I work at Target, making $13.50 an hour. Should I quit? I really don't want to go in tomorrow

I work at Target, making $13.50 an hour. Should I quit? I really don't want to go in tomorrow.

I had a promising design carer before my big breakdown in 2015. Should I just leave Target, and work for a custom t-shirt shop or something? Make some nice t-shirts for the local little league teams? Or maybe work at a hotel, or be a flight attendant. I don't know. Give me advice, plz.

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What's your living situation? Do you pay rent?

You don't need to stop working to pursue other things. Instead of sitting mindlessly in front of the TV, do something productive.

I live with my sister in Rapeville.

What should I do? I already build Lego sets.

Your salary is so low, you should do whatever pleasures you, because basically money is not an issue. Your pay cannot get worse.

I quit several jobs and I was much happier ever since. Still I don't regret that choice.

Your mind and heart are telling you something, it's important to listen to it and be in tune with yourself. Failing this could send you slowly into mental problems.

My favorite job in my life, still unbroken, was working at a gas station when I was 21. I've done cool things, worked in a data center, film studio, programmer. I make a hell of a lot more now. But still as a matter of pleasure, nothing (for me) beats working at that damn gas station.

So yeah, especially with a salary that low, consider yourself totally free. Your job, at this salary level, should only be motivated by pleasure. Listen to your heart. There's a reason you don't feel like going in today.

An aside, change is good. Looking back on your life, you'll always admire the moments of change. imagine being an old man.
And for the future, and other areas of your life, try to stay in tune with your heart.

Depends really, are the prospects looking better? If it is a better rate that you're looking for, or you just want something fulfilling?

If you're looking to focus on a personal project, you might want to look for something that doesn't require alot of thought, such as working at Target or retail in general.

>Your pay cannot get worse.
Not OP but here in Texas the minimum wage is 7.25, so yes it’s possible for life to be much worse

well that user has a point. GA minimum waage is also $7.25 but you have to be a serious fucking trainwreck to be limited to those jobs. I mean like have no job history, give a reference that will answer the phone high and cursing and shit. Retail stores around here pay like $11 and up starting off.

I quit retail like a week and half ago. Just before I clocked in that night I told him it was going to be my last day working there and if he wanted me to finish the day i would and if not I'd go home no big deal. He told me to clock in so I finished the day. I think he thought I was joking, I gave him my stuff at the end of the day and didn't go back.

Thats pretty good dough. You supposed to get another job before you quit one. If you think you can be a flight attendant, go for it. Lot of people want that. Kids talking shit obviously never went out and got a job. They think it is low as compared to parents that have been working for 25 years.

>Should I quit? I really don't want to go in tomorrow.
Lazyness is a deadly sin, but I don't expect more from Target workers, if you feel burned, you can always insult a costumer
>I had a promising design carer before my big breakdown in 2015
Sure thing wagie, you should be thankful to us that we let you live in America and not in Somalia

>in Texas the minimum wage is 7.25, so yes it’s possible for life to be much worse
>your value is measured by how much money you hoard
No wonder you are fucking plebs. Scum.

>I live with my sister in Rapeville.

>>your value is measured by how much money you hoard
>No wonder you are fucking plebs. Scum.
Not what I said at all you retard

Don't you have school in the morning? Does your mom know you're on this website?

Retail is hell but at least it's not food service.

You shouldn't speak to those you are superior to you in such a manner.

You can work on your design career after work. Quitting won't change the fact that you're not working on it.

Texas here, I'm earning $9/hr. My roommate can't comprehend this and verbally kicks my ass about it. I'm in the process of getting a new job but it isn't my fault fucking no one is calling me back.

You bet I'm scared of him potentially kicking me out over something small. My parents are dead and I don't have many friends left at this point. I'm trying my best, goddamnit.

>it isn't my fault fucking no one is calling me back.
Technically, it is your fault.

I work at Chick-fil-A and I want to kill myself daily. I can't fucking stand this shit. My coworkers keep bringing up striking because we're treated so poorly. The second they start picking you bet I'm dropping everything and getting out there with them, assuming I myself don't start something first. The TX heat won't get to us; they already have our asses baking all day outside in drive through anyway. I'm waiting for someone to collapse from heat exhaustion.

I'm still in shock that a supervisor really allowed a drunk guy to sexually harass one of my underage female coworkers and continued to serve him. Fucking disgusting.

how do people survive...

How so? Unless you're and you're just going to say it's because I'm willingly living I Texas or something. Because okay, I get it. Chances are a hurricane will hit and kill me before I can do shit about it.

Two or more jobs then they keel over from exhaustion. Or the realization that working isn't worth it kicks in then you die from starvation, drug overdose, and/or the elements from being out on the street.

>My coworkers keep bringing up striking
Remind them that the communists get free helicopter rides.
>because we're treated so poorly
Not as bad as you treat your costumers, lowlife scum.
> I'm waiting for someone to collapse from heat exhaustion.
Yet, you think that you are morally superior to others.
The one who can collapse from heat exhaustion is you, especially if you are a mayo.
>I'm still in shock that a supervisor really allowed a drunk guy to sexually harass one of my underage female coworkers and continued to serve him. Fucking disgusting.
And yet you did nothing but you have no qualms in using such thing to feel superior to others. As Aristocle put:
>apathy is the last virtue of a dying society

Being a dishwasher at a retirement home lends you to being fucked in the wallet and the head.

I don't know why but I think retail is unironically better than working anywhere near a kitchen, be it fast food or an actual kitchen.

>Work at Target
>Making 13.50/hour

The fuck? Are you a TL or LOD? I'm working at Target in California and they're just raising pay to $13 in a few months.

Working at retail isn't too bad for me though, I live at a nice neighborhood so most guests are pretty chill to make small talk with.

They don't, and precisely that's the point, some people do not provide enough value for society, so we, as society, as a whole, decide that their lifes are not worth living.

What? CFA is known for their customer service (you personally can abuse this and get free food - we will never ask you to leave the building, even if you threaten staff with manslaughter for example. It's happened), and I found out about the sexual harassment incident a few days after it happened. I don't work Saturdays and we have Sunday off. I'm in the process of reporting it to corporate as I've already complained to HR over various other incidents.

Keep giving me replies if you want though. Showing me your "superiority" despite posting on Jow Forums. The only ones who are truly superior are those who don't visit this site whatsoever.

It's true. Anything food related which happens to be bottom barrel work is awful. I'd rather work at a gas station and deal with robberies than these entitled fucks.

>imagine a level of self-worth this low
Bro, no wonder you work on retail HAHAHA

No, I'm just a regular flex fag.

I can't take any more 11-hour days of getting bitched at and scolded by my bosses.

Go tell your dad about your posts here if you're so proud of them. Jow Forums is a highly respected online forum after all so you should have no problem doing this. Remember to tell them that you're a pedophile while you're at it.

>11-hour days
Huh, I guess California really do have strict labor laws since HR goes bananas and might fire you if you work more than 8 hours a day, or work for more than 5 hours without getting a meal break.

What's the minimum wage where you live? Just curious

>I cannot provide meaningful arguments, so let's call you names and strawman you
It shows that your brain does not work as it was intended to.

You're a really boring troll. Stop depressing everyone by making them think about your empty life.

>20924748 (you)
>I still cannot provide meaningful arguments, so let's call you names and strawman you
This is an anonymous imageboard, you know shit about me wagie, but nice projection about the empty life part.
Remember to serve your costumers with a smile, and remember that they too would rather be somewhere else.

Whats the most u can make if u stay there? If u c wea its headed nd u dnt like it try find somwhere else or accept thts wea ull b

I actually prefer food service, retail is fucking boring, time passes by incredibly slowly. I find that customers generally are much more rude and entitled as well because they are spending more money and have spent more time looking for items as well. It was much harder to ring people up as well, so many times the system would crash/malfunction.
I only worked at Macy's though for 2 months before I quit because I hated it so much.
That being said, I think that if you have a high school diploma and a working history you can obtain a better job doing menial office work.

>bitched at and scolded by my bosses.
You need to quit putting up with that bullcrap right now. You ain't no kid. Get respect or get fired. You need to fix that or it will follow you wherever you go.


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Do what makes you happy.
Is quitting Target something that will lead to your happiness? Go for it.

Shit takes time, hard work, and dedication. Go for something where you put all your heart into it.

Not him but why are you larping?

At least it's not Walmart. A guy died in the store while I was working there.

Was he okay?

>Remind them that the communists get free helicopter rides
Americans are fucking retarded

user, i make around 300 a MONTH, and i got a relatively good gob in IT field. Fuck argentina, fuck being a 3rd world scum fuck fuck fuck

Actually is around 550, just did the calculation

Pussies. You have it better than those before you.

What's the cost of living there?

Retardedly wrong, zoomer.

It isn't wrong at all. I don't know what a zoomer is but I was born In 77. There was a little spike in the minimum wage in my parents generation but there were spikes in the rest of the economy. Poor people are richer now than they have been since medieval times.

Around 900 in a 37m2 apartment for 2 people, just in basics (food, expenses and the apartment)


Manager here: Part of being an adult is doing stuff you don't want to do for the greater good of the bigger picture. Work is, unfortunately, one of those things you must do if you wish to live in today's world.

Use this anger and dislike for your current job as fuel to burn your job search for something better. Update your resume. Send it around to places that interest you to see if they're hiring. Take a few interviews. But whatever you do, don't quit until you've secured yourself another job.

I know you hate it, but it's money and money is what's going to keep food in your stomach and gas in your car tank. It's easier to explain that you're working to a potential employer rather than sheepishly explain that you're unemployed and desperate for a paycheck and willing to take any money-negotiations they offer out of desperation. Managers DO look at resume job time lines. People who seem to be flaky and quit and work and quit and work seem unstable and less desirable than a bloke who's been with a company for years and is willing to leave it to join their company. Stable work history shows commitment and the desire to work.

Who do you want them to think you are when you're sitting there during your interview?

You must not live in the US.

>Part of being an adult is doing stuff you don't want to do for the greater good of the bigger picture
If you think that most people are not acting purely out of their own self-interest, then you are fucking retarded.
>Use this anger and dislike for your current job as fuel to burn your job search for something better
Anger is not a fuel, it is not an stimulant, it is an opiate.
>Stable work history shows commitment and the desire to work.
>Who do you want them to think you are when you're sitting there during your interview?
Do you know what fucking makes me angry as hell? The fact that no longer seems to be a difference between your life and your work, and you are making such mix even worse.
I rate your LARP 7 out of 10.

You're an angry little man. I bet you get all the pussy at parties, don't you?

I'm not the guy you were talking too, but I have to say calling him a little man that doesn't get pussy at parties is fucking weak as hell.

Holy shit, you should be embarassed by the lameness of your come back. You suck dude. You just fucking suck. Such a lame come back just makes you sound like a stupid pussy ass bitch. Fuck off.

Probably Chicago or Cali.

The general rule is you should never quit a job unless you already have another job lined up

My younger sibling worked at a hotel as a receptionist, it was super easy. Also, maybe look at technical or vocational training in blue collar work.

How about putting in my two weeks and then finding a new job?

You know, it's dangerous to use your entire vocabulary in one sentence. Gives your IQ away. Cry more about it.

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omg did u take him to da bar?

>doesn't work at WalMart anymore
>doesn't even have to deal with other people anymore
I'd say he got a good retirement deal.

Yes wtf
Retail work is NEVER worth it

>durrr wut if i look for job later
simply lmao