I am atheist but I have a terrible gut feeling following this news

I am seriously considering converting now. This feels like the end times, I need to come to peace with whatever is up there and face the consequences.

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>I am atheist
agnosticism is the only logical point of view
the existence of god is unknown and possibly even unknowable
but if there is a god, it would be the christian one

Are you ready for shahada to be pure monotheist or you want to believe a jewish man was god and created you? You want to believe you were goy clay fashioned by jewish hands?

Do it brother, there is nothing more rewarding and completing than being reconciled with the God that intentionally made you.

This. Higher spiritual instincts never lie.

If the widely accepted multiverse theory is true, and quatum physics is true, then its possible "God" whatever it may be or whatever actual religion it represents, exists in another universe, but is so powerful it can cross over to others. Therefore, its very possible god does indeed exist.

"Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God."

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>Being such a brainlet concerned with genetics you reject God

Catholicism is way
Welcome brother

fuck off. we are full.

Even atheist can be mad because it was clearly the building of European superiority.

What your experiencing is not the end times, merely the death of your race and your people.

You see your institutions turn to ash before you, on some level it has always been understood that christianity has been a tool for whites to spread themselves with.


Which also means hell could exist somewhere. Perhaps God is like the 40k God Emperor whose task will be to guide souls through the darkness of the multiverse to safety

Tempted too. Atheism and secularism and liberalism is the eventual future but if it can't stop this then fine, I'll be the warrior of God or whatever. If post-Christian universal secularism needs muscular Christianity to defend it then fuck it I'll pretend to believe in a sky fairy.

>tfw you will never be obsessed with materialism to the point of rejecting God Himself for 'being Jewish'.

This would never have happened if Marine LePen had won the election, instead of that milquetoast Macron.

Any (((coincidence))) yet?

Same. As someone who lived through 9/11 I have the same feeling.

Your theory is predicated on the idea that any instance of God would be bound within the domain of a universe. The general interpretation of God implies that he exists outside of the realm we refer to as the universe. Apply this to the concept of the multiverse, it would make sense that God exists outside of whatever shell contains the multiverse

i'm agnostic but this shit pisses me off,faithful people dedicated to built this for 200 years to suddenly be set on fire by a fucking shitskin,if this will not radicalize some people i dunno what will.

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widely accepted by retards

Nigger this isn't some semite shit, this is race war.