How does jet fuel do this to steel?

How does jet fuel do this to steel?

Attached: jellified2indiamaluminumbar.jpg (400x300, 29K)

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"Super jet fuel"

That's a brittle fracture, caused by high impact. Probably snapped during the collapse, heat wasn't a major factor in the failure of that particular beam.Too much of a brittle fracture to be from the plane, too little to be high explosives. Nothingburger. A 20 year old nothingburger.

"Jet fuel is a hell of a drug"

~Twin Tower #1

The twin towers were designed to be able to withstand an impact from a commercial airliner, no?

hutchinson effect.
you're welcome.

We don't like to talk about that.

The whole thing is that if you metal below its melting point it still loses a lot of its strength

Fuck off spook

chinese steel

It was Israeli Thermate

In one of the reports, broken water pipes were creating steam coming into contact with hot surfaces. It's how you crack metal.

heat, ya retard.

Heat metal then apply a lot of force.

building seven though

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it was thermite not jetfuel stoopid cunt kike

The one that bbc reported on live saying it had fallen, all the while it was still standing behind them?

Soon as you start this thread
All the (((smart))) people come out the wood works “ it was not inside job stupid, youre a retard man, jet fuel can melt steel beams”

I've never understood this argument. If you just poured jet fuel on steel and then lit it on fire, the temperature that jet fuel burns at would be relevant. However, the plane collided with the tower at a high velocity, so presumably that kinetic energy could make the temperature much higher.

Imagine you shoot a piece of metal at something. It could cause enough heat to deform the object it hits on impact, but the metal doesn't burn at all (no combustion).

Controlled thermite demolition combined with low-calibre nuclear weaponry aka "dirt bomb" there's no other possible explanation for why there were ELEVATED levels of Geiger rads across manhattan in the months after 9/11

Why does the photo have the name: "aluminum bar"?

Do you know how a furnace works? That's how.

400 knots

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That's not steel. It says in the file name it's a bar of aluminum.

Google melting point of steel
Then Google burning point of jet fuel
Ta da, you are now Google scientist

isn't the most redpilling part of 9/11 the pentagon? it might be the easiest to debunk.
twin towers and tower 7 can come after

Attached: 911pentagonhoax (1).jpg (720x360, 58K)

Don't think about how a furnace can cause it to create more heat than in an open environment.

>jet fuel

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>building seven though

probably, also paddock just really disliked country music.

>implies that much jet fuel creates a foundry of steel

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>>implies that much jet fuel creates a foundry of steel

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You know it was more than just jet fuel burning, right? And that metal becomes softer when it's heated, right?
No, you wouldn't know. You're a shitskin.


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That’s aluminum you fucking retard.

funny how 90% of my saved jewtube vids have been shoad

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