! Also, getting cucked by the new bf... that has to suck. Get a metal bat a beat your ex and blame the bf

i guess it depends on the individual my two friends who were together broke up 3 months ago and the guy moved on really fast but the girl is still sad and thinks about him daily. maybe more mentally stable people deal with that better

kill yourself cuck.

That's not quite it. While the supposed redpill opened my eyes on how much a biased chauvinistic asshole the average normie/normina is, I know better than to accept it as a universal truth, redpill makes some useful insights but to apply it universally is some broscience-tier bullshit. I remember my past very well. I remember the girl that I dated, she wasn't like the redpill preaches. I wasn't like that either. Our bodies weren't sculpted greek god bodies, we were insecure and kinda socially retarded, we were low-key misanthropes. But we celebrated our perceived "abnormality" as something that tied our fates together, we reveled in finding new silly activities together that the average person would find embarrassing to do. We went to a zumba dance class together on a whim once, just for kicks. It was very liberating in that way. That's not even remotely like what the "redpill" dictates.

Help me dude it help me dude it's not offer not

^ This, stop being so edgy and start getting over it, faggot.