How to bring up the birthrate?

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with private access to a secured means of food production.

anything less is treason

Have babies

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No one in the west has starved to death in the past 80 plus years.

Stop providing free contraception to women

stop fucking wh*Te roasties and start breeding black trad qts

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good luck in your city hovels, rat people

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I don't know how many times it has to be repeated.

Remove women from the workforce, remove women's vote.


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Not my type though

Salty roast, all future posts disregarded.

" How to bring up the birthrate? "

A lot of things, but I won't type it here on a tablet, it would take ages.

Also, it depends on the country.

>How to bring up the birthrate

Fix pic related

Attached: Productivity_and_Real_Median_Family_Income_Growth_in_the_United_States.png (1024x768, 39K)

it'll solve itself hehe

Go cry to Mommy I've gotten more replies on this than any in a long time.

Marry a nigger

Don't pull out

Wow, telling. What country does it apply to?