Africa has no his...Yikers!

Africa has no his...Yikers!
Well Stormweenies?

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wonder who the writers/compilers/editors/researchers/historians/bookbinders were

Where is Cambridge again

>12 volumes of hooting at a fire

We dont care if you have history, just that you don't lie about it, IDIOT

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All written by a white person.

Look at the years, tard. It's about Egypt, Ethiopia, and white colonists.

Africa is doing gangbusters now, mud huts are the future of humanity.

imagine if everything your people had ever done for thousands of years could be boiled down to 8 medium length books

>first half is Egypt
>1 (one) page on ancient Morocco
>other half is European colonization

Fuck niggers, also here’s the 3 strongest men in Africa, COLONIZED.

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nobody said africoons didn't have a history, every land has a history. It's just a boring, yet violent history full of mud huts and other tribal nonsense.

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most of that is white people talking about other white peoples and arabs
>earily history
common ancestor, egyptians, horn of africa, ethopia, bebars all (non-subsaharans)
ethopia, rome, greece, phenocians, carthage, berbars, arabs, macedonia, again all non-subsaharans

the following chapters are european exploration and conquest of africa, europeans fighting wars in africa, and then the last chapter being europeans giving africa back to sub-saharans, who preceed to lose all wealth/knowlege and burn the contentient down in wars
mali, ie arabs
africa kings getting rich selling other africans to arabs, europeans
european outpost, afrikanners, ottoman empire, bebary states
afrikanners, capetown, cicel rhodes, ottomans, bebary war with america, french fighting british in africa
afrikanners, 1881 divison of africa, cicel rhodes, queen victoria, race for africa, belgian congo
afrikanners, arabs, germans fighting bristish in afrcia, germans beat french then fighting british in africa, ottomans fighting british
afrikanners, germans fighting british, americans in africa, afrikanners and their accomplishments; nuclear weapons, nobel prizes, etc.. rhodesia

where exactly in africa is this "camebridge"?

>African history in paperback.jpg
>clearly hardback
Jesus can niggers get anything right?

history implies a written record

Kek imagine you had to write even one book full about mud huts and bone nose piercing. What a pain in the ass

The european set would be 200 books

Underrated post.
On topic, European and Asian Histories must be 500 volumes in comparison.

>African history in paperback
Um sweetie

you mean those books? written in english... for an english speaking audience... but by all means, continue to communicate in clicks and whistles with no written language

Written by white people.

muh history , muh 8 books , duh fire hot hur dur
>whites have forgot more historty than all those books times 80

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Fish and Chips man you have the best comment of the night


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It's all about Carthage and Egypt, Arabs coming into North Africa, and colonialism. Probably a bit about Ethiopia and Mali. I'd wager over 80% of that history is other people coming in and doing a better job, with the other 20% being African slave salesmen running an "empire" and some pictures of grass skirts and ooga booga masks niggers wore.

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No one said Africa has no history, what they have is just pretty horrifying

>its mostly post 1600

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Oh look the race baiting Israeli Jew’s at it again.

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Why did white people have to compile Africa's history? Also wouldn't this be white washed since white men of Cambridge put it together? How could you support this?

>open first book
>let's begin with the first white man, took the first step on africa
i bet, even the book was written by white dudes.
>tfw you have no history
>tfw even you had, you wouldn't be able to write it down

fucking subhuman niggers. Kill them all.

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Dey eaty da poo-poo.
Dey eaty da poo-poo.

Yes, you have a history. A history that the white man wrote for you, lol.

I just read the first paragraph
>There was nothing but darkness.
>Then the white man came shining through the darkness.

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