Would a woman rather date a 10/10 guy with a boring, awkward personality, or a 5/10 guy with bags of charisma?
Do women prefer looks or personality?
I prefer personality. Looks fade. A hottie that is grating as fuck will still be grating as fuck once he's not hot anymore. Give me someone with depth and a mind I adore!
I prefer personality. But why not have both?
Peopel who want a serious relationship would be more inclined to go for personality while people who just want a casual sex thing would be less inclined.
In order of Importance
>implying those exist
A boring awkward guy will not be a 10/10, ever.
> shallow as fuck
blame women
It depends, and it also depends on what type of women you’re looking for.
If you go go for a woman who loves you for your looks, expect her to be very concerned with her looks too. Looks will be the main thing as the foundation of the relationship.
If you go for a woman who prioritizes personality, then personality will be the foundation of the relationship.
There’s pros and cons, but I think that since we will all be old and grey one day, go for a partner that looks for personality. They might not spend as much time on their looks as other girls do, but try to find someone who has a good balance of caring for their body and appearance while also having a good set of priorities and a good head on their shoulders.
People who are well rounded seek out well rounded partners. Focus on making yourself well rounded if you want a partner that is the same.
because obviously I want to know which women prioritize.
Did you expect an incel to post anything but completely retarded drivel?
it's the truth
Are you stupid or lying?
They, we, most people prioritize both, dummy.
are you fucking retarded?
you can't prioritize both options, dumbshit
You said something wrong and dumb. Then when corrected you got angry and said your wrong and dumb claims are the truth. Which means you are either stupid or lying.
Of course you can because they are not mutually exclusive you mouthbreathing troglodyte. If anything good looks and charisma are correlated.
I know it's cliché but women aren't as hung up on looks as men. I think as long as a guy is well-kempt, hygienic and not in bad shape, he stands a chance. obviously, some women are predisposed to certain physical traits, just like some guys prefer blondes, some guys prefer curvy girls, some prefer petite, but overall a woman won't overlook a guy if he has an attractive personality, unless she's a thot
Oof, this guy think this is a real life ultimatum.
No it's basically the modern version of tall dark and handsome
You literally can't argue against it
Quit trolling faggot
you fail at basic logic dumbass. no one said they are mutually exclusive, the question is would a woman prioritize a good-looking guy with a shitty personality over a average-looking guy with a great personality. "both" is just a retarded, illogical answer.
If what you said were true then men's success would be directly correlated with height. Which is obviously not true. All statistics show that the most attractive men are average or below average height. There would be no tall incels. Instead most spergy incels are tall.
But we all know you are a lying stupid spergy incel, immune to logic and facts. Not a single fact supports your position, but because you are an incel, you believe that the fantasy world you have built in your mind is real. There is no helping you.
Because all women have the same exact preference in men right?
The majority of CEOs are above average height
I've learned the truth the hard way.
>be big guy, well built, not fat
>broad shoulders
>full head of hair
>6'2" tall
>8.5" penis
>always decently looking, groomed and dressed nicely
>non autistic personality
>but ugly face
>zero success with women
>still kissless virgin
Face is the only characteristic that women find attractive. If you have handsome face nothing else matters (or at least a lot can be forgiven), if you don't nothing will help you (or maybe extreme wealth).
It's really funny seeing manlets that think they would be successful with girls if only they would be taller. Nothing would change, stop deluding yourself.
Well I think you are on smt. I'm fat and buzz my hair because of balding. But girls still approach me. Women told me for all my life that I have a beautiful face. If I lose my weight cheekbones and jaw would be more pronaunced
Do men prefer a whore or a madonna?
Please answer
.5" penis
you're also a liar
I'm not, but it doesn't even matter as I never had a chance to use it.
Your choices do not occur in real life so I refuse to answer.
No way will a 10/10 be awkward or boring. Maybe they don't talk much but I don't care.
No way will a 5/10 have charisma. More often they will bore me to death trying to impress me with regurgitating factoids. Occasionally you may find one funny but if you want to be entertained go to a comedy club.
ITT: basement-dwelling incels who have never kissed a girl being experts on what women like because their knowledge comes from memes of other basement-dwelling incels who have never kissed a girl.
Young teenagers go for looks.
As they mature they are more concerned with character (which is not the same as personality)
I would pick the 5 out of 10 with the charisma (and if he is funny too. I guess that just comes with the charisma).
Charisma lasts a lifetime. Looks last maybe 30 yrs (if you have refined it by age 20.)
are you fat or ugly by any chances?
Women are more superficial than men lad
Bullshit retarded copelarper
Not as superficial as you incels.
Women will fall for a personality but it's harder the uglier you are to get them to notice it.
This goes for men too.
>tfw dating a 10/10 guy with bags of charisma
Feels good
Both men and woman prioritize looks, lets not kid ourselves, woman are just more superficial overall because they are picky over shit like height, penis size and race.
Incel or wizard? Pick one.
Everything I know about I learned from basement-dwelling neckbeard virgins on Jow Forums: the post.
Faggot detected.
Interesting. Where was the research conducted?
Same source as the other okcupid charts.
Suck my dick
That sure looks like a legit study with a source you provided.
Well statistically the most attractive male is of average height and average penis size. It's gays and closeted incels like you who are attracted to men who are tall and have big dicks.
lanklet dreaming
More well researched scientific articles. It's like you incels base all your beliefs on facts.
>inb4 incel
Most do, not all. I have a friend who's quite handsome, yet he has big emotional and executive functioning issues. Women come out in droves asking to date him, and when he says no some just orbit. Now if this man didn't have a handsome face he'd be called a loser/nobody. My experience is similar. I've had girls want to date me, one I'm thinking of literally stalked me around campus for a semester. But I used to be a cry baby bitch and was very emotion yet they all still stuck around. I've also noticed that it's quite common for girls I know to get personality and looks mixed up.
That being said if you're not quite physically attractive enough a good personality can get you over the edge so to speak.
Also listen to this guy . If your girl is only concerned with your looks, it's not unreasonable to say she's using you for clout
delusional manlet
>literally stalked me
Why did she stalk you?
everybody goes for personality btw. men and women. women just show more off of their personality by how they look (due to make up and shit). obviously ur facial structure/genetics also have an impact on your personality so it does matter. but in the end we're all going for personality whether or not we realize it. i learned it the hard way and fell madly in love with a girl i didn't find attractive initially and who's punishing me hard for the way i treated her.
BUT it's not like personality can be 'learned' it can be shaped a little bit, and it can SEEM to change enormously when somebody is developing into who they are meant to be, but most human beings have very-very limited impact on their own personality.
>you have to be fat and ugly to be practical in picking a companion
Life isn't about making decisions that revolve around your dick. Good looking women pick financial stability and traits associated with that (motivation, work ethic, generosity) because they're thinking toward the future, women pick a great personality because they're thinking toward the future, women settle with looks to a certain degree because visual stimulus and its associated arousal is centered around the "act" rather than the body. You can look that up yourself. A personality that is both energized and casual, articulate in speech, and humorous will win women over regardless of what you look like. Now if you're worried your looks are only good enough for uggos and fatties, hence your post, realize that it's probably not that to a degree. if you have massive hygiene or weight problems, obviously you need to take care of those. Look at your self image and take an inventory of what you've built it upon. If it's poor and built on nothing then you're not going to get far, this is insecurity and shows up in your interactions with females.
Do MGTOW for a while, interact with women but don't expect anything from them, build your self image on personal accomplishments (video games don't count unless you're a professional because you have zero to show for it. You might as well learn to build a pretty birdhouse, that's worth more than beating any video game mechanic) and maybe when you're feeling good about yourself you can think about attracting women.
Now you're gonna start whining like a pussy about how women don't have to do all these things and you're right but life isn't fair and no one says your standards have to be as low as "elicits erection response". Men have always had their value in their ability to shape themselves and the world. If you aren't doing either of these then you're worth nothing and should expect nothing. So get to work.
>Now you're gonna start whining like a pussy about how women don't have to do all these things and you're right but life isn't fair
Its helps to not compare yourself to woman, only men have to deal with the reality of having to make something of ourselves..
This is so stupid. Most guys cannot even speak when I'm around and when they do they talk about themselves or sex they had or games or some rapper, like BORING shit.
Only one guy I've know was an absolute blast to be around and he was also good looking but every woman and girl were also hanging around him for a quip thrown their way. He could have taken advantage of them all had he wanted but he didn't but that made me want him all the more. Why aren't there more like him.
>bro you can't be goodlooking and not be a shithead
LMAOing at your life.
Also, since this is going to come up: Having a good personality doesn't mean being a doormat who's always a nice guy. Ambition, competence, and confidence are all personality traits, which means that sometimes you will be perceived as an asshole even if you're in the right. People seem to get that mixed up a lot.
I'm neither, so neither. I'm a 8-10/10 with personality and whatnot good social life so I look for the same.
Found one an married him, only downside is he's extremely inexperienced in life (lived same city his whole life, no serious girlfriends before me, no college), and a momma's boy. We get along well enough. He's younger than me and it shows. There's pros and cons to being with anyone. You just have to make it work.
But, saying I didn't meet him...
I'd wait til one like him comes along because we understand each other.
Don't worry about what a girl wants. Decide what you want and you'll save everyone a lot of time.
my intuition tells me she has attachment issues. No other reason to instantly want to marry someone you don't even know. not that she wanted to marry me but she loved me like she did.
The only things I care about are the size of his wallet, and the size of his dick.
>female messaging vs male messaging
Women don't message first
Charisma is overrated. I had a choice between;
>"Boring, awkward, safe choice" (as labelled by friends) who shares lots of interests with me and is goofy and quirky
>Charismatic edgelord who only shares Jow Forums and 40k with me and enjoys making banter
And I very happily chose the first guy. Charisma doesn't mean much when you're already in a relationship, I think.
I would rather be with someone weird rather than someone who is boring. I'll take the fugly one who can keep me entertained.
That's where you're wrong.
Don't see that as a question, really. You either like a person, or you don't. As for why you like them - who the fuck knows? You can't cut them into pieces and judge how much you like each piece.
>written by a guy
>10/10 guy with a boring, awkward personality,
Literally doesn't exist, because attractiveness is a function of physical appearance and personality with a HEAVY emphasis on personality.
I'd never date a dude with chiseled features if he was a total tool.
you got it in the wrong order. You don't think a girl would fuck a 5'2 if he was like a millionare yeah she def would
looks is primary for men and women
user is a fucking retard that got rejected once and thinks he knows everything about women