MGTOW - TradCon; Political Alliance

MGTOW - TradCon; Political Alliance.
Both groups recognize the decline in the family unit as a net negative to western society.
Tradionalists encourage a return to marriage as the bedrock to a healthy prosperious living environment. MGTOW reject marriage at it's core and point out the raw deal it has become for the man.
If a political party was interested in scooping up the male vote, speaking to this issue would perk up the ears of both groups. It is time for a change in the family court system.
Family court has become corrupt, abused, and is having major negative consequences.
Lets put the bants on hold, the name calling on pause, and come together for a realistic discussion on how to repair the divide in the family unit. If this topic is picked up by a political party, it could bring in a wave of support from the young male demographic.
>18-39 Males report in.

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>MGTOW reject marriage at it's core
I don't see how you can back people who think the very idea you want to protect is wrong

>men going their own way
>makes faggy pictures and logos and makes it into a "movement"
Yeah really going your own way there buddy. Extremely cringe.

Oh, and a Nazi meme flag as well.

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MGTOW here. I don't reject marriage altogether, just in its current state. It's just a raw deal for men in the modern world. Very few MGTOW are philosophically opposed to marriage as a concept. In general, both MGTOW and TradCon agree that the institution of marriage needs to improve, they only differ on how that improvement should happen.
Pic related

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Vows of chastity don't mean a hell of a lot when you're a man who can't get laid in a whorehouse with a suitcase full of cash. It's like Pee-Wee Herman wrecking his bike and yelling "I meant to do that!" Now you can argue that MGTOW just means not marrying, but that's a fib. Every man promoting dishes out platitudes that sound very much like "a man needs a woman like a fish needs a bicycle."

Why not a more direct goal? "Get women out of colleges, universities, voting booths, and the workplace, and put them back in the kitchen."


>A fucking leaf

MGTOW is cowardice.

>they only differ on how that improvement should happen.
So you support no fault divorce?

It's easy.
Fix the marriage laws.
It's immoral that a woman just migth want to break marriage with just a whim, and no real cause, and put them men into slavery.
It would be better to get them out of the workforce entirely, but i would take that.
If marriage was safe again, men would marry.
Oh, and don't worry, either we do it, or the ones who will conquer us will.

How in the fuck do you take that from anything I said? Quite the contrary. No-fault divorce needs to be eliminated and the past 60-ish years of female sexual liberation need to be severely curtailed or wiped out completely.

I can't support MGTOW
but I am sympathetic
and a bit of a fellow traveler
so I suppose... good luck?

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This is what the MRAs already tried, and failed to do. They failed largely because in a gynocentric society men do not collectivize in their own interests because it's disallowed by the culture. You are punished for it in the form of shame and marginalization and most dreaded of all, the threat of being cut off from sexual access to women. You should realize that this problem runs much deeper than our captured family courts -- that's merely a symptom of the gynocentrism that has infected virtually every corner of modern life.

I used to sleep around alot. I am currently 20 (21st bday next month) and my girlfriend is 29. I was terrified to date anyone from my liberal college due to alot of crazy rape/title9 stuff.

The only way this could ever be fixed in a manner that both parties accept would be completely changing female nature. Merely faking good or hiding the knife behind their back would not do. Since this is not possible neither is any alliance, that and the whole pussy worshipping thing.

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"Honor is a fool's prize, glory is of no use to the dead."
So yes, by all means, be brave. Got get 'em tiger, I'm cheering for you.

Your shaming and your opinions set standards only for those who are too weak to validate themselves. As for MGTOW and the people following it: If it works it works, whether you like it or not. Those choose to be MGTOW because it apparently is a better option for them - So who cares what you think of it, you are not that important to anyone. And shouldn't you be happy? More women for you.

"Any effective means is automatically judged by the opposition as being unethical."

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Indeed. The only way out is the collapse of government and institutions. Lawlessness and savagery will have to rule before any patriarchal institutions can be re-built. There's going to be a lot of bloodshed. Many men will be killed, and many women either be killed, or raped and enslaved.

Unless we fucking take women's rigths away.
It could be fuckign peacefull.
Hell, if Klaus did it after the Weimar republic, we can do it in the west!!

It is not a movement, it is a philosophy. A personal philosophy.

>Why not a more direct goal?"Get women out of colleges, universities, voting booths, and the workplace, and put them back in the kitchen."
That's a MRA/MRM thing. MGTOW is an acronym for Men Going Their Own Way, which is to just stop playing the game and walking away. i.e. The only winning move is not to play.
It's about thinking for yourself, for your own best interest - caring what other people think isn't really in your best interest. Sure when you are not doing what other people want you to do [for them], you get called names, insulted etc so you'd get back in line.

I ask you, why would you care what other people thought of you or why would you cave into social pressure if you knew better? Why please or fulfill other people's expectations if it is counter to your own well being or happiness? Just to fit? Why? What if you don't need other people's validation?

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MGTOW here. I wish there was a better way. However this is no "movement", this is how things are for millions of white men across the world.

It's what we white men excel at - observe, analyze and adapt. It was one thing shilling a frontal assault in 1914, in the current year it's like 1917 with piles of dead heroes (broken men, broken families).

Shaming us into yet another last charge to victory won't work.

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Better quaulity pic

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>Oh, and a Nazi meme flag as well.
Hitler was a MGTOW, and Jow Forums is a MGTOW board, you newfag

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>MGTOW is cowardice.

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Fix marriage laws, divorce laws and child support.

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I would like it to be like it was before, in the sixties in my country.

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> If a political party was interested in scooping up the male vote, speaking to this issue would perk up the ears of both groups.
Won't happen. Men are not a monolithic enough group, and any catering to them will rally every group that depends on gibsmedats, from child support to reparashuns. We're also talking whole swaths of population with nothing to do but political pressure while the group you want to defend is working.

Heck, they monkeyed out like crazy because Trump was elected and even he hold conferences to "help women entrepreneurs" and shit like that.

So there are two solutions. Either sneak-in a candidate with such views and hope the resulting tantrums don't destroy society, or go Galt and await the inevitable reset of the socio-economic collapse you no longer help staving off.

My choice is the second, as it is both lazy (ish) and effective. Feel free to MRA shit up, but before you do, look for the honey badgers and their struggle: Even wahmen get savaged for defending male interest. All out of fear of an implied no more gibs.

Replace "easy" with "simple", and you got me totally on board.

You can't go back, and even if you could, it wouldn't do any good because whatever they did in the sixties lead to the seventies and so on. In the sixites women could vote and voting is the reason why the laws are so bad. So how would you make it the way it was when women have the ability to vote and they have voted against the things you want?

And there's another problem even if can get the laws changed: once you have tasted freedom, you don't want to go back - you think women would willingly marry under the 60's laws when they have tasted the freedom they have now? Sure you can enforce the laws after a marriage contract has been signed, but you can't force them to marry now can you?

There's no going back, the only way is forward.

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>even if you could, it wouldn't do any good because whatever they did in the sixties lead to the seventies and so on
Sure we could!
By knowing that it would get this bad, we would stop it.
Hell, if it worked for Hitler and Weimar Germany, why not for us?

>In the sixites women could vote and voting is the reason why the laws are so bad

>So how would you make it the way it was when women have the ability to vote and they have voted against the things you want?
Like Hitler did. He migth have been a retard for hurting his own, but he healed Weiman Germany from it's decadence.

>once you have tasted freedom, you don't want to go back
>you think women would willingly marry under the 60's laws when they have tasted the freedom they have now?
Women will submit.
They always do.

>but you can't force them to marry now can you?
You are a single empowered whaman?
Im gonna tax the SHIT out of you.
Oh, you want to leave?
Too bad, you can't.

>the only way is forward
So plagues, war and danger so that they will feel fear again, and give up their rigths?
Like it was always done?
For fuck sake, why not being honest?!
Let's be rational about this, and not go into needless death!

can we add a Q? MGTOWQ. Men Going Their Own Way Quietly. or maybe MQGTOW.

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Also pandering to female vote increases government size and control - so it is in its best interest to offer women what they want to get the votes. Women want a man who is charge i.e. has control and power, the government is the ultimate husband.

Promise worry-free life, security and less personal responsibility (which all mean more control and power over the individual to the government, i.e. nanny-state), and women will give you their voting power, thus giving you more power to implement things that give you more power and votes. To the point you don't need anyone's vote, to the point where the citizen's opinion doesn't matter anymore, where you don't have to worry whether the people like what you do or not.

TL;DR: Pandering to the female voting base increases your power to pander to the female voting base. It's a self-perpetuating cycle that results in power and control which doesn't require pandering to anyone.

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No. But many are going away quietly, you don't hear about those people.

Anyway, people like to talk about things important to them, why aren't you adding Q to whatever you talk about, why are you even on this board? Or in this thread? Why aren't you adding Q to your whining?

Whine in silence, no one is interested in your whining, just like you aren't interested in conversation about MGTOW.

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Better pic

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I don't think this is the case in Europe.
I know in the USA the government sells debt to private contractors, and they bully you into paying or suing you, but I think here you can't actually go to jail over being unable to pay your ex.

Hey jidf

Hey leftypol

Hey jidf leftypol tranny kike CIA russian troll shill.

Not just white men. Go to the subreddit, there's men from all over the world opting out, because feminism has spread everywhere.

>Hell, if it worked for Hitler and Weimar Germany, why not for us?
All the evidence to the contrary: the cucks united and wrecked that shit..

>Women will submit.
>They always do.
Unless they have cucks to control.

>You are a single empowered whaman?
>Im gonna tax the SHIT out of you.
>Oh, you want to leave?
>Too bad, you can't.
So go ahead, tax. Do it.
You can't now, can you? You know why? Because you are not in charge. This is the problem with all the revolutionaries - they always start thinking from the point when everything is ready and done, and that they are the ones making the decisions. Like the commie larpers you see online, they always are like "When there is communism, then X", they always start from there, from the finish line, but never actually bother to think how to get there or if it's even possible - and that's why it always fails: it's just a fantasy.

>So plagues, war and danger so that they will feel fear again, and give up their rigths?
>Like it was always done?
>For fuck sake, why not being honest?!
>Let's be rational about this, and not go into needless death!
I agree, but.. look around you.. Nothing is happening, until it does. This is human nature: we always need to be at the very edge to see that something needs to change.

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Women are retarded, this is why I don't understand why is it so important to marry them, or to have a wife. To have someone to "share life with." Or why it was so important to give them the right to vote.

They don't like you unless you force them to pretend that they do. Or you have to purchase their affection. The things they like aren't really your personal qualities, they like what those qualities produce - if they could cut out the middle man they would, and they have. So why would you care about having one around? "OMG I must have one, if I play it right I can have one."

Why is it so important to impress them or to seek their acceptance and validation? Why are they held in such high regard? All the problems stem from that: the more valuable entity tries to impress the less valuable for some reason. And funniest thing is that women themselves think they are so special, when in reality they really do nothing but expect stuff from men..

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we are just expendable drones, most of us will never make it to the top 10%, let alone top 1%. the most you can do is to defend for yourself because you are expendable, and you are an alone individual.
so yeah, that's really what being a man is like. there are no backup plans, no net to catch you when you fall, you're on your own, society doesnt give a damn, but hey what can we do but to laugh

Well, then i ll just brace for impact, i suppose.

I want to gloat and rubbit in.
I want to tell you how many women I’ve had sex with in the last 3 weekends
But without proof you shits who OP leftist crap in the catalogue and LARP as us while talking about your sad lack of bonk will not believe it’s even possible to do so much sex and I don’t want to get tempted to post my self and text logs, hotel booking. Etc.
Bigtoes suck

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taking womens rights away will solve everything

So, OP was wrong in describing it that way. Most MGTOW are not opposed to marriage in principle, and would in fact love a traditional marriage.
Rather they are opposed to what marriage is post feminism, and are essentially on strike. No striking worker wants their company to go away. They want it fixed.

>hur dur shooting yourself in the head is brave.

>The only way this could ever be fixed in a manner that both parties accept would be completely changing female nature.
This is obviously untrue. Both groups think marriage was acceptable, if not desirable, prior to the sexual revolution.

This guy gets it.

Mgtow turned into another incel group I see. Well whatever.

>and come together for a realistic discussion on how to repair the divide in the family unit.
no. artificial gestation or bust. replacing women technologically helps out with a lot more than birth rates. women's rights is the primary reason behind almost all of the west's major problems.