Just a word of advice for y’all...

Just a word of advice for y’all. If you value your friendships and ever need a place to stay never move in with friends. You will eventually learn to hate them. I’ve learned this the hard way, twice. Just move in with someone you have no prior relationship with, establish ground rules from day 1, and keep it formal.

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I've taken in a few friends before, and I can't imagine how you would feel this way unless the friends that took you in were a bunch of pricks. Any story?

I can see how this could happen, neither party or one party wasn't mature enough to handle this kind of relationship of close proximity. You're right, you have to establish rules, and BOTH have to respect them. The moment one party does not, everything eventually falls apart. If you can't keep your end of the bargain, bail and admit you can't keep your end of the deal but don't weight the other party down. Both should be on good terms if you handle things maturely.

Good thing I have no friends then!

Well before I get on my bullshit I just want to say first, I don't think they're bad people. I had a perfectly fine living arrangement where I was at before but they opened there door for lower rent in a location I wanted to move to so I said hell yeah, this is gonna be great. I've had a hard time finding a job so they've been patient with me, and they would do kind things like share their food when they don't have to. I do the same when I can. They're kind people. But they can be really juvenile.

We live in a teeny tiny studio apartment. To give you a visual, you walk in, you're in the living room and kitchen. You go through a door, you're in the bedroom. So we're constantly going by each other, nothing wrong with that on its own. But it's gotten tiring.

The walls are thin and I can hear them all the time. Sometimes they say rude things about me that they wouldn't say to my face. For instance, I ask my friend late at night if he can give me a knock on the door if he's about to come out since I stay in the living room and don't have any privacy. He says sure, then next thing I know I hear him and his girlfriend talking about "I don't want him masturbating in the living room." When maybe it's hot where we live and I just want to sleep in the nude and cover up when they come out. They just out and say this stuff in a normal speaking tone, no whisper, sometimes raising their voice. I've heard the kind of rude things I'd never, EVER thought I'd hear my friends say about me.

They're not clean people, and this has been a trend with people I've stayed with before. Most people are just slobs with no housekeeping skills. They'll make spaghetti, splatter sauce on the stove and just let it sit there for three days and just not wipe it. They'll let a counter and sink full of dishes sit there for days. They'll get a pizza and leave the box sitting in the kitchen area for days, even when they're taking out the garbage or going by the dumpster.

They just don't have a sense of courtesy when it comes to their volume. They (my friend and his fiance) will be playing and they'll be squeaking and squealing loud as hell dude. It's like crikey mate, I'm out here. I might be trying to pay attention to something. Please, contain yourself.

They're jews when it comes to money. They'll ask for cash for shit like cleaning supplies when they know I have no money, and recently bought cleaning supplies with my own money. They explained to me that they stopped inviting me [INVITING me] to go to the store with them because I don't offer them gas money. I've definitely paid up when I ask them to do things out of their convenience, but I would never, EVER ask a friend for gas money when I'm already making a trip and just seeing if they want to come with. That was just the most unexpected thing to hear from them.

I've asked them to keep their dog from sniffing and staring at me when I'm eating. They don't, and just let him. So when I ask them to get him it sounds like I'm just bugging them. I thought that was actually a courtesy.

They turn their TV on to watch movies for hours on end with the volume seemingly on max, and it feels like I'm in the room with the TV. I've bought it to their attention, but still, this is just the kind of thing you should have some self awareness of. You're right in front of it, you don't even need it that loud, what the fuck.

Sometimes it feels like they never grew out of their high school phase. We're in our early 20s and every time they discuss something, it's always "THIS IS FIRE!!!" or "THIS IS LIT!!!" or "THIS SHIT SMAAAAACKS BROOOO!!!"

But the biggest, most bothersome problem, is that they're people who just don't know how to have a discussion about something that bothers them so I'm usually the one that needs to initiate the open forum. When I would wipe down the kitchen after days of it getting dirty, I wouldn't even get a thank you, so I'd ask how they do the cleaning around here and she goes "well we just clean it if it bothers us." I had to bring up when I was hearing unwanted comments and tension was building in the house, and that's when we had an open discussion that was supposed to make everything better, but didn't. I was doing the dishes this morning, I was about to do theirs just to be kind, and they came out of the room, turned the lights on, and just sat at the counter in dead silence without saying a word, so I could sense there was some tension. I ask them, do you need to use the kitchen? They say yes, so I move my stuff. You could have just used their words and said that, but whatever. It's kind of like they pushed me out of there without words. Still silent. I ask if everythings good. They say yep, but I can tell its not. Now I'm pulling teeth and feel like I need to leave the house so they can have a discussion about me and when I come back in the house, that will prompt them to say whatever is on their mind to me. I leave for a second to take out my garbage, come back in and boom she hits me with "hey, do you use our garbage can? Because if so we wanted to ask if you could take it out sometime." for one I never use their garbage I use my own bag, and two that whole sequence was just unnecessary. She could have just said that from the start.

They act like we haven't been friends for years and we can't have normal conversations like adults.

Oh shit, and there's this one incident I forgot that really pissed me off. I made myself some spaghetti for dinner. They had left the house but came back in while I was finishing up cooking and kind of just sitting around the kitchen waiting for me to offer them, when my money was tight and my resources were low. It was really awkward when I didn't offer them, but you shouldn't do things like loiter around where a person is cooking and eating when we each have our respective meals and don't share sometimes. They mentioned they were going to get a pizza. I texted asked if they could pick something up for me if I sent the money. I planned on sharing it, cause I kinda felt bad even though I shouldn't have and wanted to make mends. I get a text back, "for us to share, right?" and I had never been more turned off from doing something kind in my life. What a fucking prick. You don't offer yourself a slice of my treat if you're already going somewhere to pick something up. That's something you don't expect a friend to say, and I would never say that to them.

Now basically I'm at a point where I've spoke with them so many different things that I've just gotten tired and given up. It's exhausting living with these people.

Are they niggers?

One is black and hispanic mixed, came from a real suburb area.
Other one is a ghetto hispanic/white mix. He learned how to speak like that from her. I hate the way he's changed.

Yeah found your problem, why would you ever live with ghetto people?maybe your not used to these kind of people but they never grow up they are a blight on society

eh, that's only true if you dont give eachother some space. If you or the friend doesnt clean up after themselves or is constantly being inconsiderate then yeah, but if you are chill and hang out when you feel like and let go of the little things that would annoy you, you will be fine.

I am black, and I grew up in the ghetto as well, guess I just distinguished myself from my neighborhood. But he is the furthest thing from ghetto, grew up in a nice house and private schools. It's the influence from her that made him this way. They've been my friends for a long time. There is *no* way I could have ever saw these problems coming.

Fuck western society is sad , this tyoe of shit doesn't happen here.

Ghetto is a state of mind and it seems like he has it not much you can do

Where are you at? Can I come?

Not OP, but now I want to hear how non-zoomers live. Is the grass any greener on the other side?

This cannot be more true! I have been there too, user

I don't know, I think it's more of a matter of stay. Like yeah everyone says that they'll give you a place to stay but if your stay is over a month and you're living on their couch doing jack shit or being messy then of course they're not gonna be super happy about it.

it's definitely supposed to be a temporary thing and all of the people I know who have done this usually over stay the FUCK out of their welcome.

I dont get how you expect a person to save up and find a new place to stay within 30 days but okay. And my roommates invited me to come live with them so that was the plan from the beginning.

>I dont get how you expect a person to save up and find a new place to stay within 30 days but okay.

The money being used to pay rent prior to that does not magically vanish, it's now sitting somewhere not being used. Unless you literally lose your job and that forces you out of your house because you can't pay rent, you still have the same income as the month prior to being kicked out.

>And my roommates invited me to come live with them so that was the plan from the beginning.

Ok then obviously I'm not talking about your situation, but have you asked them how long it was planned for on their side?

Indefinitely. We’re already discussing getting a new 2 bedroom together, which I desperately need more than them.