Muslim here. I give my condolences to those affected by the Notre Dame burning. Don't listen to what christian larpers...

Muslim here. I give my condolences to those affected by the Notre Dame burning. Don't listen to what christian larpers, christcucks or ISIS retards have to say about this. I feel deeply saddened by the burning and hope we can come to together and defeat the Jew.
tl;dr- My condolences for the Notre Dame burnings

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This is good bait!!

Other muslim here
You pussy

You speak good English and I appreciate the sentiment, but please return to your own country.

The fault lies with progressives

This is Taqiyah at its finest.

too little too late

Why so many muslim americans


not bait. I'm genuine. You mutt
>le 56%

Taqiyya FTW

I have no fear of persecution. I do not wish enemy but to merely team up and defeat the yids.
>also leaf faggot

wallah bro, i swear

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Fuck off

shut up mutt
>le 56%

Seriously, your pic is the dumbest thing I saw here in a while.

We know your lies. And we know who your true (((masters))) are. You can no longer fool us.

Google Al-Taqiya.

Moslem parasite, go back to your own shit country or any one of your shit countries

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>see thread
>oh boy lets see what flag it is this time!

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Thanks fren. Don't let the jew play his usual d&c. And that means you muslims need to stop fighting each other and unite against the jew too.

"In the Land of the Yellow Vests a mighty fire will topple a Lady,
Then will the Orange Man in the West lay waste to another Alliance,
and out of ignorance the Hawk will turn into a Pigeon
and ignite the Apocalypse of the Yields."

Nostradamus, Quatrain 875.

What could it mean?

Shut up muslim murderer, you don’t get to tell Christians what they are allowed to get angry at. Just one more example of Islam being the preferred religion of arrogant oppressors

Reminding everyone that every region that was taken over by Islam has stagnated. We need to genocide these low IQ mongrels starting yesterday.

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Nobody gives a fuck about muslims. Drop your religion and become a normal functioning human being you dumb cunt.

>And that means you muslims need to stop fighting each other and unite against the jew too.

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You sound remorseful? You got something to tell us?