Since I learned that the sun causes 90% of aging I'm terrified of going outside

Since I learned that the sun causes 90% of aging I'm terrified of going outside.

How the hell do you guys deal with this? Go outside and look old or stay inside and preserve your looks..maybe only go outside at night?

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Guess what? My dermatologist told me you’re not safe inside either because of windows.

Use a 50 SPF, antioxidants and such.

>tfw 29 and get carded daily



I'm going to sit in the dark.

rub vit C oil all over your face daily. micro needle once a week. You'll be amazed how good your skin looks

You're probably talking to the wrong people about going outside.

Only leave your coffin when you need to bathe in blood; the elixir of youth.

Or maybe just accept that you only got decent looks until 40 and worry about somewhat that has more of an impact on your life?

Also what's the point of pic in the OP when both look horrible?

My dad was hot until around 50

And Johnny Depp is still hot going towards 60s. With men it's a lot easier, just gotta stay in shape. Was talking about women and past 40 they usually run into a genetics wall.

Moderation in all things. Avoid sunbathing and tanning, but don't avoid the sun entirely

Oh, true. White women, anyway. My Puerto Rican grandmother still had black hair and looked very youthful at 70, and at 90 had salt and pepper hair and still looked quite decent.

Left doesn't look better than right. Yes, right has more wrinkles. But also healthier. The freckles and a good tan add a "happy" look that the left lacks.Things like saggy skin happen anyway.

How do i get gf like that?

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This. Can confirm, it does wonders.

You're gonna die anyway. Why all this fuss of what happens before?

That’s why Philippine women have open umbrellas when it’s sunny.

>avoid sun exposure like the plague
>long sleeves, hoods, hats even on the hottest days in summer
>carry sunscreen everywhere
>look 10-15 years younger than I am
heh. they made fun of me for being pale. they're not laughing now. i also sleep on my back because at 14 I read smooshing your face by being a sidesleeper contributes to wrinkles. and i drink a ton of water and eat healthy.

also OP if you're a filthy cager you should know driver's side window gives you enough sun exposure to give you literal cancer. look at trucker's left/right face comparisons. train-friends win again. i sit on whatever side is in the shade.
>micro needle once a week
is this a meme or legit?

you just need good sunscreen

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sun does not cause 90% of aging


The passage of time causes aging, not the Sun.

aw shit, you know i just used normal cleanser. brb oil cleansing

>vit C oil
I thought the good stuff was vitamin D?!

He’s 92, she is 67...

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Personally I cover myself in broad spectrum SPF 50 even if I'm staying inside.

Same. Everyone gives me shit for wearing it dailt but I regularly get clocked at 24. I'm 30

Dude I’m the same! I’m a guy as well so I get people thinking it’s really effeminate of me lol.

Biore watery essence 50spf is the best sunscreen for the face and you can wear it everyday without it feeling heavy.

For the windows thing their maybe types of anti uv ray films that go over them. There are anti uv ray windows but that’s expensive obviously.

Ultimately try not to worry too much. The golden rule is to make sure your skin doesn’t get darker. As that is the most obvious indication of sun damage.

Have you seen Depp lately? Not hot.

This is the suncreen I use. People laugh at my level of caution toward sun exposure but I don't give a shit.

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Are you kidding me? He was fuckable as fuck in the Professor. On press events he looks less attractive without a beard and wearing weird ass stuff but he's still damn hot. No homo.

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Nah, I like being outside way too much. I compensate by living as healthy as I can.
I moisturize daily, exfoliate every other day and drink about a gallon of water a day. I don't really wear sunscreen unless the sun is blazing and I'm outside for more than thirty minutes because I love wearing white shirts and the sun screen stains are practically impossible to get rid of. I also hardly ever drink alcohol or smoke, and cut down on milk products. I guess that's the best skin care within my means.
Why would you be afraid of aging, though? I'm looking forward towards my first wrinkles and grey hair because I got a babyface and I hate it.

Yeah, I more bothered about hair. What damage can sun inflict to the hair and how to counter it?

>Use a 50 SPF, antioxidants and such.

You know that stuff only lasts for about 2 hours, are you re-appling your sunscreen every 2 hours?