Are you telling me these are the “Trump supporters” calling us discord tranny shills for calling out Trump for...

Are you telling me these are the “Trump supporters” calling us discord tranny shills for calling out Trump for being a Jewish puppet lol?

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what is wrong with being Israel 'ally'?
no one is doing more for civilizations like the jewish man

Nothing wrong being allies with anyone but it’s wrong when your ally dictates your foreign policy and forces you to send billions in military aide.

ya thats them

>no one is doing more for civilizations like the jewish man
that kike double talk is an art friend

They look like regular people. Much better than the blue hair black lipstick clown the left has.

Only the two in the middle would be considered white in Europe.

Yep...those are MAGApedes alright.

I don't think the average jew wants to see the fall of western civilization, honestly I picture the average jew like Ethan from h3h3. That said, the world is controlled by evil higher ups jews

Crazy how you can tell which one is the jew

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good thing this isn’t irrelevant europe kek

Talk about coping

what a beta fest, jesus Christ, these cucks need to disappear!!


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It’s a crime against humanity that no one has bred Ashton yet

Lol, the right has literally become the left.

>no bright blue or pink hair
>no ridiculous piercings
>no obvious trannies
>diverse enough to make racism accusations irrelevant
>throwing up troll signs that trigger idiots into believing mainstream media bullshit
No wonder you're so upset OP

I would join that group of losers because I know Red Dress would be an easy fuck considering my competition

Who says I’m upset? I’m amused that this is what Trump supporters call their best lol.

>name my band

Your recent moon trip shows how good jews are at science that's not completely stolen from whites.

Those knees tho.

>their best
Wait isnt this a thread made by someone obviously not a trump supporter making fun of a group of randoms? Who exactly is calling these people "the best"?

gross i didn't even notice

>Dictates foreign policy

You OD'd on memes. What drives American foreign policy is trying to stomp out unfriendly countries from having nukes. When Israel follows our agenda we reward them.

And them.

Attached: americanright.jpg (1200x857, 206K)