Explain the Trinity

Explain the Trinity

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you mean sun and ghost and holy spirit?

like a fidget spinner but with deities

1 Uranus overthrown by Saturn
2 saturn overthrown by Zeus
3 Zeus our savior

1 god
2 satan
3 jesus

>brown eyes


No the dyke looking chick from the Matrix films

Coffee cigarettes and booze? It's simple, one noradrenergic stimulant, one dopaminergic, and a global SNC depressant.
Is like speedball but better and with a longer tradition in pop culture.

The father represents the higher power

The son represents mankind

He holy spirit represents the connection between the two

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Something that doesn't exist

Do they even have God in the Philippines?

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Oral, anal, vaginal


And his name is Ricardo

more or less this, although jesus never came,
"jesus" is just satan rebranded.
like how a disgraced political party will reform under a new name.

You're not the OP so I assume you're just being sarcastic. I understand the reference, as I too, have seen those kino

John 14
if you have seen me, you have seen the father

Psalm 45
thy throne, o god is forever and ever

the trinity is just a division of offices
Jehovah, Jesus, Melchesidech, (the priest that Abraham sacrificed to) the Holy Spirit, they're all just different things that one guy does

The father
the son,
the holy spirit.

the son is the father in human form. he is so that god may experience humanism.(not saying that he doesn't already understand humanism) and in order to direct humanities timeline.

the holy spirit, is the part of the father that is instilled in this earth and coincidentally (because you are of the earth) inside you..... its your morality.... its the little voice in your head calling you a dick when you're being a dick......

and the father is the father.... we know little about him other than what he has lets us understand, but he loves you and wants good things for you like evolution and education.

The Father, the Divine Being-Consciousness, is omnipresent and omnipotent; in other words, all-pervading Presence (or radiant Space) and Power (or Spirit-energy). The Son, the disciple’s Self (or Buddha)-nature, is the same Presence as the Father’s, but the disciple cannot realize his True nature as the Son (or Christ, or Self, or Buddha) until the Father’s Power (or Spirit-energy) blesses him to the degree of full en-Light-enment. The Holy Spirit is the Father’s dynamic Power, or Light-energy. It is deemed a separate or unique Person or Body to differentiate it from the Father’s static nature as Presence (or Source). Ultimately, Reality is a Monad, but this Monad, the all-subsuming, indivisible Supreme Being, can best be comprehended and apprehended when it is approached from a triadic, or trinitarian, perspective.

For some reason Christcucks think god would deviate from his normal pattern of confiding with prophets to do his bidding but actually manifest himself in human form in the form Jesus, as if he needs to do some shit like that.

It’s basically the bastardization of that religion by pagan Greek/Roman converts who traditionally associated any remotely important person as being a walking God.

It’s sad when you realize people still take then Bible serious. The amount of bastardized texts in it make it no more valid than a story book.

Yes, the Truth of esoteric Christianity virtually mirrors that of India’s tantric traditions. According to the tantric traditions, the individual soul (the jiva, or contracted Siva) cannot recognize himself as Siva (the Self, or Son) until Shakti (the Holy Spirit) unites with the jiva in the Heart-center. And the union of Siva and Shakti in the Heart-center results in the Self (or Son) realizing its eternal identity with the Divine Being (the Holy Father). Just as Siva-Shakti = Sat (Being), Son-Spirit = Father (Being). The way to the Father is through the Son, but the Son cannot emerge as the Son until the son is awakened by the Holy Spirit.

The truth of Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism also mirrors that of mystical Christianity. In Vajrayana Buddhism, the three bodies, or hypostases—the Dharmakaya, Nirmanakaya, and Sambhogakaya—are analogous to the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Thus, Buddhahood (the Nirmanakaya’s realization of his eternal identity with the Dharmakaya) cannot occur until the Sambhogakaya, the Light-energy (or Bliss, or “Blessing”) Body, unites with and frees the nirmanakaya (the contracted soul) in the Heart-center. Upon this Nirvanic realization, the awakened Buddha (the now en-Light-ened Nirmanakaya) realizes the three bodies, or dimensions, of Reality (the Trikaya, or “Triple Body”) as an indivisible unity.

Father = God
Son = God
Spirit = God

Father =/= Son =/= Spirit

Father, Son and Spirit are separate from one another but they're all God afaik.

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The Trinity is the Truth itself, the Absolute in three apparently distinct “phases” that are ultimately one; hence, the three Persons of the Trinity are said to be consubstantial, of the same Supreme Substance or Essence. The key to apprehending and comprehending the Trinity is Grace, the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit (Shakti in Hinduism, and the Sambhogakaya in Buddhism) is the “secret ingredient,” or “missing link,” that enables the son (or self) to become the Son (or Self) and realize his identity with the Father (the Divine Being). The fact that Baptism by the Spirit is one of the two cardinal sacraments of the Church (the Eucharist is the other) informs us that without the descent of Divine Power, salvation (or en-Light-enment) and a radical (or gone-to-the-root) realization of the Trinity (Triune Reality) are not possible.

The Divine Being is infinite, all-pervading Consciousness (or Awareness), eternally shining as radiant Presence-Power. Because the Divine Being is infinite and all-pervading, He can never be reduced to a finite, cognizable object or “Other” that the mind can grasp. Because the Holy One cannot be found through the mind, He is sometimes referred to as the “Hidden God.” But when the son (or soul), by virtue of Grace, awakens as the Son (or Soul, or Self), he spontaneously realizes that, as the Seer, the nondual Subject, his own Beingness (or divine existence as radiant Presence-Power) is coessential with that of the Divine Being, the Father. Hence, for the disciple, the way to the Father is through the Son.

Inshallah brother

>more or less this, although jesus never came,
>"jesus" is just satan rebranded.
>like how a disgraced political party will reform under a new name.

Modalism, congratz, you are an heretic

modalist scum

man, woman, child... all else goes against the laws of the universe.

>What you’re saying here is way beyond me, but I’m sure it would be construed as heresy by the Orthodox Church.

Yes, it would be considered the height of apostasy, punishable by death just a few short centuries ago. When a great Christian mystic, such as Meister Eckhart (1260-1327), alluded to his own Christ (or Son)-like identity and realization, he was risking torture and a gruesome death.

The fact that Christian mystics could not speak openly or write about their radical nondual spiritual realization exclusive of Jesus is a major reason why the Trinity has remained such a mystery in Christianity. Consequently, to more deeply understand the Christian Trinity, it is necessary to study other great trinitarian traditions, particularly Hindu Kashmir Shaivism, Tibetan Buddhist Dzogchen, and Daism.

I know that what I’ve just said about the Trinity is very esoteric and quite challenging to some here, but hopefully it will be perceived as a breath of fresh intellectual air. Consider it an invitation to deep study and thought that will inspire deep spiritual contemplation.

More light will be shed on the Trinity in our further discussions on Electrical Christianity. But the essential point to remember is this: the Holy Spirit is the “missing link” between the Father and the Son, and only when you “find” this link, through the sacraments of baptism and the Eucharist, can the Trinity become a living Reality for you.

God in three persons
Father = God
Son = God
Holy Spirit = God
Father =/= Son
Son =/= Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit =/= Father

Ice = H2O
Water = H2O
Steam = H2O
Ice =/= Water
Water =/= Steam
Steam =/= Ice

Tammuz (son), Semiramis (holy spirit) and Nimrod (god)

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It's like this.

If a man has a son, then he is a father. But at the same time he is also someone's son. So he is a father and a son at the same time. Except, when god came to the Earth 2,000 years ago in the body of Christ, he had a Futurama-esque "I'm my own grandpa" thing going. So both the father and the son are God, but at the same time, they're not the same thing. The "holy spirit" refers to God's power, or something, which is also God but different again.

The trinity is everything in nature. It's what keeps the balance.

- Birth, Life, Death
- Mother, Father, Child
- Mind, Body, Spirit
- Past, Present, Future

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A Graeco-Roman Pagan-Jewish-Hellenistic concoction involving an anthropomorphic Jewish Father-God, a quasi human "son of god" with a Divine father and human mother-- like innumerable Graeco-Roman gods and goddesses, and the Neoplatonic notion of Sophia (Wisdom) serving as the "holy spirit", an aniconic vapor Diety vis a vis Zoroastrianism, all fused into a Neoplatonic tripartate unity. Maybe even influenced by the Roman Triumvirate but haven't really thought about that much.

Oh yeah it's also like a shamrock (lel)

An egg is not just the shell or just the white or just the yolk but it wouldn't be an egg without one of the three.
The Father- What people refer to as OT God, looking directly at The Father will kill you as he's apparently 2pure4u. Possibly what turned Lot's wife into salt when she looked back at Sodom as it was being destroyed by The Father.
The Son- The Father's method of interaction with the world when he doesn't want to burn things or turn them into Salt. Has always existed and therefore is only a Son in the sense that God creates his body. Can communicate and his body can even be destroyed but is apparently capable of performing miracles and even restoring his body to life after death. There's evidence in the Bible that Jesus Christ is not the only human body God has created (such as when God spoke to Abraham in the form of a man and ate food with him just before Sodom and Gomora
The Holy Spirit- Hard to describe this one, apparently it's God's brain or God's will in an intangible and hard to express form. Can inspire men and grant them superhuman abilities. Is the power that created the BIble. Has also always existed.

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Water = H2O
Vapor = H2O
Ice = H2O

Water =/= Vapor =/= Ice

Father, Son and Spirit are separate from one another, just as liquid water, vapor and ice are separate from one another but they're all H2O

Obviously, this is just a metaphor to help one out understand better the Trinity, don't be a sperg and take this literally

Pic related: ice, water and vapor all together in one place, akin to the baptism of Jesus, where they were all together in one place

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I didn't read the entire text but it sounds like philosophical diarrhea so fuck you amerimutt

Father - God in heaven, the fatherly love for creation
Son - God on Earth, talking like a kid so the kids understand
Holy Spirit - God as Casper, scaring the fuck out of people but being a friendly ghost

Exactly, just like I said. That is my understanding of the trinity. They are all God (H20 in the example) but not the same as you demonstrated
>Water =/= Vapor =/= Ice

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Yeah, your answer was good! I just thought a little bit more explaining was necessary on this board. Have a blessed day, user

Godspeed to you too, user!
Also pic related for easy explanation.

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>By the Father
>Through the Son
>In the Holy Spirit


Santa is the new satan ,

Christmast three was a pagan festivity to celebrate Saturn lol .

Je s us

i like this answer

There is one force divided somehow in to three distinct and individual parts that are all the same but not really.


English was originally Iesu but Jesuit activity in England yielded Jesus eventually

This is moralist heresy. The reason that you cannot ever find a fitting analogy for the Trinity is that the Trinity is completely unique. You can’t say “the Trinity is like this” because there is literally nothing in existence that is “like” the Trinity. The Trinity is eternal and existed before everything that was ever created and is the ultimate reality, the only thing that exists in and of itself. Everything else that exists is dependent on something else for its existence. You will never be able to fathom the inner life of the Trinity because it is beyond our ability to comprehend.

The feminime spirit
The holy trap
Muh dick

God is the powerful being outside our universe.

As a powerful being, God cannot just enter our universe that is directed by laws and physics, because it would get destroyed. This is what the Holy Ghost is for. God can seperate body and soul and use this to enter our universe (to look around).

Now, a soul of course cannot interact with anything and/or anybody. This is what the Son is for. God' s holy ghost can enter a human body to interact with the universe and change stuff around, but the human he "posesses" has to be free of sin.

Father, Son and Holy spirit.
The Father is a complex form.
Life is the Son of God. (Life has life in itself, this is the Christ)
The Word is the Holy spirit. ( It is Gods messenger.)
Although three separate things, neither can exist without the other. In the beginning these three things were one. The Trinity.

It's an inaccurate depiction of God based on Catholics twisting things to fit the Triune gods that the pagans followed.
The Bible in two places says that the Son was the firstborn of all creation and the beginning of creation.
Christ said there is only 1 God, the Father. If there was a Trinity he would have said there is two Gods, the Father and the Holy Spirit, or there is one God, the Father and the Holy Spirit, or one God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. He said there is one God, the Father.
The problem is that we use the word God which is a European word. The Son is Divine and is our Creator, but he is not the God. The God, the Father is the only true God.
God, the Father made things to reflect who he is. The picture related is a description of heaven that is has not been completed, still working on it, but the description will also include the High Priest, which is the Son and the Lamb described as also being present in the throne room, The 3 parts do not include the lamb, although the Lamb is said to be at the center of the throne. It does not say that the Lamb is the throne.
I think the 4 Churubim represent the 4 fources of nature. And it's possible that the bread and the wine in the Temple description may represent Mass and Energy.
Everything was made to be a reflection of God's qualities.

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+ - 0

The entity we call "God" divided his essence amongst mankind (our "souls" are the tiny fragment of God within us), a process He is using to filter out an impurity within Himself. This being is God the Father, the creator. The Father is effectively gone, subdivided into our innumerable souls. He still effects our world because his plan is still in effect.

The collective power of God within us all is the Holy Spirit.

Christ was the first human to be purified by this process, and began phase two of the plan, vastly accelerating the rate at which human souls can be stripped of their impurity and collecting those purified souls into Himself. This entity, Christ and the souls he reabsorbs, is the Son.

The snake eating it’s own tail.

Jow Forums
Jow Forums

said the guy whose flag is for a religion which is a fanfic of the one he is critcising

How the fuck can the trinity be distinctly different and be the same thing!?

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>3rd defines tonality

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is this the AntiAug?

I only opened this thread because of ardent August fetishisation

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> Father: Live a just life user
> Son: I'm gonna slay this THOT
> Holy Ghost: The law of the pendulum keeps us all trying to find center

There is no etymological connection between Zeus and Jesus.

The earth is the child of God and We are children of the Earth

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>flat 3rd makes tonality dark, and sad
>major 3rds are happy and "natural"
Are niggers the minor key?

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executive, judicial, legislative.
our masonic "forefathers" now fathers intent should be obvious for those w/eyes.

She's a character in the matrix trilogy

The father (god)
The son (also god)
The holy spirit (also god)

Yeah, looks like it's just a complicated way of saying god.

Body, mind, spirit.

All that is required for a true entity. If you cannot get it, I cannot help you.

for true darkness one needs the half diminished trinity

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Jew myths

>How the fuck can the trinity be distinctly different and be the same thing!?
all three are different yet the same thing

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man, I'm glad someone said it

I have always personally thought it served as a reminder that God can take many different forms.

Read the Gospel of John. God is the Word, the Word was made flesh to dwell among us and that is the Christ.


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father, son and friendly ghost.

that's a heresy known as modalism, retard.


Is this the guy that claims YHWH is Satan?

there is no trinity in scripture

Isn't he Brazilian though?

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That's one creepy looking bitch.

The Father is what people traditionally think of when they think of God. He is a maximally great being outside of time and space. The Son is the Word of God, His full Expression. The Word of God procedes from the Father but also is God in essence because the Father is 100% true and fully expresses everything about himself. Since God is eternal, the Son has always existed as the Father has. The Holy Spirit is the relationship between the Father and Son. Similar to how a family, clan or nation can be personified and be described with human characteristics, the same goes for the relationship between the Father and Son. However because they are God and their relationship is perfect, it is a full being in its own right and is also fully God.

For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.

Because the trinity is about consciousness.

God's consciousness, other' people's consciousness, and your own consciousness. They are really one interconnected system too complicated for us to understand, so we have to use these fucking metaphors.

Basically you are God (the father), but you got bored being omnipresent and omnipowerful, so you wanted to give yourself a little challenge and play some vidya, and that vidya is your and your thinking consciousness (the holy spirit), and soon you realize wow, lots of other people feel like this too and have been talking about it for thousands of years in different ways, other people(the son) have a consciousness/soul just like you do.

Here son,don't listen to heretics

The true, occultistic meaning of Trinity is two extreme opposites and the fusion of them. Neither right nor left is better than the other one and each of them posses qualities, that the other one doesn't and it is the fusion of both left AND right, that gives us the best outcome. Hot AND Cold, Up AND Down, Forward AND Backward, Man AND Woman etc. Trinity is the Universal Truth, that can be applied to absolutely everything and the ancient as well as modern intellectual elite has been encoding this knowledge for thousands of years in many things, especially buildings.

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Grammer, logic, rhetoric.

In the grammer phase one aggregates information, in the logic phase they process and sort the info, in the rhetoric phase they synthesize the info and create new info.


Also, Crispy is the best castizo.

We are all three in one

YHWH is Echad.

Don't know, is mystery. Btw don't be a faggot.

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Absolutely orthodox, death to the world

God isn’t real

Larp laugh meme.

Say it with me, YAHWEH.

mfw country is poor as fuck and churchgoers make $5 a day but they give 100p to this kid fucking rich idiot because the spanish and muslims fuck us out of our heritage.

we dont have odin lugh, zues or vishna, it was scratched out hundreds of years ago.

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The holy spirit also represents the underlying divine connection of mankind. We are created in His image. An image has the essence or "soul" of what it captured but it is not the thing depicted.
So it is with us and God. We are the manifestation of God in human form, but not to be mistaken with being God.

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Triptych / Trinity

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Okay. You gonna make a gumbo. You need the trinity: bell pepper, onion and celery chopped fine in equal parts. Get dat roux nice and deep brown, like a chocolate pudding, and you sweat dat trinity on dat. Compris?