My girlfriend suddenly has a much lower sex drive than me and we went from having sex 3x daily to about once every one to two weeks.
I'm having a hard time adjusting and even got mad one night when she didn't want to do it, causing her to feel like shit. What can I do? I really like her and dont want to act this way, but sometimes I get so rejected when we're spending yet another night going to bed early rather than the hot sex we used to have.
Sorry to tell ya mate. But She getting pounded by another dick. Just think of the amazing ways she’s take and ride your dick? But replace it with the guy she’s cheating on you with
Ryan Jenkins
Talk to her, not Jow Forums Should talking fail, you gotta bail
Evan Gonzalez
stop bitching, you are legit letting your hormones and emotions control you, fucking pathetic man
First apologize and then learn from this experience to manage your emotions better, thats just good practice for overall life quality for yourself
Anyway, what you find hot and she does might differ, fatigue, physical limitations which are embarassing for a girl to talk about ( vag hurts etc ), or just tired of it for now, are all possible things, dont act so entitled to sex , its like being a child
Noah Watson
Ohh boy where to start? First of all getting angry and throwing a fit about her giving you less attention now is not going to make things better. Secondly you should never be making a woman your main priority in life. You need to be focused on other things in life as well. Making a woman a priority like this is only going to make you act needy and insecure around her and make her lose interest.
Parker Reyes
If she’s on birth control that could heavily be effecting her libido. Also, if you have been dating for more than a month your pheromones are much lower than in the first couple of weeks of dating. Also, yeah. Talk to HER. And don’t be such a dk hole. Nothing is more of a turn off than someone getting angry about not getting sex.
Bentley Peterson
>sex 3x daily to about once every one to two weeks. she's getting dick elsewhere my dude
Ethan Reed
Ok so why not just straight up say I'll pay you to have sex with me? I always approach women with 300 (maybe some extra dollars) and skip thru the bullshit and say "hey, I'll give you 300 dollars if you hang out with me for a couple of hours, than after that I'll say "I'll give you 2 hundred more dollars if you have sex with me"
Works almost all the time! In your case user, just skipp thru the bullshit man. Women want you to make them feel a certain way inorder for them to drop their panties and get naked for you. They are emotional rolocosters and want to dream about their fantasies. Just skipp through that B.S and offer the bitch money, say "hey babe how would you like to make 100 dollars?"
James Stewart
who cares? That's all women are good for anyway. I never have girlfriends i just fuck THOTS and leave.
Asher Davis
Break up with her tell her that women not being intuned with they're sexuality is a major turn off
Kayden Smith
Yo why are there so many basedboys on this board. Fucking kill yourself. He is as much entitled to his needs as her and they should try to compromise, that's what relationships are about
Christian Scott
If she is on birth control meds it could be fucking up her hormones, she should go to the doctor.
Zachary Wright
fuck off and die normalfag
Dylan Taylor
She could be feeling sad
David Allen
don't do this incel shit
Zachary Wright
check her phone. You already suspect her of cheating, so the trust already isnt 100%, Unless some significant life event has happened, i.e., new job, kid, etc., sex drive shouldnt dip like crazy
Dylan Morales
Shes getting fucky on the side, my nig.
Evan Barnes
Actual prostitutes are cheaper
Christian Watson
No. OPs most likely gotten meaner and wants sex 24/7 already and refuses to accept the amount of sex ebbs and flows ina a normal relationship like feelings. Sometimes you have to be more open and giving, sometimes she does. Mature relationships work when both partners give it their best, without keeping tally or blaming. Grow up faggots.
Camden Cox
seduce her more. Relationships start with a spark of interest and attention she receives because you want to give it. As familiarity grows that automatic impetus to give her attention dies down. You have to force it in a way. all women want is attention.
Jordan Wilson
Same thing happened to me in my previous relationship, we went from having sex daily, to once a week, till we hit a dry patch that lasted 4 months at the end of which she ended up cheating on me.
Not saying you're in for the same trip, just be warned.
Kevin Gonzalez
Are you being excessively needy, making her feel the need to mother you? Nothing is more of a turn of than being your partner's mother.
Take her out, get her to relax and seduce her. Make her laugh.
Don't be so fucking needy
Benjamin Hernandez
3-4 times a day is exhausting and non sustainable in the long term.