How do you go on about marrying a Western guy as a Muslim girl living in a third world country?

It's unfair. I feel bad. I've seen these videos of Arab women who married Western guys and I was honestly shocked...
They're so affectione and loving and unfraid to show their female partners that they care. Never in my life have I seen an Arab husband do that, not on TV, definitely not in my own home, and not anywhere else, and I am 19.
It's not that I find Arab guys unattractive, it's just their aggressive fuck off personalities and attitudes that really puts me off so much. I'm generally a very sensitive person and I admit wanting attention and affection from people I love, and a lot of the time Arab guys don't like to do that. I don't think they're bad people/partners, I guess some girls prefer aggressive fuck off guys, but for me, I can't do it.
I live in Jordan and here men generally tend to fall into two categories: traditional/macho/"religious" guys who are like: "my own sister? coming back home from school five minures later than usual? guess she'll die" or the full blown liberal who supports all sorts of promiscuity and paints premarital-sex/clubbing/whoring as something normal and okay (who are massive hypocrites when it comes to their own female relatives, btw). Sadly, it is almost always either this or that in this country.


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I want a partner that respects and loves me while still having some sort of boundaries that stem out of his own protectiveness and chivalry. I think a lot of Western guys are like that, and these videos made me think it was really true, I would even go and admit I feel envious from these girls because it just seems like an unreachable dream for me. I'm scared of getting married to a guy who hates my guts only to look at my direction when he needs food or sex (not that I think caring about those things are bad, but I'd just expect a loving partner to prioritize my feelings over them just as I would prioritize his feelings over his looks/money/etc. Obviously I will cook for him and have sex with him, but only because I really love him [not because I have to]). I want him to think of me as a friend and a lover before a wife. Like we should make each other laugh and enjoy each other's presences rather than just slaving around for whatever how long.
Other than their charming personalities, I also think Western guys are aesthetically pleasing. I'm very attracted to them. I don't want to say that I want him to convert for me if he really loved me because you should only really convert for God, not any man or woman. But since it's forbidden in my religion to marry a non-Muslim man, it's a little even more troubling.
How can I go on about marrying a loving Western guy as a Muslim girl?

move out
i would love to have an arab qt gf
>I'm scared of getting married to a guy who hates my guts only to look at my direction when he needs food or sex
this happens a lot in the west though

>who hates my guts only to look at my direction when he needs food or sex
That isn't unique to Arab men, most men are like that.

If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a stone.


abandon your faith

I'm a Jordanian guy living in the US, and yeah, dating traditional Arab men is pretty terrible unless you're completely brainwashed by the religion/culture. I know there quite a few Westerners that live in Jordan, so you can try seeking them out by going to popular tourist hotspots there, or even big malls like Taj Mall, Mecca Mall, etc.

Your English seems very good, so you can try getting accepted here into a Uni maybe? If all else fails, look on dating websites and hope someone wants to sponsor you. I will say this, if you're extremely religious and very cultural, most Western men will be turned off by you and most likely not want to marry you. You must be at least somewhat willing to sacrifice aspects of your religion/culture and be open to different beliefs (if you're on Jow Forums I'm sure that's not a problem).

first and most important step is to find one THERE, locally to you. next is to ditch your religion and abandon your culture as much as possible.

Thought this was a troll at first, but maybe not. This guy is on-point: Are you Christian or Muslim? Is religion important to you?

What do you want out of life? E.g. to be a housewife or have a career? One relationship / marriage or dating around?

I don't think it's a troll, because I've known a lot of girls that feel this way in Jordan. It's a pretty common thing in the Middle East in general, actually. Life for women out there is pretty depressing unless you find someone who's not completely inclined to religion/tradition.

in response to

I think men fall into these categories everywhere.
What you want it golden middle between chad and a cuck. With luck you can find such people anywhere. But well, It's luck.

>I don't want to say that I want him to convert for me if he really loved me because you should only really convert for God, not any man or woman. But since it's forbidden in my religion to marry a non-Muslim man, it's a little even more troubling.

This is going to be an issue and a source of conflict regardless of the religion in question. Let me elaborate in several parts:

Part I: Islam and fair treatment of women is not something that can be reconciled - your religion is explicitly patriarchial. You can spin it all sorts of ways, but Muhammad had a ton of wives, which became increasingly underage as he grew older. Furthermore, the man is allowed to beat his wife and not vice-versa. There is a LOT of nuance you can get into here, but the point is that your religion does not teach the kind of relationship you want. Countries that are predominantly Muslim do not support the kind of relationship you want. People who follow your religion do not support the kind of relationship you want. To be clear, this is not exclusive to Islam, but Christians tend to have a relaxed view of their faith in the US and Europe, which is pretty hypocritical, but another topic altogether.

Part II: All of these things will come into play if you marry a Western man. If you move to Europe or the US you will be an unskilled individual. Then you will ask to pray 5 times a day at your shit job, and the rednecks will fire you. Then Ramadan will come and you will be up at 4am whining about how thirsty you are. Then you will bitch at him for eating bacon. And he won't care about the bacon - but he will care that you are making a big deal out of shit that's completely insignificant. Then you will go to Muslim events together and the Muslim men will RAGE, because you are with an infidel. They will start fights with the infidel. The infidel will walk them. You will have a fight at home about how they didn't do nuffin and the infidel is being aggressive. Your Muslim friends will tell your infidel husband that he needs to convert and they would convert him by force if they could. They will start religious debates, lose, and rage. There will be constant conflict in your relationship. He won't convert, because he is not an idiot. Unless you picked a desperate cuck, but that's not a man.

Part III: Then you fall into the dichotomy mentioned. Why? Because religious people are generally strict, unbending, and delusional. Yet those who reject religion go off the deep end and don't realize that some morals/restrictions are there for a reason.

The solution is to take the good from religion, but realize that it was a moral code devised to control peasants and consolidate power.


I'm a white guy in a western country and the only hesitation I have about dating arab girls is... they come with a lot of extra baggage. Religion, traditions, family... it's all a package deal and it seems very inflexible in a lot of ways and can be very confining for people who want anything outside of it.

I'd never convert and I would expect an arab gf to risk losing everything to be with me. So... it requires some hard choices

would NOT expect*

>They're so affectione and loving and unfraid to show their female partners that they care. Never in my life have I seen an Arab husband do that
XD, western guys can be just as much of a mixed bag and include your two general types that you have described as well. Not to mention the rampant mental and physical illness over here.
You're just watching youtubes of idealized couples, they are not the average.

I would date a muslim girl

You don't.

Your culture is too different and backwards to western Christian cultures.

>But I'll become western and Christian.
That's a best case scenario. But would your family? Not a chance in hell. That'll be conflict waiting to happen.

Stay where you are and try fixing your culture first.

I have a Jordanian qt gf that had more or less the same idea. She came over on a scholarship.

Just remember that Western guys probably don't want the classic Jordanian woman personality either. If you want that Western man, you also need to be affectionate and giving. You can't just sit around and demand things from him.

we don't want you.
Stay in your own shithole and keep your rapey manlets where they belong.

what rampant physical illness?

Are you attractive?

It's strange that literally every man on this site complains that women are not 'romantic'. Even one of the threads on Jow Forums is about a guy being too /feminine/ and you are here posting this. Interesting.

>How can I go on about marrying a loving Western guy as a Muslim girl?
Same way the rest of them do: Find guys and interact with them.

I live in the USA and have spent my whole life living along the West Coast. Here, the type of guy you're describing is super common, so it's a little hard to describe how to "meet one". I've no experience with Jordan, but like... yeah, I guess you'd have to move? The culture here is just sort of aligned with the type of guy you're describing and it sounds like the culture where you're from isn't that way.

It sucks. There are some cultures that seem pretty fundamentally toxic (or rather, have SOME fundamentally toxic attributes. I don't think any culture is 100% bad). What I've heard of the middle eat / eastern europe in regards to traditional muslim culture sounds pretty shit. So best advice? Move. Move to the Western World somehow, if that's at all possible, and then try to assimilate to western culture.

Though keep in mind: if you choose the USA for instance, you'll want to move to a liberal area / urban center. There are gorgeous rural areas in this country, but something foreign people don't always know is that the USA spans from very cutting edge first world standard of living, to turbo-shit third world standard of living. Seattle / San Francisco / Chicago / Austin / Denver are all very modern cities with high standards of living and high marks for things like healthcare, education, income, etc etc. Like among the best in the world.

Places like Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, are basically worse in all measurable areas than Iran / Pakistan / Iraq. As a (presumably) fairly dark skinned person, you'd want to avoid those areas at basically any cost.

I'm sure european nations have their equivalent, but I'm not familiar with those. Best of luck muslim-user

>rural bad
>your home bad
>come to the biggest, most expensive shitholes on the planet
holy shit how sheltered are you? What the fuck do they put in that water supply?

move to aqaba and get a job at the hilton

>holy shit how sheltered are you?
I mean I've lived brief stints in ~3 foreign countries (ireland, italy, and philippines) and have traveled through ~40 states, so not very?

Those Urban areas are expensive, but they also have far and away more job opportunities with minimum wages twice that of the rest of the country.

I didn't say "rural bad", the rural parts of this country are absolutely gorgeous most of the time. They just happen to be invested with the lowest garbage tier people, who pass garbage tier policies that drive their states into the ground.

You literally cannot argue that, because for any important metric (again, healthcare ie mortality rates, rates of contraction of preventable diseases, healthcare center wait times), those predominantly rural states rank 45-50th with values that are below that of almost all middle east countries, and many african countries.

Those same metrics, in those urban centers, are comparable to areas like Seoul and Tokyo as some of the highest in the world.

(Although really your post reads like: "I'm from a rural area, and don't like it when people call out my state for being the shit that it is", so I guess you're lucky you got an actual response, lol)

techies with 6 figures barely afford to live in those crime riddled towns, let alone some shit-shack dwelling sand[gamer word].
You need to get a grip on reality comrade

most western guys assume that muslim women don't date outside their religion. mostly because they don't. also depending on what country you go to men will be very eager to go out with you.

as a guy who married a moroccan, your best bet is to move to a western country and do 'non-muslim' things. im not talking about crazy drugs, gang bangs etc. i met my wife at salsa classes for example. she had the same conceptions of arab guys as you, except only the 'traditional' type, though ironically im no different just not muslim. i spent a few months in jordan a few years ago and got a lot of attention, mostly from highschoolish girls just wanting instagram pictures, but combined with the previous sentence, examine your own motivations and ask if youre just fetishising

>techies with 6 figures barely afford to live in those crime riddled towns

"crime riddled". What is accounting for population density, lol. Pic related. See, OP? This is how stupid the people in our rural areas are. It's really just the worst to have to share a country with these folks, but what are ya gonna do?

Also, people here live fine off wages in the area (which again, are going to be several times larger than what you'd see in rural parts of the country). You can live just fine being a waitress or something, I personally know 2-3 that live in the Seattle area off full time waitressing.

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>Your English seems very good, so you can try getting accepted here into a Uni maybe? If all else fails, look on dating websites and hope someone wants to sponsor you. I will say this, if you're extremely religious and very cultural, most Western men will be turned off by you and most likely not want to marry you. You must be at least somewhat willing to sacrifice aspects of your religion/culture and be open to different beliefs (if you're on Jow Forums I'm sure that's not a problem).

I would not say turned off. It would just be intimidating. Also it might be hard to flirt.

I say this as a white engineer that was interested in his Muslim TA. I would have dated her despite difference in female grooming, ect. She was very pretty and despite making time for her and some compliments nothing ever really clicked.

Also, OP, i would bit come to the west wanting a Hollywood looking man. There are lots of American men that would be sweet to you, but they will not all be hot. 25 to 10 of them might be attractive.

You also run the risk of a very attractive man expecting you to have sex before marriage.

It will be difficult to find a man that will wait for sex and convert.

>Places like Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, are basically worse in all measurable areas than Iran / Pakistan / Iraq. As a (presumably) fairly dark skinned person, you'd want to avoid those areas at basically any cost.

Go fuck yourself you elitist trolling sack of shit. Sure those states dont have big cities but they aren't third world level. Fucking shit man.

>but they aren't third world level
I mean if you look at metrics like:
>Availability to health care
>mortality rates due to preventable diseases
>Education results (both at what level the students test at and retention rates as they age)
>Exposure to unsanitary conditions
>Access to clean water
>Crime rates per capita
>Average income per house hold
not to mention a whole HOST of things like
>Gap between rich and poor
>Access to public services

Fuck I mean fuck, they've even measured things like how functioning of a "democracy" these areas are (like, how much systemic corruption is there, how many minority groups are disenfranchised from voting, how many laws have been passed with no other justification other than preventing specific groups for being able to influence their local government) and in all of these metrics, the large majority of Southern states clock in lower than the middle east and much of Africa.

Facts are facts bud, sorry if you live in a shit hole, but one of the absolute worst aspects of those states is that the population is enraptured by the prevalent propaganda piped through all of their news networks. It's straight North Korean caliber indoctrination: "No no, our country isn't shit, the rest of the world is even worse!" as they eat grass soup again for dinner, while the rest of the world looks on and shakes their heads.

I hope you recover some day, but was just saying for OP that as things are now, she would see basically 0 improvement in her quality of life (and likely a significant decrease, since she's muslim in a chiefly racist and violent part of our country).

Dude, there are female muslims at every college in rural America. Stop being retarded.

>San Francisco / Chicago

Don't listen to this fag.
Stay out of the cities. The country is very respectful and accepting of everyone except this guy. We can't stand his kind. He smells his own farts and thinks paying $3,000/mo for rent is acceptable. then preaches about multiculturalism from the perch of his single bedroom apartment in the sky that is far away from diversity.

ANYWHERE is more comfortable than the shitholes this guy is shilling.

Guy who made this post, please become an hero. The world needs less NPCs

Dixieland at its finest, ladies and gentlemen

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You are aware that you can just move to the west and marry a musim man or arab man right..... i have 4 muslim friends and they are what you described but still muslims ..... just come to the west and find a guy raised in this culture ... i literallly walked on my roomate praying once tears running down his face idk what he was saying but hes a devout believer he was recently talking about Ramadan (if thats how its spelled ) and how hes fasting and all this stuff .. he also talks about a girl he likes in the sweetest of ways qnd ive seen him on the phone with her for hours being affectionate...... you can have you arab/muslim guy and loving caring and respecting guy in the same person....

got discord?

>They're so affectione and loving and unfraid to show their female partners that they care.

that's not all western men. a lot of western women like the "alpha" kind of guy and most men try to be macho and aggressive. I'd say a minority of men in the western are sensitive

I think you sound very reasonable, but I have to be honest: I would never marry a religious woman, much less a muslim woman. You want a reasonable man because the men in your own country are unreasonable, but you have to recognize that it comes with the territory of religion. Men that are reasonable are generally speaking not religious. Even in America, religious men tend to be like the men you in your own country that you are describing. Christians in America may be less murderous towards women, but they are still has bigoted, sexist and controlling.