How do I explain to people that I'm bisexual but only interested in dating/fucking woman?
How do I explain to people that I'm bisexual but only interested in dating/fucking woman?
Dem quad numbers!
Blessed quads of autismo
If you only like woman you are whatever you are except bi retard
I like girls practically but guys are p cute too I guess
Tell them that you think guys are hot but are only gay for sloppy wet puss
so if you are female, will you fuck me
Tell them you're like a straight man except you have aids.
90% sure this is hair, but a homophobic bi. If you're not interested in fucking or dating men, your ain't bi.
if i was a guy with a pussy would you be interested than?
>Homophobic bi
Just say you have a preference for women but it doesn't negate the fact that your bi. Other than that bare bones statement. I don't really see why you have to explain yourself to anyone about your sexuality. If someone tries to label you something that you're not. Ignore them or tell them to piss off.
I always thought bisexuality is a phase.
I have rarely met any person over 50 who says they are bisexual. In fact I don't think I have met any.
And what I mean by that is not that people can't be bisexual but even if they are they tend to have a preference for one of the sexes
This a thousand percent
tfw bisexual man but only really willing to put up with real women and enjoy only 2d males
Just tell them you’re rerarded that’s much easier.
Why you have to tell anyone anything? Keep our trap shut.
so you're basically a cryptofag scared of admitting too much of your faggotry
"bi with preference for women"
Tell them you're straight.
Yu must not understand what bisexual is. Maybe you are man enough or femme enough to recognize the beauty of men but u aren't bi.
>How do I explain to people that I'm bisexual but only interested in dating/fucking woman?
Oh no, penis definitely make my pee pee hard, gay sex just seems pointless compared to having a gf.
It is for a lot of people, especially the hipsters who call themselves pan.
Most actual bi people ive known still seem to date one gender, they just like to fantasize about the other.
why would you even need to do that? like, in what conversation would this be relevant?
This, it's just indulgence. 'Bisexuality' is the fancy way of saying 'an ethical slut.'
Well I'm not ashamed of my sexuality, I'll probably end up leaking some of my gayness eventually, I'm just worried people wont understand why I won't fuck dudes even though I could.
Well, you could not say you are bissexual.
Emphasis on sexual.
Sexual things means sexual things.
Like in sex.
Not like in general life choices.
"Hi, I like to fuck guys and girls but I actually don't."
Fucking what.
Because you're straight.
Like, tons of people look at dudes but you ain't gay or, ahem, 'bi' until you dick down a dude or get dicked down by one. Til a guy touches your dick you're unfortunately just a straight man with a big mouth and a penchant for seeming like something they aren't.
It really isn't 'bi' sexuality if your actual sexuality-- IE, the sex you have-- is restricted by gender on a basis of exclusivity. If you were only into certain denominations we might be something besides hetero here, but you're just a straight guy who's trying to dip on calling himself straight, presumably because the modern internet has shamed you out of your own damn sense of pride.
I haven't fucked a dude but I've masturbated to faggy porn plenty of times, that's pretty bi.
My man.
Might know you from /d/.
Couldn't have anything to do with the social stigma of being gay though.
Actually, when I said they only date one gender I wasnt specifying straight.
Got a friend who is bi but only ever dates men. I think people gravitate towards their preference of the two.
So you're straight then.
You can cut that cake a thousand and one different ways my dood, and it's still going to be a straight fucking cake. You're still just you touching your own dick. There's no other guy involved, just a computer. Maybe a picture of a guy on it or something, but now we're going to start splitting fine hairs and the fact of the matter is you still have not, and will not stick your dick in a dude. That is patently not bisexual, since there's nothing sexual about the 'bi' part for you, it's basically there as a result of exposure to deviancy and probably some other things but I'm really not interested in the 'why' as much as the 'what,' which is 'you are straight dude trying pretty fucking hard right now.'
Is a guy, won't fuck a guy = straight. You don't have to like it for it to be true, and until you want to dick down dudes it will stay true.
by not, there is no reason to tell anyone.
Lets be real though, how many people are gonna believe that I'm straight after seeing my porn folder? Even if what you say is true, I would still be seen as less than straight to most people, so I'm essentially bi.
if you are real, why would you even show them your porn folder. Like jesus dude, you dont have to be so open about everything.
notice how hetero has sexual attached to it?
you are straight if you dont want to fuck guys.
Why do you consider yourself to be a "bisexual" (whatever that means) if you have no sexual interest in men?
Why would you explain that? Just keep fucking and dating women.
seems Op just tells people this for attention.
You don't get to have the brownie points of being bi if you not only have never had gay sex nor plan to ever do it. Stop trying to be a snowflake.
ITT first world problems
why would any one fucking care? your sex life doesnt matter to anyone. No one gives a fuck.
Why would you show people your porn folder? Lol.