Anyone here with adhd take or have taken medication for it? How did it affect you? What were you like before it...

Anyone here with adhd take or have taken medication for it? How did it affect you? What were you like before it? Were you better off without it?

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Just smoke meth it's way cheaper

My uncle took that route and no thanks.

On one hand it keeps me. From being an impulsive sex driven brsinlet. On the other I become a robot and lose everything that makes me happy and time goes by too fast. I supplement it by taking it every few days. I just started again. So far yep I still dislike it..

I take them even though I don't necessarily have ADHD. I'm just depressed because I'm almost 28, still in school, still living at home, and >tfw no gf.

Why do you want to take them, OP? Just because you were diagnosed? Are you fucking up in school or something?

For me personally, they have basically helped with every aspect of my life that needed improvement. Or at least, they did until I started abusing the shit out of them playing videogames/guitar instead of studying. They improve my tactile and mental performance so significantly that it's been extremely difficult for me to have confidence in my ability to succeed without them. This, in turn, causes the addictive behavior that leads to abuse and misuse.

I do have an addictive personality, though, so there's no surprise there. These drugs are addictive as fuck.

I'm surprised I usually take breaks lasting months..
No withdrawals or effects.

Oh yeah man, I mean if you take long breaks inbetween then you'll be fine. The problem is that if you take it every day for 2+ weeks, your body develops somewhat of a dependency on them until it can restabilize your neurotransmitter output (which depending on your own mental health could take anywhere from 3 days to 10+ days).

The quality of your "high" depends on a lot of factors that, in a nut shell, are that the healthier you are, the better these drugs work.

OH well I've taken it for 15 years straight. What do you like or dislike about it

Likes? Hell, I LOVE most everything about them except for the side-effects. I went to pharmacy school exclusively to learn as much as I could about them and thought maybe there was a way to integrate them as commonly into society as caffeine.

Pharmacy school was bullshit, though. Didn't learn anything worth the amount it costs to go there and the fucking amphetamines didn't even help me get through it. Then again, I was also drinking quite a bit at the time, so that's probably what did me in.

Anyway, I think they're fucking amazing drugs and that there is a lot to look forward to in the future as far as their development and what we learn about how the effect people. For now, though, they need to be approached with caution because of the side-effects, particularly the addiction.

Honestly I went through


And nothing really helped. Either I got hungry/horny or nothing happened. Honestly tho I’m thinking about trying them again.

They affect most everybody differently. They may just not be for you.

When I was a teen, my pediatrician diagnosed me with ADHD and put me on Strattera for a month. It made me feel depressed so I stopped taking it. Then later I went to a real psychologist and found out that I actually don't have ADHD, just autism. Currently not taking any mental meds and doing pretty well in life. I'd recommend avoiding that shit unless you really need it. Don't fuck with your brain's natural chemistry unless it's already so fucked you can't function without them. Most mental meds are poorly understood pseudoscience and they'll just prescribe one after the other. Pure trial and error because they have no idea what these drugs even are and have no way of predicting how it'll affect each individual.

I felt like a superhuman. All my thoughts were clear and my brain wasn't scrambled anymore.

OP here. This is what I'm worried about honestly, that I don't have adhd or bipolar or anything but high functuoning autism or aspergers. A therapist actually told me she thought I have aspergers, but again it was just a therapist. I guess I fear it because its the least "socially acceptable" to be on the spectrum, compared to the relative acceptance of something like adhd. Most of my life I've been depressed and thats what I was treated for when I was a teenager, but I'm beginning to think that was\is a symptom of a different problem. Depression started around 15, 22 now and actually starting to pull myself out of it.

It allows me to get my shit together, focus, and accomplish my goals. Without the medication I have a very difficult time following through with things and doing real work. The medication also makes me more rigid, less creative, and life lacks a certain sense of vitality when I'm on the medication. But you get to choose to take it, so pick your choice of effects. Do you want vapid sensuality and zero discipline, or do you want to be a machine that makes money and gets shit done? Usually its a no brainer. I'm off medication for the first time in a while right now. It has been a month and my life is already in the gutter.

I took addy for a couple years and it became a crutch. Fucked up my diet, sleep and sex life hard. I feel like it kinda fucked with my social life because I feel like it made me too open and friendly but maybe that's just the introvert in me speaking. Getting off was surprisingly easy, only took a couple days to get my bearings and coffee helped a lot.

You will get more work done.

They may make you moody in the sense you become short tempered. You are gonna be more quiet when you are on it and irritable when off it.

If i forget my meds i feel like ny productivity is cut in half.

You also wont eat or feel hungry when on it. To improve your mood consider taking food with it.

I started exercising and lost 15 pounds and my doctor lowered the dosage. The result was i could no longer keep to task what my meth ambition had enabled. I added 120 lbs to my squat in 3 months and losing weight. 240 to 360 squat. Steams broccoli and chicken to the math every day pretty much. I hurt constantly, but work gym, game, sleep every weekday was working pretty well.

High functioning autism is probably the best case scenario. It doesn't really require treatment and it even has some advantages. Honestly even if they had a "cure" for autism I wouldn't want it. I'd rather work on being the best, highest functioning autist I can than become a normie.

Whatever problem I do have, I don't view it like that. I yearn to have good relationships with people but for whatever reason I just can't. I'm extremely lonely but even when I am around people it feels weird and forced, like I'm not on the same wave length or something. Even with my parents most of the time. Not to mention all the other problems I have with self-discipline, isolation and etc. Maybe if I had laser focus on some autistic subject I would at least feel a little confident I had mastery of something. On the other hand I wouldn't be surprised to find out my problems are completely personality/psyche related and I'm just boring, unconfident, and socially akward.

Seems like a disproportionately high number of people here are on ADHD meds no surprise oppositional defiant disorder is a symptom of ADHD

Waaaaaaaaaay better now. I have been on it for years since my childhood. My mom said i was like a psycopath trapped in an 8 yrs olds body. Then when i turned 9 i was officially diagnosed and got my meds. My mom said it was as if she was raising a completely different child but in a good way

Yeah I take adderall.
With out I had no interests in any thing but doing low energy things like watching TV and Videogames. Thing was I have arthritis so that aided in the low energy portion, I was obese and I wouldnt stand up for myself and I hated myself with a passion.
When I took this drug it was like night/day with me.
Everything was different, I was paying attention, I was able to focus, I stopped eating so much and even started exercising. I was able to focus enough that i could ignore the arthritic pain for a while.
However it still had its downside. I became more obnoxious, my temper would flare up, and with strong anti depressants I became manic (super happy) that it was really creepy.
So I still take it and I have been on and off it only to find out I can not function well without it. I grew dependent on it just to cope with how life was getting so hard for me.