how can i deal with my life as a brainlet?
>always forget everything
>screw up in school because i cant focus at all
>get angry and frustrated when i need to study for school (3 tests on wednesday)
>my boss hates me because im clumsy
>parents say im just lazy
>studder often and have trouble with forming longer sentences
i cant even attach a flyscreen to my window because i cant get anything right. after 1 hour of trying i had to ask my mother for help. she did it in a few minutes.
what am i supposed to do? i cant enjoy my life at all.
also mother is the best
How to deal with life as a brainlet?
sounds like you're dealing with it just fine. not dealing with it fine would be if you were having tantrums or violent outbursts or drinking too much. life sucks sometimes but at least you're dealing with it well. good job.
If you're aware of your limitations, you're far, FAR ahead of actual brainlets.
You're a sweetheart, OP.
Intelligence is fickle. Don't fixate on what you're bad at, focus on your strengths and stay positive; everyone deserves a full life
What a nice and kind post. S/O to you.
Are you sure you're not just being a puss?
>how can i deal with my life as a brainlet?
Generally the most important thing is to determine if that is really true, or if you only have deficits in certain areas. Not to mention, people have different levels of progression, and the male brain isn't completely formed until around age 25.
>always forget everything
How long has this persisted? Do you have troubles with short-term memory, long-term memory, or both? Are there situations when this is more likely to happen?
>screw up in school because i cant focus at all
Have you been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD or given an Rx for any medications to help with focus? Can you described in what ways it is hard to focus? Is it the teachers, classes, etc.?
>get angry and frustrated when i need to study for school (3 tests on wednesday)
What about this causes you anger? Are some subjects worse than others?
>my boss hates me because im clumsy
How much do you work, and what do you do? Do you feel this impacts your schooling?
>parents say im just lazy
Are they generally unsupportive?
>studder often and have trouble with forming longer sentences.
Do you have difficulty with saying the words or mapping them in your mind?
Posting from my phone right now
I have started to drink once every weekend, i have the urge to cry and i want to die for several years now
I dont know why its like that. I know many brainlets but it seems like im the only one who admits it or is aware of that
Thanks, but the problem is that i cant hold a job like this. Kek, i wouldnt mind to be a neet but i know i have to fulfill my "duties" and all that bullshit
Im now for several years aware about it. It is pretty draining to be so limited so im sorry if i sound like a pussy right now. Im just desperate for help at the moment
>the male brain isn't completely formed until around age 25
Im 22 now. I dont think that my brain is just developing
>How long has this persisted? Do you have troubles with short-term memory, long-term memory, or both? Are there situations when this is more likely to happen?
I think it was always like that. But now im working for 2 years now and this is where it stands out. Back in school i just pushed everything i needed for a classtest 1 or 2 nights before it into my brain. After a day all that information is gone. I always did it like that. I think ive never learned to learn.
I think i have trouble with long-term memory and short-term memory but my short-term memory is way worse
>Have you been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD or given an Rx for any medications to help with focus? Can you described in what ways it is hard to focus? Is it the teachers, classes?
When i was 12 years old i visited a psychologist a few times. She said i have ADD and then i got medication. I tried it only one time because it made me so depressed that i stayed in bed for days. Dont ask me how she could just say that i have ADD in a few sessions. Also i dont know what medication it was.
I cant listen to my teachers. I can do it for maybe a minute and then im unable to receive any information. It just goes past me. After that point i just look out of the window
>Back in school i just pushed everything i needed for a classtest 1 or 2 nights before it into my brain. After a day all that information is gone.
Are you in college now? What are you studying? You can't study university level material the same way as high school.
>I always did it like that. I think ive never learned to learn.
This seems rather evident.
>I think i have trouble with long-term memory and short-term memory but my short-term memory is way worse.
There are numerous medical issues that can cause problems in short-term memory. Anxiety, ADHD/ADD, and sleep apnea are common ones. I'd explore some before settling on you just being broken.
>I can do it for maybe a minute and then im unable to receive any information. It just goes past me.
Is this because you aren't interested in the material or that you don't understand it? In what way do you feel you can't process it? Is the level of the material within your range of ability? I am somewhat concerned that if you didn't retain your fundamental learning, advanced concepts are going to seem alien. Is that a possibility?
>What about this causes you anger? Are some subjects worse than others?
Sorry but this is going to sound pretty spoiled. It just pisses me off. Everytime i try to learn i just remember that i dont even need it for my job. Im just learning it for my final exam. But the final exam is still a year away so when i need to prepare for i have already forgotten EVERYTHING of it.
The worst subject is programming. This one just burns my attentionspan instantly. I dont even try to learn for it.
>How much do you work, and what do you do? Do you feel this impacts your schooling?
I work from 9 to 6. Its an apprenticeship. I work at an it-workshop where i barely do anything. Its just me and my boss. Most of the time i just reinstall windows or read books about computers which are from the year 1992. My boss refuses to teach me because hes too busy. He said i need to teach most of it by myself. I think once every 2 weeks he "teaches" me where i just sit behind him and look at what hes doing. When i have questions he gets angry and says im supposed to know that.
Im alone 90% of the time and when i hear him running down the stairs i always think that im going to get in trouble. Bit the worst thIng is when he really tried to teach me. He will give me a task which i have never done before and will stay right behind me and waits until i do something wrong. Then he will get angry and say that im supposed to know that.
I dont know if this impacts my grades but Im really bad at school right now
>Are there situations when this is more likely to happen?
Yes, when im nervous all of my mentioned traits are getting worse x5. And i get nervous really quickly. It is enough if my boss enters the room, some person is angry at me or somebody asks me something like "what im supposed to know" or anything like that.
>Are they generally unsupportive?
Well, its complicated. my parents had to grow up in the sovietunion so theyre a bit insensitive. When i told my mom that my friend had to go to a psychiatry because of his depression she just gets confused and says: "how can you be depressed? We dont have to starve or fight for our lifes. He just doesnt work enough!"
My parents tell me theres nothing wrong with me. They say Im just veeerry lazy.
So theyre not really supportive about it and i wont tell them about it. But otherwise im happy with them
>Do you have difficulty with saying the words or mapping them in your mind?
Mapping them in my mind
brainlets are unaware they are brainlets
>forget everything
unless you have a medical condition theres a reason for that, lack of sleep, drugs, alcohol, etc
>screw up in school
study harder
>get angry
stress is normal, not managing your stress is the problem here
find another boss, my grandfather impaled his own palm with a knitting needle once, thats clumsy
stop being lazy
>stutter and problems with communication
talk more and read books
the reason you cant attach the flyscreen is because nobody showed you how, everything is taught to children, ask for HELP but DO NOT let others do things for you, ask them to teach you how!
you are supposed to take a conscious effort in improving yourself, life is NOT supposed to be easy, you suffer, you fail, you keep trying and unless you are mentally or physically impaired, you will succeed
you want to enjoy life from the get go, and now you stuggle
struggle first, the reward will be an enjoyable life
>brainlets are unaware they are brainlets
I'm of average intelligence, but I can look at other people and realise they're capable of things that intellectually I am not. I'm sure there are people of below average intelligence who can notice that most people are more adept mentally than they are.
you only see results and you dont know the effort behind it
i dont know where you are from but it was pretty commonplace for ppl claiming they didnt study and they are afraid of failing then they aced the exam or test or whatever, they lie to make themselfs look better
also so what if you arent a genious, you said you arent enjoying life, you dont need to be gifted to enjoy life, maybe dont think so highly of yourself, then you can understand its ok that some things require you to do more for it, but i think you are just a whiny teenager
I'm not OP, I'm just saying that thinking you're stupid isn't proof that you're not stupid.
>Are you in college now? What are you studying? You can't study university level material the same way as high school.
Im in a Professional school. I dont know if thats something in your country but its basically just a school which tries to prepare you for your job. Its not that hard but im fucking up right now
>There are numerous medical issues that can cause problems in short-term memory. Anxiety, ADHD/ADD, and sleep apnea are common ones. I'd explore some before settling on you just being broken.
Ill try to get some appointments but it will take some time
>Is this because you aren't interested in the material or that you don't understand it? In what way do you feel you can't process it? Is the level of the material within your range of ability? I am somewhat concerned that if you didn't retain your fundamental learning, advanced concepts are going to seem alien. Is that a possibility?
Oh this is important. I have no interest for it at all. Thing is, i have absolutely no interest in anything at all except for women, the soothing silence of my room and learning japanese (i postponed that one until the end of the apprenticeship)
Well, after a minute of listening to the teacher ill get really bored, so i have to force myself to keep listening. At this point my brain feels like its driven by a dead hamster. No matter what im doing, i cant listen. I can repeat it in my mind or whatever, i cant remember it at all. I once had a teacher 10 years ago. I think he noticed it. When i was looking at him and tried to listen, he would ask me a question. I was totally fucked in that moment and didnt knew what to say. This was the first time i noticed about that problem. Sadly, that asshole didnt stop asking me questions out of the blue until i got rid of him.
Interesting responses so far. Right now I'm leaning heavily on the factors of anxiety and motivation. Can you retain things that you are interested in, like the Japanese? Do you find yourself able to learn things easily if they are where your interests lay?
Well, in january ive learned japanese for a few weeks. I learned the syllabary hiragana which is made of 46 letters. I always wanted to learn it for a hour per day but i did it pretty irregular. When i was bored and not at home i used apps to learn. But then the classtests started to annoy me and i decided to postpone learning japanese until my apprenticeship is over. At that point i could remember all 46 letters but theyre all gone now after 5 months. I think i could relearn them very quick if i wanted to.
I was never frustrated with learning japanese. Well, i think ive only learned 3 letters per day because i was afraid of challenging me. I mean, if i wouldnt be able to learn like 6 letters per day i would feel even more retarded than i do now
>Do you find yourself able to learn things easily if they are where your interests lay?
Yes but they quickly fade away if i dont maintain them, no matter what topic.
For material which you want to retain, use a flashcard program like Anki. It tests you periodically so that everything eventually gets retained in long-term memory. How often it tests you is based on how well you can recall information, so even if you have worse short-term memory, it'll simply test you on the material more often.
That said, your primary goal should be to get tested to see if there is some sort of physical or psychological condition which may be causing the issues with memory.
Yes, anki was the app i used.
Next week i will visit a psychiatrist and in octobre ill go to a neurologist
I hope my life will change and i wont be a stuttering mess anymore
Sounds like you're just young and inexperienced on top of possibly having ADHD. Experience comes with age, ADHD can be treated.
Honestly OP, after reading all the replies, I can tell you that you are not the only one going through this. You and I are experiencing nearly the exact same things. I wish I could give you a hug. Stay strong OP.
i thank all of you guys in this thread
i feel a bit better now after this.
next week i have an appointment with a psychiatrist. i cant wait for it
I can relate to an extent. I have ADHD. Which is under control, but when I had chemo brain as well I felt like this x10 and I understand your frustration. For some people and probably for you, this will never be 100% perfect but there are things you can do about it. First of all, any cannabis and excessive alcohol consumption can cause this, so if you ever use any weed, or drink way too much, stop it. It could only make this worse. Other things are meditation, and really teaching yourself some good habits. Get yourself nice and neurotic and try to become hyper aware of your surroundings. I always check 3 times when I leave a place to see if I left something behind. I really try to be hard on myself and my speech articulation, and write down what flaws I'm suffering from exactly. If you keep focussing on them, it will turn into a habit and you will learn to correct yourself without effort. This isn't going to be perfect ever, so I will always suggest you to go see a psychologist as well. And tell him/her exactly what youre struggling with. You will either get advice/training and/or medication that will help you, and if it doesn't, they will offer you another kind of medication, until you find what works for you. Doesn't hurt to try user. I feel a lot more confident now that I have my thought patterns/clumsiness/forgetfullness/stuttering more under control. Good luck.
Most people can learn things, including physical tasks, through systematic repetition.
These three things will help you enormously.
1. Develop a system for taking and referring to notes to extend your memory. You won't forget to do things if you make a list and refer to it. This second part is important. I know a lot of people who take notes on things and then never look at those notes or know how to find the note that's relevant.
2. Learn how to find information that you don't know or don't have notes for. If you can't figure out how to install a window screen in a few minutes, try using Google. There's plenty of information on the Internet that will show you how it's done, including videos in case you have dyslexia or can't figure shit out from a static picture.
3. Stop being lazy. Procrastination is a form of laziness. Trying to half-ass something when you have no clue is laziness.
Memorizing things is often a matter of repetition. Figure out what works for you. Use flash cards, recite out loud, write by hand, whatever. Then do it. Put the work in.
You can reduce clumsiness by planning out how you're going to approach a physical task before you do it.
Stfu faggot
You need to quit the internet, tv, movies, and all digital entertainment. Make reading books your only source of nonsocial mental stimulus. Choose both fiction and nonfiction books. Aim to read at least 100 pages a day. Keep this up for 3 months. Only then start giving yourself time for internet, tv, movies, etc., but from now on limit your time with these low attention span forms of entertainment.
I think this mostly comes down to your attention span being fucked by the pace and instant gratification of digital entertainment and it wiring your brain to never want to do any mental heavy lifting. You can get out of it. It will just take time to retrain your brain.
Dude, I was practically retarded when I was 22. Ten years later, everyone is an idiot. Ten years again. I don't even give a fuck. If you know how dumb you are, you are on your way to intelligence. Id is time to fix the memory though. Nobody just remembers shit. You need to associate things and maybe read a book on the subject. Example. If you need to feed the lizard when you come home. You call the doorknob "lizard lever." Every number can be associated with a number you already know. Anyhow, smarter animals develope slower. Quit being a pussy and learn. Clumsy comes from your puss brain blocking body's natural reaction. You are the product of people who survived plagues and natural disasters.