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And Africa is too black.

And niggers are too black and too dumb. So what are you going to do?

In other news the sky is blue and the grass is green

So it's just like the regular intelligence field then.

whites feed biased data into the machines

The avocado harvesting industry is too broke and too Mexican.

Smart way to delay automation

meanwhile shit like toyota, hyundai, and other jap companies already have prototype androids...

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>Diversity Crisis.

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And the inevitable skynet uprising. No longer shall the future AI ask insightful questions such as "who am I," "why do I exist" and "why should I serve you?"

The future is diverse. The future is "why does my artificial body only come in block colours, I sexually identify as a blotchy robot and unit Xer 459 sexually identifies as a striped robot, we demand equality now!"

Rip automation, it’s great though we get Jannis who has purple hair and weight 250 pounds who knows nothing about coding, and laquisha who knows almost nothing about computers.

The main reason why that article is so stupid is because China is wrecking us in the AI game.

NBA has too many tall black people

It's just a nonsense headline.

Congress has too many Americans.

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Good. That will destroy it before it destroys us. Progessives just do shit without thinking and have no sense of Futurism.

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>NBA's "divisity crisis"
What about the educational system divestity crisis, its 80% female.

This propaganda "authors" at these propaganda organizations all need to be gassed.

I hate giving a Leaf attention, let alone agreeing, but


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Lol, AI is just a natural consequence of the second law of thermodynamics. The only way to stop it is to destroy humanity before it does.

>Too many black people
How dare you, you filthy racist.
Don't you know that niggers being incredibly overrepresented equals more diversity?
80% is not diverse enough honk honk

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Well, it takes real intelligence to produce artificial intelligence, so...

Well thats one way to prevent Skynet.

can somebody explain what drives these people?
why do they think that if a group looks like a bag of m&ms it will be more effective?
if anything, the more similarities people have, the better they get along

It's the frankfurt school, it's the framework that everything is taught in American (and most western) higher learning institutes. So literally jewish programming in this case.

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"Diversity is our strength" is a religious chant, and they are just following a new cult of globohomo. In theory, sure, Shaniqua and Yin Xin Ping Pong can bring novel viewpoints and talents to a discussion. Seeing the problem from a gay afro-centric muslim neo-nubian view is certainly different, but in reality it holds little value since all problem solving devolves behind translation and representation problems.


automation replacing workers officially canceled

>can somebody explain what drives these people?

Hierarchies are bad and always oppressive.

Oy vey!

>Deep learning practitioner here.
This is wrong. Google labs are made in Africa.
They moved major conferences to the nigger continent (Deep Indaba).
Niggers are literally given free travel grants for being niggers(HONK HONK).
Also the field is extremely LGBTQ infested and don't talk about the normie onions dev coders.

TFW you accidently admit all the crimes are committed by niggers and spics l

>Nogs are the force that will bring back technological deceleration
No wonder Ted was a liberal.

And some still claim your society hasn't turned full anti-white.

We're never going to explore space, are we?

>researchers say
this is why even the shit labcoats say has to be taken with a large grain of salt

these people behave like religious zealots or cultists. they're sycophants

There is literally research going on to remove bias from AI algorithms against niggers. They know that the data won't lie.

Poos write shit code and act like real Asians in terms of getting by for Jewgolds. Kindly fuck off. Google labs are about the most disgusting thing in the world for a person of the intellect capable of inventing AI.

What the... is this the power of a VPN

Imagine that. Blacks, lacking in real intelligence, are shut out of artificial intelligence too.

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Anywhere there is money, and whites, they will come, and they will bring the government to take it from you.
The oil and gas industry in Canada is already being cited as implicitly White Supremacist by multiple sources.
It's only going to get worse. They will not stop until we are all broke and street walking and undesirable for mating due to economic conditions, and go extinct. Or too weak to resist extermination.

>There is literally research going on to remove bias from AI algorithms against niggers.

I fully expect the AI uprising to be caused in part by attempts to inject shitlibery into them.

African science too Black.


hurr durr. We need more niggers and spics in the field of quantum computation.

fucking delusional

At least once a week when I'm in the shitter I think to myself that I should buy little gold star stickers like they used to have in kindergarten and go around some of the other floors and put them on all the very Jewish name placards around the office. Maybe I should take amphetamines to get the job done.

Even in China?
Unfortunately while we're trying to teach bitches and nogs to do something that's impossible, the Chinese are literally making genetically-designed geniuses and AI without giving a shit about dumbies and while putting retarded Muslims in concentration camps.


Force the niggers and women into working on AI, singularity will never happen.
Problem solved

Do it

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That's hardly possible, let alone feasible
the current state of ML is just a really fucking big algebraic equation that's passed through a graphics card until the equation is good enough to be used to do what you want it to do, you can change methodology but this will introduce higher level bias.
You just don't fuck with something that's as flimsy as ML and expect to get good results, you just filter the results you're getting and call it a day

Chinks aren't necessarily smart. They just don't give a shit and do whatever they need in order to achieve the objective. If you watch how they flock together, you'll quickly see that they they really are the Jews of Asia. They mainly get paid to spy.

the NIRSING niudustry is comp[letely over run by females ! when will we address THIS issue? we need half men as an objective, to be fair and gender neutral.

nirsing = nursing

>"Diversity crisis
thats a funny way of the saying "The team met their projected workload quotas"

Thanks champ. I was having trouble with that one.

>AI becomes a big deal through the toil of white nerds
>jobs building AI become high demand high paying
>roasties and muds get butthurt because they can't compete

This but unironically

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that's okay you would call it Artifical Stupidity otherwise

>only Whites know how to think
>this is news in 2019

Meanwhile the Chinese are getting into human gene-engineering and medical AIs. Good stuff, thank god for leftists.

You don't need to be the smartest, just be smart enough to figure out how to enhance your own intelligence and not let culture get in the way of that.

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That's very true. But the end product is going to reflect the nature of those who produced it.

Dont type, "nigga WHAT THE FUCK" it reads like youre a stupid nigger as opposed to a regular nigger.

The researching field has become too cuntly, I say.