Why does current society have such low empathy towards male problems?

Why does current society have such low empathy towards male problems?

Women are celebrated (which isn't a bad thing) and feminity is considered almost intrinsically good but it feels like everytime you hear about men as a collective is to denounce them.

Attached: Stannis_S05E09.png (472x752, 498K)

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A lot of this is stems from toxic masculinity and comes mostly from men.
And compared to what women have been through and still is a lot of places on earth it’s not that the problem of men are totally ignored. Just eclipsed by a bigger problem.

Jow Forums - Your personal pity party


>And compared to what women have been through
The majority of women alive today in the societies that OP is likely to be a part of have seen no hardship outside their male peers.

As a man you have been endoved by something called "Not giving a fuck". Putting your energy into feminist bullshit propaganda is stupid.

I would say in most shitty places men and women have it about as bad. Yeah it sucks to be a housewife. It also sucks to work in a mine.
I will agree that men shaming other men are a big part of it though.

Clearly doesn't seem to work considering the massive confidence and mental health crisis we have among young people.

Destruction of the family unit.

You would think when there is a shithole place and times are rough the suffering between genders can be chalked to more equal. As you said, men have dangerous jobs, women gotta take care of the houshold. Sadly this isn’t the case, systematic oppression of women usually becomes more rampant in these areas. If you don’t trust any media or reporting anymore, i suggest traveling. It’s not like it’s a hidden thing.

Thats... really dumb

Feminism sells, male issues do not. Feminism is intensely profitable, in fact.

I mean I don't disagree that female oppression exists, but male mortality is still way higher. Yeah being subjected to a patriarchal authority is terrible but dying at 30 because you've been working in a mine since you were 14 to sustain the household is also shit.

Women tend to be protected and be considered more important than men

Women tend to be protected because men see them as weak. And need to be kept at bay because they see them as stupid. And controlled because they see them as less important.
But you almost got it.

I would say that ranks about as miserable as being seen as nothing more than cannon fodder or a collection of muscles to move objects from A to B.

Think you mixing up expectations and systematic oppression. But that’s okay, for this site it’s not too bad of an opinion. I’ll take that as a win.

My point is that in shitty places both men and women are systematically oppressed. Now I get what you're saying, this doesn't change that in societies like that the miner dad still has completed authority over the woman so he is essentially more important than her. That is true, my other point is that this lack of power also affords some protections for women that men wouldn't have.

It is paternalistic and sexist but it does have a few advantages especially in high mortality societies.

Either way that's just a spin off of the original point which is whether society tends to gloss over male unique issues. Which I personally don't think it is a thing, but I do think it's hard to feel proud about being a man when you're bombarded with how evil men are while women are bombarded with stuff like "all women are queens" and stuff.

> unironically using the phrase toxic masculinity
Go back to tumblr, tranny scum

I don't think that's too far off, actually.

It actually does well to explain why so many assholes exist.

Go whine on Jow Forums you retarded incel homo.

>when you're bombarded with how evil men are while women are bombarded with stuff like "all women are queens" and stuff.

You really think that shit is helpful to some kid who's getting raped by her uncle every day or some 11-year-old who's been forced to carry her rapist's baby to term?

Stop internalizing the evil that other men do and take a stand against it.

Society has always been extremely gynocentric, males are second class citizens and their opinions matter less

There have always been low IQ morons like you.

because current society has lost its way

yep. it is. and yet it continues


Where do you get the idea that men in general accept some pervert raping his nice? Christ you have a very unhealthy view of men.

Not an argument stfu

Gonna need a source on that second one.

Well for one, there's been an attitude about men always having to be manly and such. That's not a bad thing at all, but it includes some dumb parts, like an idea that emotions are feminine and therefore guys need to hide them more and more. More recently, the rise of third wave feminism has demonized men. Masculinity is looked down about, but men who want to be open about their problems are likewise attacked by those harpies.

>A lot of this is stems from toxic masculinity
Stopped reading after this. Kill yourself please

>but it feels like everytime you hear about men as a collective is to denounce them.
This is largely true, in part because male experience has always been the standard. "Men's lives" have always been sold as "life", men's struggles as "life's struggles". Men are considered the default, their sex isn't paid much attention, they are just individual people. This has advantages and drawbacks. One of the clearest examples imo is that even though men are (vastly, depending on the crime) overrepresented in heavier violent crimes, these would never be talked about as "male issues". The perpetrators just happen to be men. Same for many other social phenomena, like homelessness or suicide. When analyzing what drove the person to do what they did or why they winded up in the situation, their sex is left out entirely.

We are more than our gender but the difficulty with this is that if you want to create political awareness you have no other choice but to look at patterns at the expense of individual difference. You can tell that men are not used to really thinking of themselves as a singular group. They are not used to being reduced to their sex or feeling kindred with men from an entirely different walk of life. E.g. you can view the disappearing of jobs taken over by machines as a working class issue, but also as a male issue because it is overwhelmingly "male" professions that vanish. But your average frat guy wouldn't feel meaningfully aware of the job loss of a guy who can really only do simple manual labor. Feminism spent decades creating narratives about what binds women regardless of their differences in class, personality and life experiences. Same for the working class when the first forms of socialism came into existence. Men simply do not have a history like this. They have always just been people, until feminists or brown people or whomever else started cataloguing them, too.

who cares

go bitch on Jow Forums you fat incel faggot

If you're worried about men problems, then fucking do something about it and be the change you want to see in the world or shut up and fuck off.

underrated post

>male problems
Like what?

Fuck off feminist scum

I was legit curious as to what problems OP was referring to since he was pretty vague but fuck you

>and suddenly incels are no longer problem

Men are 97% of combat fatalities.

Men pay 97% of Alimony

Men make 94% of work suicides.

Men make up 93% of work fatalities.

Men make up 81% of all war deaths.

Men lose custody in 84% of divorces.

80% of all suicides are men.

77% of homicide victims are men.

89% of men will be the victim of at least one violent crime.

Men are over twice as victimised by strangers as women.

Men are 165% more likely to be convicted than women.

Men get 63% longer sentences than women for the same crime.

Court bias against men is at least 6 times bigger than racial bias.

Males are discriminated against in school and University.

Boys face vastly more corporal punishment than girls.

60-80% of the homeless are men.

Women's Cancers receive 15 times more funding than men's

At least 10% of fathers are victims of paternity fraud.

One-third of all fathers in the USA have lost custody of children, most are expected to pay for this.

A bast majority of these are problems that people generally care about though?

No fucking way?

>male problems
And women crying rape get called out for faking it when they aren't.

The problem is the upper echelons of the system, which are populated by has-beens who are far divided from current events. Their plan is to get you losers thinking it's a gender thing when really, all you laymen and laywomen are getting fucked equally hard in the same ways... Ethical rights being stripped, creative liberties being stifled and denied, and your concerns and questions being ignored and at rare times vaguely placated.

It doesn't help that anyone 40ish and up is already a brainwashed drone, but governments have worked hard to prevent revolts of yesteryear where entire bodies of people stood up to depose governments. They like their cushy lifestyles and can't live without it, so anything like revolution has to be quashed before it moves.

By using sexual boundaries to pit people against each other in an unalienable competition of supposed human worth, The Man can keep you guys distracted with engendered problems while they buttfuck humankind's bottom line.

That's the key to the plan. No matter what it is, they just need you to stop knowing and addressing painfully obvious truths.

i dont know how do you not found shocking female male ratio is 1:1 and yet 77% of all suicides are males including trans and gay's

I see what you did there

I applaud you for being a left winger who sees african and islamic cultures as barbaric towards women instead of wanking how they're oppressed based on skin color.
Islam is a cancerous ideology that needs to die, because it cannot exist with any other, Islam is fascism devoid of a nation, all must bow before allah.

People are shitting on you but you are actually right. I decided to google that fucking buzzword for once, and if the lefties are looking to change pic related, then it addresses OP's issue.

Attached: toxic-masculinity.jpg (540x372, 36K)

Because you removed God.

Man is powered by God. That wich is of God is what man should do. Any action that is purely good for the man is God's will. Eating candy is good when you put it in your mouth, but it hurts when it dangles from your chin and morphs your face into hideousness. Making inventions, building houses, teaching, tough love. All of these are God's work through man. Man and God should be best buddies.

You took away God, you took away the pure symbol of the highest ideals. That wich is of the kingdom of heaven. Without it a man is just a pityful beggar of pussy, a pussy addict. You have set up a system where only 10% of the most genetically perfect men can succeed. Where sex is all that matters. In such a world only the top 20% of humans will thrive as those with success rise to the top, unable to lift the losers beneath them. Because the values are of earth and not of spirit, in such a world every woman is queen.

Ideally you would have a God, an ideal that you work towards, that men can be judged fairly by. Then enforced monogamy. This will everyone have a shot at someone who is slightly above them in looks, or beneath, making personality, kindness and moral more important when choosing your mate.

>in the end it's about sex anyway
You guys are fucking one dimensional as fuck


No, islam has it right. Women should be veiled and locked in closets.

Is seeing them that way wrong though? Women are causing problems now that they are seen in the West as not being all of the things you listed. Now that they have this granted to them, they have no desire to be confined to their homes all day and loyal to their husbands. Western society now, when it comes to marriage and the family unit, it is completely fucked. A lot of young people these days don't want to get married or have kids and I don't fucking blame them. It's a fucking trap. And what? Centuries of patriarchy justifies everything that women are able to exploit from old societal views that still exist now in our "modern, progressive society"? For example, "you should never hit a woman?" If this were the early 1900s, maybe I'd agree with you, but now it's fucking debatable. Society still and always will see women as being delicate little flowers, despite a lot of the slags being putrid party-going whores these days, and you know what? Women are happy about that, and they defend the existence of these views, while bashing real, good men consistently.


It is about forming connections that last a lifetime. You're not gonna do that if you are dating somebody outside your league, or somebody who has destroyed their ability to pair bond by being used as a sextoy.

If you are a 5/10 in looks, you will be the happiest with somebody on your level, with a great personality who has slept with equally many as yourself, and the lower the number the better.

The fat rich old guys who are dating supermodels don't have chemistry.

The hot guys who fuck fat women are only using them as practise girls.

You are not gonna get a meaningful life pursuing these! You are wasting your time and even if you would get laid you have nothing to show for it the day shit hits the fan and you need a good friend to help you out. Only meaningful real connections will help you with that.

The atheistic sex and single life myth is destroying your soul and I want you to open your eyes and look at that lifestyle as a sceptic! At least equally sceptic as you are to the traditional systems that has kept your bloodline alive for thousands of years.

The sex and single life myth is a complete hoax that only benefits 10%. The other 90% of average looking humanity would benefit from a society that controls sexuality as leverage for pair bonding!

Instead of whining on Jow Forums, you could actually make a change. But no, here you are shitposting and doing nothing, fighting against windmills.

Even with our own male struggles, women are quick to place the blame back on us
Eternal victims

That's because a certain set of men are causing all the problems and average guys would rather blame women than blame other men.

and who would this set of men be

>Why does current society have such low empathy towards male problems?

nature made males disposable to creates genetic diversity. nothing you can do about it OP.

It's so bad that my dad, who only has male children, scoffs at me when I talk about how fucked up and unhappy all the men I know are and instead just wants to talk about women's issues, and takes their side every time I bring up something hurtful they did even if he never met them.

In cattle farming undesirable males are castrated.

Applying this process to new born males of a certain criteria could be benifical to human kind.

Or alternatively we could just develop better sex bots so betas can be happy and satisfied without bothering girls and fucking up the gene pool.

Rich fags, aristocrats, violent men and all of the above. Rich and socially powerful men can hide behind the guise of their wealth and emasculate men they consider beneath them. This then creates in turn a subset of men who take their pain out on those around them, thus creating a cycle where both men and women are left feeling helpless. To make matters worse, elite men are constantly selling the idea that the average man can become one of the elities, which only serves to cause delusionment and more frustraruion as the average man realizes that he has been sold a lie. Again, too often these average men blame those around them, as well as other uninvolvef groups.

Roastie getting toastie

It's still a discriminating term coined by biased feminists. Why not call it "toxic behaviour" or "toxic socialisation" instead?

>Women are celebrated (which isn't a bad thing)

Yes it is. Mothers in stable relationships should be celebrated not women.

Women have become incredibly arrogant from every medium blasting how wonderful they are. This is a problem.

And yes men are considered monsters. Feminists won in the 70s and have been in power since. Women surpassed men in education in 1991.

Sweden for example had a law to ensure gender equality in universities, which was scrapped the moment the first male tried to use it for a university that had more female students.

UK universities cancelled international man's day and said they would focus on attaining gender equality by focusing on women's issues.

At some point you have to understand that the west is a world currently organized by female imperative.

I know some people might think: what about all those men in power. But female imperative also means women don't want the responsibility. They want to vote for men, that can be thrown to the wolves if they fuck up.

Islam doesn't have anything right.

There is plenty of room for autonomy in women, just not the insane degrees it's currently at.

all hail the market

the lack of empathy is astounding, I guess women are psychopathic when it comes to male issues

Yeah, the criminals and low IQ niggers breeding will definitely benefit society in the long-term. Pic related is you.

Attached: d27.png (645x729, 75K)

I went to a university feminist meeting and people with degrees in "gender studies" were unable to point to a single male issue. Despite the rename, it's still just "women's studies".

They couldn't name the male suicide epidemic, the making less money than women under 30, less higher education enrollment, sex discrimination for certain jobs (particularly stem and academia), the anti-male bias in media, the lack of legal rights in parenthood for males.

Anybody that is closeminded enough to not already have noticed this and openminded enough to want to know if I'm full of shit or accurate, watch cassie jaye's the red pill movie. Watch it before you let people tell you what to think of the documentary.

Alternatively watch norwegian Hjernevask documentary on sex differences.

They're both available for free on youtube. Afterwards, I'm curious if it doesn't have a similar effect in changing your perspective.

Because it is a gender specific problem.

Who do you think hears the phrase "be a man" more often? Men or women?

Men and women are equal and that's why we have to focus on toxic masculinity, because men are dangerous and women are oppressed, though biological sexes don't exist and you can be born with the opposite sex, which we call gender. Then you can change your gender multiple times, because though you are born that way and it isn't a choice, you can choose to change it, which also isn't a choice. Because we have to smash the gender binary, because there are no differences between men and women, but men are so angry and hateful that they won't let us smash the gender binary, so we have to shame men and take their platforms and give their platforms to women to make things equal because we are equal and we will continue to focus on being equal by focusing on the problems women experience and focusing on the problems that men cause.

Why is this shitty incel whine thread still here?

It all makes sense now.

because youre (presumably) a man. act like one.
feelings and opinions of others, except your family and close friends, are irrelevant. persist, and overcome

Its because men have been celebrated (and still are) for literally centuries. Hundred and hundreds of years we have had things our way.
Now that we are smarter, we realized that we kicked down women really far so to bring them up we have to celebrate them a bit till theyre on our level. I dont believe we should tear men down, but lets be honest we do ruin a lot of stuff if we arent using our heads before we act. It doesnt bother me, but i think its because im secure in my masculinity. If you just agree with women and own the things they criticize us about then they think "oh this guy isnt one of /those/ men." And when they start talking about toxic men, they automatically exclude you from it cuz they know it doesnt apply to you.

I think it's because we don't kick up a fuss to be honest.

I'm a guy and I couldn't even begin to care about half of this shit.

That’s 95% of adv

No, usually incel whine threads get moved. There are definitely more Jow Forums rejects on Jow Forums lately.

Man to man. Let me help you. Don't be a pussy. That's why.

>we do ruin a lot of stuff

>im secure in my masculinity

Could you be any more self flagellating?

You should see how tense everyone gets when bill burr cracks a few jokes about bad women. Then suddenly people attack him for being a woman hater.

If what you describe here was applied equally it wouldn't be a problem, but people are literally blind to male issues. Every cancer that affects only men get 1/4th of the funding compared to every cancer that affects only women, despite being at least equally deadly.

You're being sold a false history of women oppressed. There are now decades of scholarly feminists cherry picking examples to support that thesis, while ignoring every single counter example. I've never heard someone on the left acknowledge gangpressing to give one example (that's where it was legal to get men drunk, carry them onto a ship and force to serve in the navy). Most men and women got a shit sandwhich in the past and your view of men as capitalist oppressor bourgoisie over the oppressed prole women is completely ahistoric.

Ps if you follow this guy's advice you end up at pic related.

Attached: IMG_20190606_111826.png (1080x774, 372K)

Nice rant. Stay classy user.

>not castrating newborn black males
There's a reason no one complains about the Arab slave trade.

Well it's not like toxic masculinity exists for amusement. Empirical competition is absolutely an expected and enforced part of society so until literally all of society gets over having a partner, it's gonna be a thing because a toxic male can use that to jettison his competition far behind while he chooses from his pick of mates.

Unfortunately, toxicity exists in both genders and finds most of its roots in sex.

>low empathy towards male problems?
What are you talking about? We coddle men, that's why most are so fucking sensitive, they never grow thick skin. It's honestly sorta pathetic...

pic related

Attached: 1-7.jpg (1200x906, 277K)

Women are the ones delegitimizing male problems, not men

>And yes men are considered monsters. Feminists won in the 70s and have been in power since. Women surpassed men in education in 1991.

You hit it on the money, and a lot of this shit started really kicking off with the internet exporting American culture.

American white men had the option of appealing to black men and nipping this shit in the bud. But that's not what happened.

American white men via the government championed and backed black feminism. I don't need no man I got government handoutz started in the 60s and 70s.

Then black feminists kept spiraling and growing at the cost of black men. Everything was fine and dandy until black feminists sunk their teeth into white women and voila by 2025 white women (the female half of the ruling class in the most influential country in the fucking world) are just as openly feral as the black women are. Then white men, ignoring everything black and brown men were telling them for years, shake their heads, blame the jews, blame Islam, blame white women, take their money and sexpat to Asia and South America.

Women always close ranks across race and religion. Men do not do the same. This is why women will win this one.

Whites sealed the fate of the entire west.

>We coddle white men

The white women who complain about the Stanford bloke getting 6 months are the exact same as the white women who had no problem sending blacks to their deaths for LITERALLY LOOKING IN THEIR DIRECTION

fuck off. Feminism is a bad joke. Unironically only Islam can save us from this beast now

>Feminism is a bad joke
>because of this made up thing I just said
Lurk more before you post, summerfag


>kek I'm so edgy white women never got back kids killed for bullshit haha pol racism nigger nigger lel XD summerfag (((them))) XD

Attached: ct-kass-emmett-till-0829-20140830.jpg (1578x2000, 848K)

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It's only gender specific for the recipients. Not for the perpeptrators. I've seen plenty of women showing signs of "toxic masculinity", but they rarely get called out for it. In some cases they get even get applauded for it, while a man showing the same behaviour would get absolutely demonized. Accept that it's discrimination if you take a bunch of negative human traits and call them "masculinity". It's reinforcing the stereotype of "men are bad, women are good" Do the SJWs who invented this term not see the irony in that? Also, what happened to "gender is a spectrum" and all that stuff? It seems they don't take their own principles all that serious when it's about bashing males.

Lack of ethnic and cultural unity.
I know an Indian guy that is thinking about moving out of our diverse college town to fucking rural Kentucky. He's been in both and believes Kentucky is a better place to live just because it's a bunch of white people who don't have the "got mine, fuck you " attitude of city people. Also, no black people staring him down just because he is walking in the street.

post sources from a reputable area, otherwise this guy is just a crock full of shit

I'm sure you'd be glad to suck some toxic masculinity out of a dude's prick bitchass

>Indian wants to get away from "fuck you, got mine" culture

Doesn't sound like he enjoys being Indian much desu

He's adopted.
Also one of the kindest souls I know.

>You hit it on the money, and a lot of this shit started really kicking off with the internet exporting American culture

A lot of this stuff came from france & germany, mate. Or at least, (((france & germany)))

>islam daving anyone.
