How do you cope with social anxiety?

How do you cope with social anxiety?

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I avoid strangers in general.

But then how do you make friends?

I dont make friends. Sure, it's not an ideal scenario but much better than living at mercy of anxiety everytime you meet a person.

Meds and therapy. It went from having panic attacks in public places to making friends at festivals.

How long did it take?

What about your coworkers/classmates

Isn’t that expensive?

Have a couple drinks.

To find the right meds, 1 year and 3 or 4 tries. Afterwards, it was a smooth sail.
Free healthcare = free therapy, and meds are less than 20€ for a month's worth.

I finished uni 3 years ago. Now i'm just a neet because of anxiety.

Therapy helps, though the basic tenet of anxiety therapy is for them to tell you that people aren't that scary. From personal experience, younll judge yourself more harshly than other people would, and that self-judgement is what people pick up on and find strange. Gotta learn to get over that. For specifics, see a professional or do some reading. Until then, try to get out more

xanax, the only universally successful cope


>free healthcare
oh well guess i'm fucked then lol

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>dude take drugs to function normally!
fuck that

The same way I cope with everything else: badly.

If it was successful, it was an investment. It's only an expense if it fails.

You have to care about yourself enough to try making friends in spite of your fear.

Lower your guard, lower the walls, be cool. Don't worry, they won't eat you alive even if they're not perfect.

Cats. Cats are good.

Meds do not actually work and if they do work they are usually extremely dangerous and damaging to you. Do not listen to druggies and drug dealers even if they come from "official" sources. Mental health issues are not diseases to be cured with drugs they are a spiritual ailment. The real reason mental health issues are rampant is because our society is deeply flawed. The only true hope to overcome it is to acknowledge that and to try to find some good people to surround yourself with. It is an act of rebellion to love yourself in spite of every attempt by your family, bullies, abusers, society, etc. You have to rebel against unhealthy ideas whether they come from you or from others and to do this you need to establish boundaries and a goal for yourself. For me my goal is to find people I can love and who will love me unconditionally just like a family is supposed to. It will be an extremely tiresome journey user, our society does not like people who rebel like this...

You don't, it's either you push yourself out of it or you learn to accept it as part of your life

Exposure therapy. Force yourself into uncomfortable social situations. Eventually they get easier. Trust me. Also, always keep in mind that people dont notice your faults as much as you think they do. That "why did I say that " moment that keeps you up at night is forgetten by the other person in minutes.

Dont smoke weed. It makes you overthink and is terrible for social anxiety

Experience positive social interactions, you can start small, eventually the thing you are anxious over will shed away over time.
Hope u figure it out somehow and get there, really it’s just a matter of feeling not in like a “survival mode” and rather in a chill mode ultimately and you have to be “at home”. If you can find a way to feel that way while out n about you can feel good!
Wish u well, anxious OP
dat ass.

sometimes its just a chemical imbalance in your brain, user

As best I can. By acknowledging that I won't feel anxiety if I isolate myself, but knowing that if I do I won't enjoy life

>listen to advice like this
>try putting myself out there, socialising and all that good stuff
>anxiety ramps up so much I nearly have a breakdown and start thinking about suicide every day
sometimes it just dont work

New book: "I Didn't Want To Come" by Jessica Pan has specific advice and exercises

>much better than living at mercy of anxiety everytime you meet a person.
Imagine being this much of a faggot

>Free healthcare = free therapy,
Not the case in the UK unless you just want a psychiatrist to diagnose you. There are no free therapists available through the NHS.