I'm a woman and back when I was younger I was broke as shit but never had issues getting dates...

I'm a woman and back when I was younger I was broke as shit but never had issues getting dates. I got my degree and worked my way "up the ladder" and now I make very good money. I own my home and have the money I need to do basically any activity I want.

Now I can't get any guy to give me the time of day. I try not talk about work but it's go-to small talk for most people. I'm not going to call my assistant my coworker or any other lies like that, which leads men to ask why I have an assistant, which leads to me telling them my position, which ensures they never talk to me again.

Why do you all complain on here about women sucking you dry financially and then ghost women once you hear they pull in six figures?

Attached: waiting.jpg (1300x1122, 307K)

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Are you over 25? Are you a christmas cake?

Men are intimidated and very jealous of Wealthy women that out earn them. 9/10 times if your ideal man aesthetically or emotionally needs to embrace the stereotypical male power fantasies, you're gonna have a bad time.
The sissy boys and submissive males would gladly appease to you, if you wanted that.

Men want to provide and now you've taken that away. You're probably going to have to swim in a new pond with other wealthy successful fish.

you can’t use the same methods you used back then to meet men in your league now.
instead, meet them through work social events or other places where other normal six figure salaried people are gonna be socializing.
otherwise, yeah of course you’re gonna run into insecure men, what did you expect?

Lets be plain, horniness is your way to go. Once you get a guy to think with the penis, you won the battle

You have to be lying. I'm a woman myself and I constantly get rejected for not being ambitious enough. Unless your looks decreased dramatically in the few years it took for you to get to this point, that just doesn't add up.

Absolutely none of this is true..

That's because Girl is actually a tranny

adopt a neet sissy boy from r9k

Back when I was ambitious men loved it. Successful is another story.

I didn't. My woman pulls 6 figures. If you can't get any guy to return your calls after you tell them your position then why don't you tell us what you do?
Otherwise like another user said, date someone who is in your peer group. Date someone who is also making 6 figures. There are men who make money who are looking for an equal wage earner or someone who is obviously not just after a payday.

>I'm a woman and back when I was younger I was broke as shit but never had issues getting dates.
1 how long ago was this
2 do you think your personality has changed any since then?

Three reasons:

-superiority complex of women like you (not all men have inferiority complex and not telling you have it, I don't know you, I'm speaking of general prejudices).

-your inherent compromise with your carreer, most men don't want women who they barely see (women complain of the same).

-the fear of being #metoo'd
>I have moneys and success

Yes, never is enough for most people in your position.

The risk/benefit of being with women like you is like playing russian roulette with 5 bullets.

I have a strong feeling the real reason is something about your looks or personality.

Perhaps the way you go about explaining your work situation comes off as condescending.

My advice is to go do normal shit like take group kayaking lessons. Meet friends and through friends you meet decent dudes.

I personally love a successful confident woman, you can make millions more than me but as long as I'm the one riding your ass at night, its all good.


Because career women make horrible mothers and wives, which is what most men are looking for.

According to one train of thought the reason you got dates easily is because your standards were lower when you were poor. Now that you have more money you instinctually want a man who makes at least as much as you. before you dated 5/10's, now he needs to be at least a 7 before you would give him the time of day. but why would a 7/10 want you when you're a 5 yourself? And he has other options.
>then ghost women once you hear they pull in six figures?
I never heard of this

You choose a career over having a family it seems. It must feel good to hold at night.

You're older.

You're dating the wrong guys for a start. You need to be dating someone as or more 'successful' than yourself.

They can smell the lack of sex drive on your part.

Men want a woman who will suck their cock and give with excitement access to their holes, not to hear you brag about your fucking retirement plan.

>your fellow women scared off most men including myself with me too
>your "wealth" scares away many men, because guess what, we rightfully assume you would never be satisfied and you would see us as inferior.

If you want to land any man I would sincerely suggest finding a way to make him feel like "the man" in the relationship without money

Sounds like you're not dating men but boys who are afraid of corporate women

I dont mind someone who earns six figures or more even better so do I so dual income household is an incredible way to live

Problem is women like you are rare and most are thots unless I'm wrong but I think most women are actually "community property" if you understand what that means

Anyway you're a successful woman and should be dating at your level. Pay for a dating service which matches people at your level on blind dates.

Men want a fun young girl, not a old career woman

T. Future cat lady

You are overweight, have wrinkles, look stressed, dint smile. What appeal do you have to a man? A business deal, get fuckin real.

I would rather date some drug addict from burger king.

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You a fuckin hater
You an old cougar.

Maybe you can attend the thunder down under shows?

I'm down with having a suga momma

Men want a woman who is emotionally available, not already married to her job.

You’re going to die alone.

OP is an incel NEET baiting.

You were cuter when you were younger becuase you were younger.

You also probably have a colder work face that switches on when you discus work. One of my good freinds does it, she is a fun person outside of work mode, but when work mode engages the stick goes up her butt and seems like a cunt.

It does though.
Men want women to be amazing and perfect but not more than them.
If you are 100 they need to be 101 because men are insecure children.
You need to know this but pretend you don't to even considet a man at all.
They need to think you really think you are below them, to feel superior.

As a woman you will never win.
So might as well live your best life.

Lying again. Only insecure loser men would be like you describe.

that's most men. calling someone a liar doesn't mean anything. ciao.


Why is having an assistant shocking to anyone? I have had one since I was a 23 year old kid.

I think you are feeling insecure and bragging about your accomplishments to feel less nervous. Talk about work like you love what you do not what you achieved and no one will care.

Different people complain about different things.
___SOME___ women just wants to "suck you dry financially"
___SOME___ men ghost women that make sense on paper.
Personally, I wouldn't mind being with a woman that earns more money than me.

HOWEVER, there are a ton of things that I would infer about you that you didn't say:
Money is a big deal to you and you think you are a better person because you have money. I don't want a partnership where I get bossed around because you feel entitled to it because you think your thing is more important than mine.
You are probably 30+ which means you are not a good candidate to be the mother of my children. I would rather have a poor as fuck 25 year old who would be a great mother.

The thing you have to realise is a woman having a lot of money doesn't add any value for how a guy views you. So long as you aren't wasteful or in serious debt the large majority of men don't care, and a woman who puts their career first is undesirable.

Attraction to women comes down to 2 things, physical and personality. If it is your job that's scaring people away it's either you're something like a stripper of divorce lawyer, you spend too much time working or men are perceiving it will always be a priority in your life.

This. Hell, even before my friend had her master's, she had a boyfriend who cheated on her and later tried to push the blame on her saying that he did it because he felt he wasn't enough since she earns 2k€ more than him.

OP, that's where sperm banks come in. You have all the resources you need for a good life, and have therefore taken over the only thing a man can be good at in life, rendering them useless (since 99% of them are no worthwhile help with household chores and 99.99% are so bad at raising kids they do more harm than good). Go to a sperm bank or seek out ONSs for the purpose of reproduction (but DON'T tell them of your plans, some guys go nuts and think that'll mean you're practically married).

See here, OP? This is the insecurity your dating prospects feel when they hear about your success. Men rarely want to compromise, they'd rather raise children in poverty without any support than thinking of the best for the family unit. Otherwise it would threaten their belief of being the leader of the household.

This is why most of us go for better men. Trouble is that once a woman has enjoyed a certain amount of success in life, the amount of eligible men to choose from shrinks drastically. That's why you should learn to consider men to be more of a good companionship nature than anything to commit to. If you feel the desire to have kids, again, Don't settle for less. It won't just harm your nerves in the long run, it will harm your children too. Do you want to be what is considered a "good mother" for insecure men, aka the jobless mother who can't even afford sports or music classes for their kids, or do you want to be a happy mother whose kids will want for nothing in life, with the best educational chances?

You might be bragging a bit too much about your work and intimidating the guys, or maybe you’re hanging out at places where the dudes are just too young or immature for you.

Either way, congrats on being successful that’s really great to hear, but doesn’t really help much from a man’s POV early in the relationship. Maybe you should downplay it a little until you find someone that you’ve had a good few dates with, then kinda open up how wealthy and successful you are.

Yeah, it sounds really shitty now that I read it, but hey, I’m just trying to help you get laid.

Kids of stay at home moms are happier, less prone to violent behaviours, more successful academically and later in life.
If you have the financial possibility of being a SAHM, you should.

This is terrible advice.

If you think it's hard finding a guy while financially successful and single, it will be far worse financially single and with a kid.

>99.99% are so bad at raising kids they do more harm than good
That's why the kids of single moms lose in every aspect over kids who had fathers

I want a partner, not someone to control.
I want someone who will push me towards being a better person, not someone to entertain me.
If my partner is a weak or inferior to me, her opinion, praise, and affection will mean less to me. It is not a good path to go down.
If my partner views me as weak or inferior, then it is the same problem.

It has nothing to do with who is making the most money or the kind of job OP has.

I will impregnate you if you want

the last sentence is true.

Keep looking.
Being successful shrinks dating pool *drastically*.
It's part of the deal.

I'm a man in the same situation. All girls that are worth anything turn me down immediately upon finding out that financially "us" will be "me".
Seems that smart, thinking people (both men and women) won't settle for having low financial impact in a relationship, despite even the fact that we - as the providers - don't mind.

Of course there's plenty of suckers that just want a free ride and I'm guessing you're getting these too; but we ain't looking for them kind, are we?

What can I say? You've got two options: either settle for a parasite, or arm yourself in patience and aim higher.
Personally, I'm going for the latter.

Hang in there. We'll get there eventually.

it's completely about age, and not at all about money/career. Across all cultures, throughout all of human history, men prefer the most fertile women. It's as biologically programmed as pain=bad, food=yum, fertile=attractive.

Attached: age_looks_men_women.jpg (800x1544, 145K)

Why not try Tinder and go for lawyers, professors, and doctors?

Maybe you've just grown old and ugly?

Because successful men normally don't date successful women.
I'm dating a very successful man. All his colleague date models, or women from prominent families who never held a real job in their life.
Of all his colleagues, he's the only one who has a girlfriend/wife who has a stable job that actually produces substantial income.

Maybe some assume since youre in a big er position than them YOU are the one to push forward.

That's retarded. Successful men and women are more likely to be attracted to each other.

I've met very few successful men who dated a woman who had a job, let alone a serious career.

What's your ideal man?

Attached: 8tqsorcr7py21.jpg (640x486, 54K)

This is why women prefer men of color. The sperm quality of men in the west has decreased significantly in the recent years. :v)

Seconding this for the majority. But the niche of successful men who want successful women is also increasing. I guess word about sudden downward shifts of standards of living after an ugly divorce of an ex-wife who didn't have any income yet custody of 2+ kids got around.

>the niche of successful men who want successful women is also increasing.
Yes, me too. It is mostly for people who are not interested in having children yet or at all, tho. I've met very few successful men who married and had kids with successful women.
My boyfriend's family is really wealthy. All his sisters are unemployed/"influencers" and married out to rich men, all the men have great careers and jobless wives. Same for his friends.
I make around 60k/year, which is good but not what I'd consider "successful". His mother made roughly the same, too (but her mother is literally the smartest, most amazing woman I've ever met, and she could probably have made 10 times as much if she was childless and wanted to).

There are a few possible reasons why guys won't date you (anymore):

>You're too old. Don't be 30+
>You're ugly
>Your personality sucks: any kind of mental disorder, neediness, baby rabies, disloyal etc. etc.
Most guys don't give a shit what your career is. It's quite common knowledge that guys don't care about a womans socio-economic status. They only care about whether you want children or not and whether you're willing to make compromises on the career aspect to raise children.

can confirm

another victim fell for the career woman meme

My mom was a stay at home mom during my childhood but look where that got me.
Money > Personal time

Personal anecdotes =/= statistics.
Being a present parent is the best choice for your kid.

Men want to be depended on because it helps ensure he won't just be dropped for someone better.

Just find someone who makes even more than you.

If i was married with kids, i'd prefer my wife to work part time. Say like 12-25 hours per week.

Leaves plenty of time to properly raise the kids, while still contributing a significant amount of money to the household income. Unless you have like 8 children, there is no reason for your wife to be completely jobless for years.

Do you want children OP or are fine with being with someone without making babies? I'm curious since I never want to have children.

It makes sense.
If you have children who need daycare, you end up spending most of your income in daycare. And kids who have a parent constantly around turn out noticeably better.
When my boyfriend and I have kids, I'm going to take a few years off work completely till they go to school and then work part time when they're in school, till they're teenagers.
Also not all professions are available with the flexibility you need.

I guess it depends on your personal situation.

Where i live, daycare for children is relatively cheap because it's partly subsidized by the government. Also i have parents who would happily take care of my kids for a day or two per week while both me and my wife are at work.

OP, I think you might have abandoned the thread, but in case you're still around, I'm a successful guy who has tried to date other successful women, and I have friends in the same situation, but here's some of the issues.

Our schedules are incompatible. I mean, not entirely, but when both of us have shit hitting the fan at work, we have to prioritize that over the relationship, which is a pain. We're also both probably extremely stressed, and trying to layer on a relationship to that doesn't give us the time to decompress alone at the end of the day.

Another one is that career women tend to be very set in their routine. Monday-Friday tends to be a stop at the gym, a sensible meal for one made on the stove, and a glass or two of wine sitting on the couch with Netflix and a tiny dog, before retiring to bed early enough to get back at it again tomorrow. Friday night is your one night out, probably happy hour with the girls, Saturday is maybe one fun activity, but also chores and such, then Sunday is maybe brunch with the girls and settling back in to start the routine again. It's all so bland.

At least some 25 year old bartender has three days off a week or something and doesn't have to worry about jack shit when she clocks out for the day.

>complain on here about women sucking you dry financially
Only incels seriously complain about this unless theyre talking about divorce. It's their rationalization for not trying. Dating is expensive but most guys don't cry about it

Also you're old and "business-minded"

women like yourself have a reputation for very high standards. i've been on dates with women like that, and it just feels like job interview. the vast bulk of successful men can find a woman as good or better than you with half the effort required. you have nice job, but that doesn't make you a catch. it barely even registers on the radar for most men.

plus i doubt you are giving us the whole picture. what do you look like?

>career women tend to be very set in their routine
This. You always feel low in their priorities because they struggle to break routine for you. It's a pain organising anything and you feel like shit.

You're uncomfortable to be around. Everything ends up having this semi-formal feeling because you can't avoid bringing work home with you. First dates with 'career women' often feel like job interviews. It's slightly autismal.

Career women tend to treat men as accessories that are peripheral to their lives, and rarely compromise either. Have a reputation for being shit partners.

oh is that why men as a whole have a reputation for being shit partners

Nice deflection, my cat lady friend.

there you go OP. men subconsciously know that you want better men just because you have a degree and a good salary. He has to be Christian Grey and nothing else.

>there you go OP. men subconsciously know that you want better men just because you have a degree and a good salary. He has to be Christian Grey and nothing less.

not a cat lady but nice deflection, you shitty entitled cunt. what you said applies to the majority of men but you don't see it because your penis is #1 and that is why you will forever be shit.

Because women like you don't date "people", you date status. You pursue men by cultural signifiers and create a fantasy man in your head to be an accessory in your life, then constantly challenge to see if it holds up. Everything feels like a job interview, constantly evaluated. Never can relax because you make everything semi-formal.

I'm sure there are some successful women who aren't like that, but they are rare.

Careers don't make you attractive to our dicks. Careers might make you more compatible or make it more likely you're hardworking or intelligent but in itself it does not attract men.

Also you got older so that makes it even worse for you, youth is the prime bait for men to fall in love.

Work on being something men want. It could be feminine traits like being caring, supportive, being ready to suck a dick like you wanted his soul, etc.

How the fuck am I entitled? Never said shit about the women I actually like, just told OP the truth.

>i've been on dates with women like that, and it just feels like job interview.
The second you get this vibe, all attraction dies. It's like you can peer into the distant future of that prospective relationship, and what you see and feel is almost always bleak.

Tbh , my girlfriend is very successful and so am i. We both value or careers and support each other in all the other ways possible. Tbh, i love when women are successful. I specifically love just encouraging her to be the very best she could possibly be ? Everyday talking about how her day was and what she wants to achieve. I love it more than anything desu

I found women with careers really sexy. Like in a femdom kind of way.

Having said that most of them all they have is their career going on for them, it consummate their time and spirit and, to be honest, it gets boring after a while.


>Men are intimidated and very jealous of Wealthy women that out earn them. 9/10 times if your ideal man aesthetically or emotionally needs to embrace the stereotypical male power fantasies, you're gonna have a bad time.
>The sissy boys and submissive males would gladly appease to you, if you wanted that.

Lmao no.

Hey op, Im a broke man with no prospects. Lets date.

Oh, you wont accept? Hmm.

Why the fuck is there so many sissys and trans people on Jow Forums anyway? What attracted them to that board after it got deleted.


>The second you get this vibe, all attraction dies
had a date like that recently and it didn't kill the attraction at the time. I kind of liked her honesty of telling me exactly what she wanted out of life and a relationship... even though I clearly didn't fit the bill.

Feels a bit petty now that she's finally rejected me but its not that surprising she complains about being lonely. Dating at this age fucking sucks. I'm broken and so is everyone I meet yet we all have far higher standards than we probably ought to...there's a reason we're alone.

>had a date like that recently and it didn't kill the attraction at the time. I kind of liked her honesty of telling me exactly what she wanted out of life and a relationship... even though I clearly didn't fit the bill.
See, that'd kill any attraction for me in a second. Would tell me she views nothing special about me, I just tick off some boxes for her. I can do better than that.

> I'm broken and so is everyone I meet yet we all have far higher standards than we probably ought to...there's a reason we're alone.
Yeaaaaaah I'd say you figured out your problem lol. There reason why some people don't like dating is because if forces us to confront shortcomings in ourselves. If you can't square with your shortcomings, or are just miserable in your life, dating will absolutely suck total ass.

Fuck me then, I guess. I'm less happy with myself now than I was a few months ago so its just going to get worse.

>Giving a women power and money in relationship
You're way too bluepilled to know why that's a disaster waiting to happen.

I'm not intimidated nor am i jealous of my girlfriends success , in fact; i encourage her every single day to reach her goals. She also encourages me too, to achieve more and more while having each other for support. Seeing her happy, and feeling pride in the thought of " hey thats my girl " , its better than sex in my honest opinion.

Get those generalized statements out of here , probably all the insecure men you talk to behave that way- but i sure as hell do not.

Well find what makes you happy or content, and don't do it through dating.

OP here. I didn't leave, this is just a shit load to read through. I've tried hitting on both other career men and men with more time (men with research jobs, men still in school, men in the arts) and time and time again things are going great until I eventually have to explain how much I make. My house is in a very very expensive city, I go on rather expensive vacations, and it's not something I can keep under wraps for long.

I'm 30 and have been a solid 6 my whole life. I date other 6's or lower, I know what my dating pool is. My looks have not changed. As I said in another reply, men seemed to be more attracted to me when I was ambitious as opposed to successful.

Hell, I recently met a guy who seemed pretty impressed with my accomplishments and he asked me a lot about them (what made me chose my field, how I worked my way up, etc). He was older, divorced even (no kids), but he was talented and funny. We exchanged contact info, I reached out to him, and he never spoke to me again.

My biggest turn on is self-esteem and a decent degree of pride. I don't care what you do as long as you're proud of it. Hell, if you manage a Burger King I hope you help your employees cover shifts, are nice to customers, and keep the place clean. Men who are proud of what they do tend to be nicer. I've dated two guys who out-earned me but they were never happy and they treated me like garbage as a result.

Also I want a guy who cleans up after himself. It tends to be indicative of other positive traits. I'm not interested in being Mom 2.0

You've raised your standards extremely high now because of your hypergamous nature. You probably won't accept a man with less success than you whereas when you were younger most guys were successful than you so you didn't have a problem. And guys (Chads who you are pursuing) like young girls because their beauty is unmatched and they won't settle for older women if they don't have to (because they're Chad's)

Both of these seem to be OP.

OP, i gotta question you a bit here since you got my curiosity. You say you are 30, but looked the same as younger. Thats almost never the case, a 6/10 at age 22 looks better than a 6/10nat age 30 in most most cases. So your looks most likely deteriorated a bit, even if you cant tell.

And you say you live in a very expensive city and go to expensive vocations. So i assume you are a very high, most likely %1 earner? Maybe even higher. So there already aren't many people in your level, and you probably are looking for someone equal to you in most regards.

Even in your example about pride. You give the example of the "manager" of the Burger King. So he has to be on top of the hierarchy even if a small one. I doubt you would see yourself with a fry cook wgo was happy with where he was.

I think you are looking for somebody proud yes, but pride comes from accomplishments. And most people men or women will not compare to you and might be the beta in your relationship. Are you ready for that?