GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest

I hope you know I tried.

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I feel like nobody cares about me and I want to die.

Troons are disgusting evil people.
They claim that their condition is not a mental illness, as they bash people who do "really" have mental illnesses.
They want the goverment to pay them cosmetic operations, hormones and procedures that cost hundred of thousands of dollars while people starve in this very country.
A huge amount of them want to create artificial wombs or sperm so they can experience parenthood while millions of kids are fatherless and motherless.
They deny any negative effects of transgenderism while claiming they are opress (if there is no bad aspects and only positive aspects about it, then why are you socially shunned to start with?).

Do you know why they do not pursue such things to help others? Because they do NOT want it.
And yet they claim to have moral highground and to be morally superior to others, that's what disgusts me THE MOST about such creatures.

Just come kill me man. Or we can plan it out in a way which won't get you in trouble. We can go to the desert, you can bring a diamond saw blade, a generator, and then you can slice me in half. I'll probably beg, scream, cry, but that's okay.

I can't do it myself because it'd make my family too sad. Don't hurt them because they're innocent bystanders, plus you'd get caught anyway.

So, you want to murder me in the most brutal way possible, and I'll let you do it. Let's just arrange something.

So what's up man?

Did not expect you to tell me out of the blue your interviewing for a new job out of state when I just signed a lease of an apt to be closer to you...

A bit sad, I can’t stop you for aiming higher on your career and happy for the opportunities your getting.

Idk where this is going but today my anxiety came back and it really feels awful. Regardless I am happy for you

Bro this is fucked asl?

Someone asked me if I was good today and I said yes, first time in about a year that wasnt a lie, that felt good.

I think she left me with some pretty fucked up trust issues, I dont think I'll ever trust anyone again. She was my best friend, she said she wanted to spend the rest of her life with me, that she would always be there, and then she left. Like damn, that cuts deep. I'll try for love again, or at least for sex, but fuck if I'll ever believe a word that comes out of another person's mouth kek. I'm getting over her slowly but surely, but this trust thing is brutal on the soul.

Looks like I was horrifically raped when I was young, but repressed it to hell and back until recently

I'm hungry and just want to go to the fucking store, but if I want to do so without having my blood pressure go through the fucking roof I have to wait until later at night right before closing because people are fucking retarded and have no concept of how to drive or or how to go through a store while respecting personal space.

There’s this great thing called grocery delivery. You should check it out.

I don't live in a country full of fat retards where I can get 20kgs of triple stuffed oreos delivered to my door in 5 minutes.

Why do you hate freedom?

They are used to living in shackles. Can't even leave home to do grocery shopping while other people are around.

In what country are you living that is not progressive enough to have grocery delivery service?

I had a dream about falling in love with my neighbor who has three children already but a shit husband. I feel guilty.

Gender disphoriacs make only 0'3% of the population.
Yet, so much time and resources are spent talking about them and doing as they please.

Sorry to hear to that.

Hope that one day you'll understand that
I'm just a fool in love.

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My job pushed my start date by two weeks and im already tight on money


Its been 2 years i think, do you even remember me?

I wish i wasn't such a coward and kissed you that day when we were walking though the park sorry i freaked out and went home

I wish i could talk to you again

sitll wait for the day you'll text me saying you're going to come visit the country

You know what? I'm over you. I really can move on.

One by one my friends turn their backs on me. But it's fine because I have less than a year left in college. So avoid me and be passive aggressive all you want. You're not hurting me.

The amount of abuse I got from my managers and customers at a job I lost 2 years ago has turned me into a hermit and I want to fucking get revenge on all of them but I also hate myself because I let them all bully me for so many years. this sucks.

im scared im losing my ability to feel happy. things that made me laugh are just becoming nothing and things that made me happy are making me stressed and sad. i dont know why and i dont know how long its going to be before i do something drastic and stupid. im scared and i dont know what to do or how to stop it.


I watched that new A Dog's Journey Movie with my mom and sister today. You would have liked it.

I miss our dog and hope you are taking good care of him.

I tried too. I tried for years- and failed. I'm sorry.

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Some days are better than others, but I feel so lonely, social anxiety is fucking me and being ostracized by my friends has made me a hateful person

I feel like I never knew friendship at all

I have a slight crush on my brother in law and if it wouldnt be weird I would like a threesome between him and my husband

I'm suffering form depression. I don't want meds. I'm shutting down socially and as a normal functioning human. I think I was better off not seeking medical clarification on my depressive tendencies.

All this talk about abortion pisses me off. If everyone thinks it's alright to end a life because it's their body, then why shouldn't that extend to one's own life? It's only logical that those who support freedom of abortion would also support freedom of assisted suicide or otherwise. People think emotionally, and it messes things up for people like me. All I want is to no longer exist. I do not want to be happy. I know what happiness feels like, but I know that I'd rather feel nothing, do nothing, be nothing.

i hate living. there is nothing i can enjoy doing and i have no money to go anywhere.
im just drifting as a neet with my gf.
both of us have had shitty childhoods. she even has ptsd... why is life so cruel to us.
why cant i hold a job? i keep crying at every one i get.

i just want happiness

Why do people think it's ok to tell a woman what she can do with her body when we aren't even allowed to harvest organs to help save lives from a corpse without permission? Pro-life?

Damn wtf...

Life isn't so bad. I should worry less.

Sure I'm terrible with women but I didn't really like being in a relationship anyway. I'm not entirely devoid of charisma, people seem to like spending time with me and I like spending time with them.

I am not a complete failure. I've just gone through some hard times and learned some hard truths over the last few years. And that's not necessarily a bad thing. I am a reasonably intelligent person and I should stop comparing myself to the lives of other people. I may have a whole bunch of deep, ingrained personality flaws but nobody is perfect and I should stop feeling bad that I'm not either.

There isn't hope for everyone but there is still hope in this life for me. Nothing good comes unless you're willing to work hard, and goddamnit I am fucking trying. Please don't be so fucking hard on yourself.

To me, from me.

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I wonder if you'll see him again before you skip out the country?

I went though something similar.

>Angry and bitter nobody calls me
>''I know, I just won't talk to anyone anymore. If they don't bother contacting me then they really don't care''
>Did so
>Nobody did
>Life got worse
tldr: Isolating yourself is a sure way to exacerbate your problems. You might feel that people annoy you, or that you're better off without people but unless you are literally a sociopath whose psychological wiring is literally fucked, you are in for a horrible time.

Or do it, I don't care ;)

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I had a girl throw away everything I felt right before christmas. I was put in the same work area as her since feb and it feels like as grindstone tearing away anything it can get at. Its too much I'm not strong enough for this.

Anytime I trip or have a particularly intense period of introspection I become painfully aware of the terrifying nature of my reality and how confused and lost I am. I feel tremendous guilt knowing that my actions have negatively impacted some of the most important people in my life. My ego’s like a dirty room in that I clean it up, but over a matter of time it just reverts back to a state of disorder and neglect. I want to be brave and embrace all the chaos swelling in my mind, but I’m terrified of what what I’ll see. I want to experience all that life has to offer, but all my instincts tell me that I’m not ready or willing to delve back into that state of mind. I want to change more than anything I’ve ever wanted and ever will want, but lack the discipline and courage to do so.

Is it really only me that thinks it’s weird that you hate to share your sex life with your friends but are completely okay with telling your coworkers? It was kind of weird to be at your work dinner and have a gay guy I just met at the table, ask me if your dick is big? Is it normal to send work ims to coworkers about getting railed out? You’re getting too weird for me.

Still being ignored. Still bothering me.

Why can't I stop caring?

>Isolating yourself is a sure way to exacerbate your problems
You're fucked when you don't have a choice in the matter then, eh?

Eat a dick, YouTube; your recommendations are fucked.

I forgave him for what he and they did to me. I can't seem to forgive them for what they did to my son. I want karma to be fierce and merciless. I want all of them to feel the pain he felt but ten fold.

I don’t want to live without you...

Tell me...

I have no real friends and I feel all alone, how the hell are you supposed to make friends after school and college anyway? I feel like I missed my chance and all I have to look forward to is being isolated. I fucking regret everything, I fucking hate this. Doesn't help that I've never met anyone who shares any of my interests and that I'm stuck trying to talk about them on this shithole of a website. Fuck trying to be cool and have cool friends, I should've just befriended all the weird kids who shared the same interests I do, then I would've had someone to talk to, god I fucking hate high school and what it does to your stupid young brain. Fuck FUCK

Married, have so little sex that I'm not good at it any more. Wife doesn't want it very much to begin with, and it's not like it used to be. Not sure how to break the cycle without forcing it or cheating.

>tfw have a friend who's obnoxiously right wing and political
Christ I want to tear his fucking head off out every time he talks about his views and opinions. There's nothing wrong with having a neutral fucking opinion, I don't know and I don't care and I don't believe in hating people just because they think differently and do different things. Why are political people like this? Do they just thrive on hate and contempt and looking down on other people?

My life up to this moment is composed of nothing but shit. Godfuckingdammit.
Everything is taken from me one by one. Shitty home life, fucked up health, socially isolated, poorfag. Whatever I can throw more here. Fuck this, I'm so sick of showing myself as if nothing bothers me.

Fuck I have to go school rn.

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No, that would be manipulative. You have to let people be themselves. It’s just hard that I never know how he feels.... about anything. I guess I’m not important enough and I have to accept that but it’s not like that’s easy. It’s also hard to be told I’m too sensitive when it’s just a lie to distract from the fact I am being abused. I was already damaged to begin with. Shouldn’t we, at the very least, try not to make each other suffer. Leave people alone if you don’t care about them at all. I’ve been given some very good advice here and it’s time I take it.

Probably weren't that great to begin with which is why it stopped. Sex for women that is good mostly happens when your dick isn't out. Kisses, affection, talking and bantering and being open, showing her off, these things make a woman grateful to be with you enough for sex.

This life is a fucking Truman show thing. Everything's a joke. Fucking NPCs everywhere, am I the only conscious one? How can people's mind be so empty?

You’re a liar. Yes... you do remember.

C get your hands on me me me

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Tell me, what did I lie about?

My mind is warped and it's important that I have to understand that it's starting to affect my life slowly but surely

C = Chris?

Time never really heals

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C = Cock

You already know.

And what do you know?

I want you to love me.

I try to think of less of you but when you sneak into my mind it still hurts the same

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Answer my question.

Ask a different one.

Answer the question first.

Lied about things not being different.

In what context?

I fucking hate public places. Everyone next to you will eavesdrop and you’ll be self conscious. I’m with my dad at a coffee spot and the conversation is something I feel comfortable being heard, yet the couple next to me is like being quiet and absorbing what we’re talking about. Like, isn’t your own life supposed to be more interesting than others’?

You don’t like me.

Maybe not enough to trust you.

;_; You can trust me, though. You’re the most important to me.

Maybe in another time. Take care.

I was sexually abused repeatedly as a kid and honestly thought it didn't affect me so much. Until I hit 400 lbs and had to visit a therapist for an ed. Was like someone peeling the gauze off an infected wound over the course of a couple years. Fuckin terrible but i have things under control now, no more binging and the weight is slowly but surely going down.

seconding this


a close friend of mine is in the hospital because she has brain tumor and she’ll get operated soon AND FUCK MY BOYFRIEND FOR TELLING ME SHE’LL DIE

just told him to fuck off and really FUCK YOU

she has a high chance of getting well because she got diagnosed in the time and FUCK WHY WOULD YOU SAY “she’ll die”?? WHY

Maybe you shouldn't reject nice boys like me instead of dating jerks who will hurt you... Typical bitches.

i haven’t rejected someone because no one has been interested in me except him

I think I’m breaking up with my boyfriend. It feels like he doesn’t really want the relationship anymore but won’t do it himself. He’ll probably say “no I love you calm down”, out of breakup anxiety, but nothing will change. I wanted to get married to him but... it feels like we are just friends at this point. No sexual intimacy at all. Makes plans and pushes them back. Doesn’t say good morning anymore. Can’t be bothered to stay up late and hangout with me but goes out until 4am with buddies. It just feels over.

We have a toddler and I work insane swing shifts. The stars have to align perfectly to get 20 minutes alone. Being mid 30s sucks.


At this point I would give anything to go just two years and three months back in time just so that I can meet you for the very first time again. Even though you and I only met six times, I hold the memories of those six times very close to me. I really wish that I had the courage to say something to you back then, but I did not. I was just way too much of a coward. I waited over a year to make my move on you, and by the time I got around to it, it was already too late. So, please, I beg of you, please make the first move this time. I want to be absolutely sure that it really is you. I want you to contact me right now or as soon possible. Send me a text message or e-mail. You can be as formal in your text message or e-mail as you want. I would prefer it if you were to call me. I really need to hear your voice. And then I would greatly appreciate it if I can make an appointment to meet with you in the very near future. If you do not feel comfortable with meeting me in private, then perhaps we can meet at a public place like a public park or a coffee shop or something. Come on. You owe me this. How much money did I give you, again? $650, right? If you cannot give me back that money, then allow me to take you out somewhere so that I may be able to spend $650 on you. In fact, I currently have over $1,000 saved up in my bank account right now. I will take you to the fanciest restaurant you’d like, and buy you whatever you want. Please let me do this. I am so miserable and lonely right now. Every single one of my activities—whether it be going to the beach, or going to the park, or going to the movies, or going to a restaurant—they all just feel so empty, dull, stupid, and meaningless. Because I am doing all of those things alone. During every one of those activities I keep thinking, “man, how I wish that R were right here with me.” Your mere presence would amplify my enjoyment of these activities by a thousandfold. Please do this for me.


It's the lone nights that ruin me the most. I can't take it anymore. I miss you so much.


I'm terrified guys. I was cleaning up my data between accounts from Google to Amazon and shit ngl it's scary af knowing that even if I erase this stuff, they still have it somewhere. I look into something once and they're on my ass immediately.

Between all the data they have, and my dumb ass falling for the 23&me scam, I can't help but feel comprised. Privacy is fake, technology is a black hole for life, and no matter how much I try to avoid it, they'll always know who I am and what my favorite YouTuber videos are. No escape.

The fact that you find everything he says so interesting or funny kinda melts my heart. I want you to love me but I think you only love him. He deserves you, I never will. He’s straight though. I want you to be happy... so much. I feel like we’re in the same boat. I love you, you love him. I sent you a video representing that before, from the movie Lucas. I’m sure you don’t remember. I don’t mean enough.

>all these people asking how to get a gf
>me, never really had an issue
Sometimes I honestly think I would give it all back to be a "wizard".
You don't gain magic from being alone, but you gain access to your own mind.

I love my girl, she's great, cooks for me, gives me the seed and feed but I miss having my mind. Women, they take brain power. You have to commit a part of your brain to them, whether you like it or not. When you could studying, learning, reaching deeper into yourself. Nope, they stop you. They are paradoxical. They will love you for your passion, your focus, your drive. In exchange for their company and love? That, passion, focus and drive but now with them at the center. If you continue on your pursuits they complain that you are neglecting them. If you focus on them too much, they ask why are you no longer the same as when you met.

Someday, when I sit and try to focus on myself but my mind wanders back to her, I sigh. Sure, there are some that aren't needy, but at times it feels like if you are enjoying something without them, they try to distract you or something.
As I get older, I feel like I don't really want someone? Do I want to be alone? Fuck.

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Don’t worry, the evil AI computer system will fall yo Go(o)d when the time comes. The bones of the corrupt will burn.

Why is it...that we're so afraid to speak?

I'm sorry.

Thank the fucking god.

I so badly want to hook up and reignite things with my ex but my gf is so good to me. It's hard to be scummy

I hear you user. I love my gf but I miss being alone

How come he's so lovely with his wife and all, he calls her cute names, kiss her, tell her he loves her. But as soon as she is not watching, he tries to flirt with her (other woman).
He always does this, anytime they are together, almost in front of his wive's eyes.

This is not normal, isnt it? I've tried to talk to him but IDK how to confront him about this.

Double faced? It must be some psychological disorder, IDK.

If I wait long enough, all my problems will pass me by
The debt from my old friend
The feelings of how nothing is going on in my life and there's genuinely nothing I can do to change it
My hunger for the pills on my desk

This too shall pass

I thought we were close, that we knew a lot about each other and trusted each other but I guess I was wrong. It was a big part of your life and I was clueless. I guess I wasn’t important enough for you to tell me. I should have known no one would ever want to really be my friend.

No it’s super normal, honey, that’s men.

Here's some advice for anybody who's depressed and in NEETdom who's struggling to get out of old habits.

Quit Jow Forums.
Quit video games.
Get better hobbies to get rid of the boredom.
Get out.
Talk to your family.
Talk to anyone in general.
Talk to everyone!
Make amends.
Get a job, (even trying will make you feel good about yourself).
Read a self help book, I suggest any of the books made by Tony robbins, he's great at helping you pin point what you want in life and how to get it.

It helps!

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I should have been better for you....

Since I won't ever see you again in this life, I gotta get over it and move on. There's a whole lot to do, and not a lot of time, so I gotta get back in the saddle instead of ruminating on you all day.