Who is this man?

Jow Forums can figure it out. You’ve done much harder things before. What’s his name?

Attached: 87816DB2-6940-4786-8330-BA97493EAD99.png (257x216, 147K)

Ahmed Wheatley
UK/ 90 Waterdell Lane

They're called the new french

did he do something illegal? i mean besides being a sandnigger in a european land?

Fuck him but honestly I make a similar face whenever I see something on fire.



so Iberians are sandniggers now?

Why is he a person of interest?

What exactly do you want from this fine man? He´s laughing at a rising fire in an ancient building that doesn´t belong to the present. I would laugh too if I was there.

That mutt is not Iberian, clearly heavily mixed with North African semites.

This true? Bump

not in your face recognition database?
He's a recently indoctrinated member. See the bemused smile?
Not a knowing smirk
more pleasantly surprised
>it's true what my brothers say
>we are rising and they will kneel
this boy attends a local mosque 2-3 times a day, every early morning or late night depending on which shift he works

Hahahahahahahhaah slaps knee. Wow that’s so fucking funny tell us user did you come up with that all by yourself????!!

t. Achmed

He committed a Nickname Sandmann crime

>clearly heavily mixed with North African semites
So just like Iberians then?

what's his name Jow Forums?

I won't bother with genetical maps, specially not with an inbred island monkey.

Kind of funny how retarded pol is on race innit

Why do you say that? Are you serious or bullshitting?

Juan "and-only-one-holy-Allah" bin-shehmad

specially spaniards they are full of them
are you just pretending to be retarded?

share this image on social media and someone will recognize him eventually

Attached: 1552670971092.jpg (1000x1000, 71K)


This. Find the identity of all those laughing smiling or celebrating our tragedy

learn english please.



Lol gtfo of my thread you bitch