How do you survive in life without having friends or sex/gf for all of your 20s?

How do you survive in life without having friends or sex/gf for all of your 20s?

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Are you asking because that's how you want to live?

Not having friends is impossible.

Why do you believe this

get the fuck over it?

By acquiring them if you want them. If not who gives a shit

I'm asking if it's healthy. Will i be able to cope?

Pretty sure you’ll be fine in the end but focus on figuring out if it’s a problem for you. I can’t really tell you that, you just know it.

31 yo virgin (male) with only a single friend (for 20years) here, and life couldnt be better.

you must have serious mental health problems if you believe putting your penis in a meathole will solve all your problems.

By waking up, going to work, going back home, browsing 4chin then sleeping? Does it really seem so hard?

Just wondering if i'll no be crazy by the time im 40 and alone

You can always go to a psychiatrist and get yourself a SSRI prescription.

In the UK?. I'm too anxious to phone the doctors

>I'm too anxious to phone the doctors
you have far more severe problems than having friends/sex. you are literally mentally ill.
also asking for mental health advice on Jow Forums, you are legit retarded my dude.
seek help in the real world, not here.


But i am too anxious to do that. I feel able to here

no one here will really help you.
all you will get is some memes and jokes out of some random anons. no one here is getting paid to help you nor do they know you or care about you. its an annonymous image board ffs.

>just do it lmao

Great advice ya fucking mongo

>How do you survive in life without having friends or sex/gf for all of your 20s?
find yourself an internet friend

Life is suffering, you just deal with it.

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I'm not far off proving you wrong at this point.

It can be done. I'm not saying that it's optimal or healthy, but you can learn to cope without any companionship.

You need to constantly want to improve yourself, to keep yourself occupied in a constant self-rewarding loop of progress. It could be studies, the gym, work, anything that keeps your mind occupied on the bottom line: Self improvement.

After a while you'll enter a state of contentment that you never thought possible, and from this point forward the world is your oister.

You can live your life user, you just got to start somewhere.

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You don't, not these days anyway. Go to the GP.

Cant help you there user. I dont live there. You have anxiety or something? Anyway you need a network for support either emotional or career. People can help you find a job if they know where to look. They can also give some advice if you need it. Let me tell you though, not a lot of people will do too much for you unless you're really close. Thats what your family would do if they knew you. Truthfully, even they would only do so much. In the end you could still just talk to people and learn new information by going to places and doing that kind of thing.

do normies actually believe this?

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you just gotta focus your time on something else and keep yourself distracted from the lack of companionship
for me, I program, produce music, and drugs