What is your ultimate goal in life?

What is your ultimate goal in life?

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Having fun. Any answer can be broken down to self-preservation in one form or another, but having fun is the most enjoyable.

Goals are for fags who lack imagination.

To obtain the Red Stone of Aja and finally overcome the power of the sun.

Attention! Faggot detected!

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To be content in all things and to have lots of cats

Pleasure paradox.

fuck all the girls friendzoned me

To exist and enjoy shit

To be a woman and have a loving boyfriend /husband, but that's completely impossible to me.

To win back the people I’ve lost and prove to them I’m a better person. More importantly it’s something I want to prove to myself.

1. Do as little harm as possible.
2. Within the bounds of 1, do as much good as possible
3. Within the bounds of 1 and 2 have as much fun as possible

this but flip 2 and 3

1. To get married and raise a (one child) family
2. Without risking #1: To right every wrong that another has done to me*
3. At work/career wise: I have no end goal. If I don't have a challenge or higher position to reach for, I get bored/disinterested and I feel like I'm stagnating.

*Context on #2: Nothing edgy or cringey; simply to get to a position where someone has wronged me in the past and they see me and go "Man, I sure screwed the pooch being a jerk to him."

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To retire to a cabin in the woods (with an internet connection) as early as I can after learning the requisite skills to live off the land

To have a husband.

By staying quiet and observe.

Sorry wrong reply...


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To make life better for everyone I care about.

I reached mine 3 years ago so I’m just making life last now. But i’ve decided to buy some land and build my own cabin on it.


I have no goal literally. Didn’t expect I’m the only one here tho.

why haven't you achieved that goal yet? And we all die eventually, so why make your ultimate goal something that will happen naturally? What a shitty fucking goal faggot

Nothing at all? You can't think of a single goal to work towards in life? No career goals, family goals, financial goals, philosophical goals?

Fuck a shitton of alternative/goth sluts, find love and commit double suicide with her before turning 30.

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To fuck your mom, OP

Get a job that pays well enough to get my own place so I can stop being a burden on others and/or work up the nerve to kill myself because I can't rationalize a scenario where I'm happy with myself.

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Become independent from society, going to the countryside , building my own house and harvesting my own food while having some animals (chicken, rabbits, ducks etc...) for food

Fuck bitches get money

be thin, fuck a japanese girl, make my side business my main job

To die with everything pretty much in order.

there is no ultimate goal

everything changes and so do I
clinging to a singular 'essential' goal is just limiting and completely unnecessary.

I already fucked her

I am simple man, i only want to fuck a femanon, thats all.


Money and bitches

Living in a cabin out in the woods, being able to read all of the books I wanted to read and having the time to play my instruments to the fullest. Cooking food that I like over a fireplace every night and maybe have some old friends come over once or twice a month. Being far enough away from everything so I can make peace with myself but being close enough so things stay at least somewhat practical. Being a father. Then being a grandfather. Dying peacefully and without pain.

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Get a nice house, have a child, have a cat (I like cats) and most importantly, get a job that I don’t hate.


I want a family and some properties.

I like the Arts so I have money in stocks set aside so when I retire early I can fund about a dozen 100k small feature indie films so I will have my own studio.

I hope to write some books and publish some shorts on the internet while I am grinding until that glorious retirement.

Working at a top 5 law firm. I know I am setting myself up for failure as I know these jobs have 60-80 hour work weeks and toxic job culture, but I really want to make it and the job itself seems fun.

A gf would also be nice, but that's low on the priority list.

Escape poverty and leave America I’m tired of this capitalistic debt shithole.

Crush my enemies, see them driven before me, and hear the lamentations of their women.

To become my own favorite '80s action movie tough guy

Own and run a successful brewery.
False, the opposite of this is true, you have to be the dimmest most boring braindead drooler not to have goals in life.

I think about this a lot.

I think to me any job at its core is about helping people. So I want to do the thing that helps people. But then I think about helping people on an individual level and how small that is. So I think it might be better, albeit less rewarding, to help people on a systemic level. So I think the best thing for me to do would be to go into politics, but I'm also really fucking stupid and that's a nonstarter. So mostly I just try and help people as I meet them and try to hurt as little as I can along the way.

For me that means minimizing expenses, working on a job that helps people (nonprofit), donating my time to charity, and donating a huge sum of my money to charitable organizations. It's not where I want to be, but I guess life isn't really about doing what you want. It's more about doing the best you can with what you have, because at the end of the day that's all you can do really.

Right now I'm close to paying off my house. I dropped out of high school when I was sixteen and basically just worked my ass off. I'm 25 now. GED, still dumb as dogshit, but I feel like I'm getting to the point where I can at least wipe my hands of the blood that comes with consumerism so I'm happy with that at least.

I'm still bummed and to be honest I hurt myself in a lot of ways. I drink a lot and self mutilate and stay awake for days on end and starve myself and binge eat and etc etc but at least I can feel okay about myself because even though what I'm doing feels horrible now, I know it's a pathway to doing what feels okay later. I think that's just the best I have. I really need to stop drinking. I'm sorry this is turning into a blog post.

To die peacefully. I don't want to die in agony because people won't put your out of your misery. They let you suffer more they would an animal. They won't let you move, they won't let you out of bed - they'll deny your last wishes to be who you are till the end on the premise of helping you and they believe it. I want my wield my agency when I'm dying but I fear that agony because you just pray to die in your desperation. I've had a taste of that agony before... it isn't worth it

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reunite with my soulmate
become second jewish nation and second illuminati at the same rime
be able to sustain myself and my niggas
be loved by many, hated by many
reach another universe

to excel in my career stress free
sounds like an oxymoron i know

To advance farming technology using my skills in order to feed humanity, and to improve my skills for that purpose. I have a food computer project that I work on to try and finish before I die.

I would like to say finding love but maybe some things are better to love than just one person.

To find the things in my life that will prevent the pain I feel around my heart on a regular basis. Ending my social and perhaps even more importantly physical isolation are good candidates, but seem highly unlikely.

At some point I sorta gained disappointment about whatever I do in life.
>No career goals
This probably takes changing my job and location, I’m not really ready to put my financial stability at stake.
> family goals
Just no. I used to be shoehorned into this marriage thing (not an actual relationship, just the concept of INEVITABLE marriage) so I don’t really want it now. Marriage will only give me extra work and extra concerns, and whatever I could get back I just don’t want it.
>financial goals
Same as for work, I’m pretty disappointed. Back then I tried to make a project to make some money on it, but it was too big and messy, so I just burned out.

To kill Lord Gwyn and usher in the age of darkness- the age of man

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Consume all the AriZona drinks.

Have a career where I'm happy and makes decent money, then die I guess.

to be happy

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To never borrow money from a friend or a family member and still live comfortably

Most animals don't suffer when they need to die, they get out down.

That's a beautiful goal, good luck with that. I wish I had something so well-defined to work towards.

Play chess.

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To get free. Just replacing one addiction with another does me no good. Although I believe that would be the very definition of death.

What I desire most is unobtainable. It simply doesn't exist anymore.

I wish my gf to stop tiggering me for nothing.

Fuck your blogpost faggot

Money and family

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My most sincere goal is to be a career actor. Voice over in particular is something I'm good at. I really want to be in different media. I'm working toward it every day.

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To fucking die

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find out why I am in this what we call "earth", always had an interest in finding out why is allt he way it is

To die happy