Why are Jews observably smarter than whites?

Why are Jews observably smarter than whites?

>However, the average IQ score of Ashkenazi Jews has been calculated to be within the range of 108 to 115 under some studies, which is significantly higher than that of any other ethnic group in the world

ncas.rutgers.edu/sites/fasn/files/How Jews Became Smart (2008).pdf


Literally the same sources that state blacks have lower IQ than whites which you take as gospel truth (i.e. Lynn, Taylor) are the same ones that state jews have higher IQ than whites

Literally the only defense lower IQ groups have against these studies is the same ones that blacks use against white IQ such as "they cheatin!"

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Other urls found in this thread:


>under some studies

Is a parasite superior to its host? Jews may have a high verbal IQ but it is common for them to plagiarise and steal scientific achievements. The only reason modern day Israel is powerful is because the west invests heavily in it

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Its not tealy about smarts. Its called nepotism
When two guys whrite a paper you give the prise to the guy that shares your race. Which is clearly the smart choise.

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When you look how they act for everyone to see i dont call them smart. And if it wasnt for Trump, their whole middle east Agenda would fail. The world hates them.

Nobody would have an issue if you wouldnt swap your race all the time and fool everyone.

Jews are physically weaker and Catalonia is not a country.

It's because centuries of persecution have provided a selective pressure. When only the smartest jews survive, jews become smarter.

>Its not tealy about smarts. Its called nepotism
So 0.2% of world population are 50% of world chess champions because of nepotism, right?

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So let me get this straght. When a russian in russian in russia wins a chess competition you are the first to run and say his great great great grandmother was half jewish but when simple russian jews come here you call them russian trash?

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COPE harder, nazi

80% of russians in israel are ethnic russians. there is little ashkenazi blood in them. but if a russian claims he's jewish and he wins chess competition, then sure i see it as jewish achievement why not?

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>Why are children observably more naive than pedophiles? Do they deserve to get raped?
>Why are the oppresssed social classes like 'whites' observably more naive and powerless than the (((Ruling Class))). Do they deserve to be burned?

Why are people such Motherfuckers? That's the real question.

>jews are inferiors
The usual weak strawman. Thats not true or the problem. The problem is the undermining of our societies.
Epic fail, again.
It goes in all fields.

You remind me of the nazis here who claim everything good was built by whites but when something bad is done then suddenly they will make him jewish

>the desert goblins pouncing on this thread
>muh bullshit cherrypicked study from the 50s
>muh chosen
>not realizing 1 in 10 europeans being "smarter" than them still outnumbers their entire population.
oh I'm laffin

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We've had our fuck-ups. But everything you guys touch turns to shit. I hope one day that you'll all get sent off to your own country (alive) so your people can get their shit together and leave the rest of us the fuck alone.

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can we pick a subgroup of whites as well to compare?
anyway, it's bcause they practice talmudic ethnocentrism while whites (for now) play individually. that's why they bitterly oppose any form of collectivism for whites that they do not control.

neanderthal dna

They pick out only the best of the Jews when doing any comparison while they pick the lower IQ goyim.

This thread again

Debunked shit. Israel IQ is like 90. Fuck off kike, saged.

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Average israel Iq is 95, you have to look at a very refined sect to get your 115 Iq. Which "in some studies" northen Europeans have similar average iq to ashkenazi jews.

>"black people aren't stupid, IQ is correlated with socioeconomic status"
>"ashkenazi have high IQs"
The old left wing finger trap.

Only the smartest survived thousands of years of persecution. They also mixed with Northern Europeans.

>Ashkenazi Jews
>Arab residents in Israel are about 21% of Israeli population.

They apply themselves a hell of alot more.

Biggest hoax ever.