What do I do if the only person I have to hang out with a massive ass hole...

what do I do if the only person I have to hang out with a massive ass hole? like everything he says is answered in a bitchy sarcastic tone and he always snaps and is a dick head. I just try to help and be nice and I even bring over a bunch of shit to his house and share shit with him and he just answers everything in a bitchy sarcastic tone and its fucking annoying

I feel like I have to constantly fight or something just to hang out with someone but hes literally the only person I have that lives near me and its fucking miserable dude its either be alone or be with the biggest ass hole on the planet. not one person likes him or hangs out with him besides his mom and im stuck with him and I fucking hate him.

im always nice. I finally had enough of his shit and told him I was going to fucking punch him in the jaw and he just says I dont know what the fuck im doing. its been years of this cock sucker treating me like shit and being an ass hole and I fucking hate him but I have no one else to hang out with. I told him he answers everything in a bitchy tone and is annoying and he just says oh dude I have no control over it I dont mean it im just always pissed off and sad all the time

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my life is a miserable piece of shit too but im never an ass hole to him and hes literally always constantly an ass hole to me and answering in a bitchy tone and shit. I dont really want to get in fights or argue 24/7 and have the only friendship I have I have to fucking beat him up to make him not be an ass hole and then have the constant stress of knowing I have to argue with this ass hole or beat his ass every day but I dont want to just sit alone completely sad and isolated alone

what the fuck do I do? theres literally no options. I mean hes like 5'1 and mentally retarded and uncoordinated and disabled I could beat the fuck out of him but then I feel like it would just be awkward and strained and every time I say something about it he just gives me some pity sorry for himself bull shit.

its constantly making me depressed and feel like an ass hole and fucking with my self worth but I cant possibly get in a fight every single time I hang out with the only person I have but sitting in isolation is fucking hell too. what the fuck do I do? the only thing I cant hink of is get some shit job and occupy my time with that but ill be so fucking depressed doing nothing but working a shit job and then sitting alone every night after

Make new friends

I have 0 options. obviously I would of thought of that

"MaKE nEw fRienDs"


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I just posted that the piece of shit that i used to call "friend" peed in my fucking glass and used the same glass to give me a drink.

I learned the hard way that not every friend is your friend.

All i got is me, myself and i and myself again.

Better no company than bad company

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I learned that I won't be the guy that desperately needs friends and holds onto them no matter what, but instead I'm by myself, and if someone decides to follow ME, or do something with me, it's fine. Buy I won't change my plans just to fit in with some assholes that I don't relate to.
So it's basically that I'm myself and myself only, and stopped seeking friends to pass time with desperately. Instead I rely on luck and only need a gf to have a deeper relationship with. I don't care about more people, if they don't care about me

yeah theres so many normal people out there but it seems like theres a ton of uptight crazy dickheads everywhere and they just ruin everything

Does your name start with a C?

I know the 'make new friends' thing is a non answer as you have obviously made the thread seeking advice on this specific scenario - however, I don't really think I can see that asshole dude changing any time soon and if I were in your shoes I would just ditch him. I was in a similar scenario myself where I had a friend who I thought I related to, but he did that whole bitchy sarcastic passive-aggressive shit too, all the fucking time. I tried just being polite the whole time thinking he would mellow out but the 'niceness' is what makes these people realise they can get away with being a dick, because they have a deep need to be one for some reason. I think people see polite people as a chance to practice their narcissism against. Now i've basically got no one to hang out with, it's weird and I don't like it, but I'd rather this than have someone actively bitching away at my soul into oblivion - just like this user said: Maybe tell us some funny stories about the dumb shit he's said so we can have a laugh about it

Hmmm.. think twice.Maybe you have a mistakes also before you spew some judgements.

well hes basically a retard. like actual short bus retarded if I wanted to I could easily fuck him up he cant even make a fist or walk properly im just way too nice

hes an ass hole and a retard its a pretty bad combination. one time I looked at his phone and he follows all these fucking WEIRD diaper fetish pages. so I found out he has all these weird diaper fetishes and gets off to chicks wearing diapers and shitting in their diapers and shit. its fucking creepy.

every single person I know hates him

Have a serious talk with him and just tell him how you feel.

ive told him hes bitchy an ass hole. ive constantly ditched him and ghosted him for I do. I go days weeks and months without talking to him and he knows its because hes an ass hole

every single time I bring it up hes just like oh I cant help it and wants me to feel sorry for him.

ghosted him for it*

He sounds like a nightmare. Not too sure how far being honest with him about this will take you either if he's always abrasive to you anyway. Dunno but i'd still say try to distance yourself away from this person if he is too much, it's just a choice between putting up with his bitching or putting up with the (possibly temporary) loneliness. Quite a lot more difficult though if your family has ties with this as you said both of you live quite close

also lmao at that diaper stuff, you should get him some diapers for his birthday to fuck with him

What do you mean, do you live in a neighborhood with that 1 guy and no one else around miles away?


Cut the bitch off. Maybe he will learn that way

I did. he didn't learn a single fucking thing

I wish I could beat his ass but im too nice and too much of a bitch to do it. it would just be awkward if I did anyways It would just be like some prison type friendship. it already is. and I would still have to be constantly ready to beat his ass all the time

hes mentally ill as fuck too hes totally fucked. like in the really weird creepy shit hes awlays saying weird shit that just makes you say uhhhhh and he creepily talks about staring at girls and shit

such a failure its sad to even look at

I have the same problem, people take your kindness for weakness. Something snapped in my mind and now I'm in savage mode.

Don't accept any bullshit. If he say something wrong. Snap on his bitch ass and flame him.
Show him that you won't tolerate no fuckery.

I used to help people but now it's fuck everyone but me. You have to be cold blooded in this world full of fucking snakes

its so fucked dude I cant even really act like that ill probably just sit alone and hope I can find normal people somehow

I used to have one or two friends I could just sit and we would hang out and have fun and we could just make jokes and laugh and shit but this is fucking miserable

I feel better hanging out with this retard because im not alone but theres no laughter theres no fun we dont do anything and hes a total fucking pussy hes afraid to leave his house he shoots down any idea he wont do anything hes paranoid of anything

its fucked hes a giant pussy but always does shit to piss people off and make them hate him it makes no sense. and hes god damn disgusting. he doesn't clean a single fucking thing. hes gross his entire room is fucking disgusting and a mess and smells like fucking shit and dirty laundry. he hasn't changed his sheets or washed any of his shit in months. im pretty sure his dog pissed all over his bed and then he just waited for it to dry up and just slept on it again.

fuck dude theres something fucked with people out in these areas

of everything*

He has some mental issues, and i really think he can't help it. Because there is no one else he can interact with. And he got nothing to out his anger on.

Sometimes i scream at my grandma but it's because i got a whole fucking battlefield in my head and i can't help it.

He doesn't want to go outside because he got anxiety. He thinks that because he's disabled people will talk shit about him. And maybe it's true.
But people always bully people that are different.

Anxiety can be worst than depression, i dropped out of college because of that and locked myself in my room

The dirty room is a big sign of depression. I know these things because i been there.

>t angry retard defending an angry retard

no. my life is 10000x times worse than his. my life is literally a fucking hell hole disaster of every day making me want to kill myself. i dont snap on people

hes a fuck up

Not trying to defend him. and yes he's a big fuck up. You can either stay alone or have a bad friend. It's your decision

If you can't make new friends at least ditch him as a friend and move on. I'd rather have literally zero friends than some asshole for a "friend". It is better to be alone than in bad company.

I had friends like this for years and I cut them the fuck off of my life. It was like a mountain off my shoulders.

they tried contacting me but I ignored the morbid cocksuckers.

this is why I hate friendships. I stay from them and even my coworkers I stay away from.