I want to know if my friends are being Jews or if I’m tripping...

I want to know if my friends are being Jews or if I’m tripping. I moved in with them two months ago and I just started working but I have exactly one dollar in change, mostly pennies left in my name and my welfare food card.

They’re working and have a decent amount of disposable income to go out to eat multiple times a week. We are out of toilet paper in the house. And they’ve seen me in the open area counting up how many pennies I have left and making meal plans. Is it messed up that they asked me if I had anything to give them to get toilet paper? I mean, it’s two of them and one of me, and they usually ask me to cover half of it for 2.50 (which I think is just fucking silly, I would just buy it myself if I had the means) but instead asked for whatever I had this time. To me, that sounded like them saying “hey we don’t know if you have 2.50 left but we need whatever you have for this damn toilet paper.”

Now am I tripping or are they being really shitty about this? It just doesn’t seem like friends would do. I mean if it’s something dumb like toilet paper I would just get it myself like I’ve gotten paper towels, dish soap, and tissue for the house, and especially if my friend is on their last dimes.

Any thoughts?

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Assuming an otherwise equitable situation (you're paying rent including one third of utilities) yeah kind of bullshit that they'd ask you to pay for half the toilet paper instead of a third.

That they're asking you to contribute to household expenses for things that you use, regardless of their income or yours, is not bullshit. You should not expect other people to pay your way.

Why would you be buying toilet paper more than once in a period of two months? Are you all women? Are you buying expensive 6 packs while they're not on sale?

Addendum to this guy, there's exactly one way to buy paper and that's in the largest packs available when they're on sale.

As a general rule don't buy shit that isn't on sale if you can help it. Especially in regards to eating out.
Tell your friends you're broke-ass poor and will help out next time. As for why costs are halved instead of thirded, I don't know. Ask them.

Welcome to what money does to Jews. I suggest you find a house with fewer semites.

Yeah your "friends" sound like total jew cunts.

But, is this the first time they have had to.cover you? If it is a pattern where you are always broke and they have to pay, maybe they are fetting impatient.

Otherwise they can fucked lol. At my flat everyone just pitches in and when something runs out like washing powder someone will just buy it when theyre next out, nobody goes thirds on this shit lol

get your own toilet paper?

steal your own and dont use community paper. Go to public restrooms and get some for the road.

Imagine paying money to wipe your ass.

I shit before having a shower. I haven't brought toilet paper in years

These guys aren't ready for the pro tips user.

They’ve never covered me for anything. I didn’t have the WiFi bill this month but I’m getting it to them on Friday since I just got a job. But they have always asked me for half the cost of all household appliances even if I bought similar appliances for the house out of my own money, just because that’s what normal people do.

>You should not expect other people to pay your way.
You missed the part where I bought numerous household items for all to use. And when you have roommates obviously everyone is going to be using all the public items excluding food and things kept in your privacy so the way it should be is that if you notice something is running low and you need more, just get it. And if you feel like you’re getting most of the items and your roommates aren’t pitching in then you open the floor to that discussion. I suppose there is logic in asking for half the cost of household items but when it’s cheap shit like toilet paper, cleaning supplies and dishwashing soap and you have the money to spare, just fucking get it and stop being a bugger. It’s not that hard of a concept.

You’re getting jewed, op

If it’s not going to fuck up your living situation I’d recommend talking to them about why you pay 1/2 while the other two, despite being better off, are paying 1/4 each.

They said it’s because only he is working and she isn’t working due to a medical condition so now we have to split it two ways. I thought that was really weird back then but just tolerated it because we were on much better terms but now that time has passed I kinda missed my window to say anything about it.

But is that fair, that they as a couple only need to pay half because one of them is working and I have to pay the other half because I’m working? Is that fair? Genuine question.

Steal the toilet paper from public bathrooms or supermarket ones

>I kinda missed my window to say anything about it.

No you haven't. You say "hey this is bullshit."

>But is that fair, that they as a couple only need to pay half because one of them is working and I have to pay the other half because I’m working?

If she's using a third of whatever (and if it's toilet paper, assuming that you're a guy, it's a fair bet that she's using more than half) then she's responsible for a third. If he's covering for her because she's not working and he wants to, then that third is on him.

Do you know how long until she starts working/how long has she not been working?

Imo you shouldn’t be punished for her medical issues by having to pay an additional 16-17% of everything if the boyfriend is clearly capable of paying for her while you’re struggling to get by.

In this situation the least they could do is take care of utilities (although him paying for her until she can work again makes more sense to me)

She’s been out of a job for over a year and might be back to working within a year. And I agree with that, but hey I moved into their place and agreed to this. I’d better better off finding a new place which I plan on doing in the next month because I feels like they’re taking advantage of me. This relationship is already over so rather than trying to bandage things up I’m just gonna leave them to deal with all those finances on their own while I move on to better things.

And I’m paying half the rent here. HALF! And I don’t even get my own privacy! I stay in the living room of a studio apartment. And they still demand these trivial things of me. Ridiculous.

Sounds like a good choice, glad to hear you’re taking the initiative - a lot of people choose not to.

Trust me I know I’m the same dude in those very threads tellingpeople to move out and I know it’s easier said than done but sometimes you have to

I hope you starve user.

Why? I didn’t even do anything wrong

LMAOOOOO THIS SHIT SOUNDS FUNNY AS FUCK. But your right. Ill fenise me some toilet paper. Pay to clean my ass? you got me fucked up