Atheists think this all happened in less than 1 billion years

>atheists think this all happened in less than 1 billion years

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you forgot the part where the "ayy lmao"s show up to create humans

>christians think Noah found penguins in the Middle East in less than 7 days

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>Christians think literally everything was created in less than 7 days

No wonder they are a dying breed.

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>"ayy lmao"s show up to create humans

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“...I am quite conscious that my speculations run beyond the bounds of true science....It is a mere rag of an hypothesis with as many flaw[s] & holes as sound parts.” Charles Darwin to Asa Gray, cited by Adrian Desmond and James Moore, Darwin, (New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 1991) pp. 456, 475.

Good thing we know a lot more than Darwin did then.

The probability of life originating from accident is comparable to the probability of the Unabridged Dictionary resulting from an explosion in a printing shop.
~ Prof. Edwin Conklin

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You realise that evolution has nothing to do with the origin of life, right? That's abiogenesis.

A billion years is fuckload of time.

Entire human civilization is like 5000 years old, and a billion is a million of thousands/

You think as is he earth was unique or special.

There must be innumerable other earths, and it's only natural for life to pop up on some of them.

I believe that evolution exists as a whole.
I do not believe that intelligent life on the level of humans happens without intervention of some kind.

Fuck off crossnigger shill. JIDF isn't welcome here, neither are you. In case you're wondering, no one is welcome here. Fuck yourself.

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no shit monkey. read the fucking quote...

ok, tell me oh wizard, where is the other earth thats not so special...?

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So, you still haven't disproved evolution.

Abiogenesis, or informally the origin of life, is the natural process by which life arises from non-living matter, such as simple organic compounds. The transition from non-living to living entities was not a single event but a gradual process of increasing complexity

sound a lot like evolution Albert?...

>you can't begin to imagine the scale of deep time
>you don't know anything about evolutionary changes over time

>but lol it's all bullshit because i don't understand shit

also singe celled organism appeared much earlier

Nah you’re right it only took 6 days ;)

nothing proves evolution . not one fact can be attached to the THEORY.

no, it doesn't. Evolution is descent with inherit modification within existing life forms.

so why the fuck am i standing next to the monkey i am supposed to have come from?

On the contrary, evolution is one of the most well-tested and well-observed theories to date. Everything (and I mean everything) confirms it. Geological column, DNA testing, comparative morphology, every single fossil found for the last 200 years.

evolution is fake
this is your last redpill Jow Forums
anyone who shills for it is an atheistic/satanic/kabbalah sucking nigger
darwin is a fucking moron, but they needed something to prop atheism
the entirety of darwins thoughts were "fuck genesis, we can't allow the public to think God made us"
he was butthurt over the death of his daughter too

idiot. get off Jow Forums and go back to Israel...

Evolution does not say that, that is a misconception spread by people who don't understand it.

last post nigger. DNA=code..Code=intelligence. Intelligence comes from a mind. Go make DNA without the source code needed to make any of it... You get nothing. Like the space between your ears...get off Jow Forums faggot

Great bait, come up with something original

Nigger open a book you’re head’s baked, believing a sky wizzard created everything and everyone in 6 days, you got mental issues faggot

>last post
excellent, thank you

What do you think is the appropriate time frame, OP?

>. DNA=code..Code=intelligence
can you say "non-sequitor"?
I rest my case

6 days

>Theists think the world was created 7,000 years ago by a god who loved wrestling Jews in the desert to claim their foreskin but decided to stop affecting the world with the advent of Empiricism

You've been on this earth for maybe 15 years. how can you possibly know how long 1 billion years is?

That’s alot of work to disprove something that makes perfect sense.

No it isnt you mong. Lol

Whites are bipedal great apes.

I have have proof we are evolved apes via a real life experience. The one and only time I ever did magic mushrooms. I was happy because I spoke to my parents and didnt get caught. I went to my room and beat on my chest in celebration. What occured only lasted a few seconds but long enough for me to know. My body took over involuntarily and beat my chest for me, but not like tarzan man would. But like my ape cave man ancestors had. It was then I knew their ancestral memories were still locked away in my DNA and brainstem. We are here because of a cellular journey that began over 70,000 years ago.

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you couldn’t count to a billion if you tried. i bet you give up around 17

the best way to decieve, is through the truth

evolution is false. It happens, but knowing about it makes you draw the wrong conclusions. There is a will out there who knows this, and this is why this idea is now in our society. To lead away from the truth.
But elegantly, through the truth, or better, a truth, or a superficial truth, if you will.

There were 300 million odd years for it to happen

No, it was an all powerful all knowing all compassionate being that created humans along with the universe, a perfect universe that has evil in it. But he is still compassionate because he acts in mysterious ways, so he decided to impregnate a jewish woman with himself so that his son/self would die and then get reborn so sins don't matter in the end.
You NPChristian have no dignity.

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>a perfect universe that has evil in it.
That is probably why it's perfect.
but at the same time I would be lying if I told you I approve.

what's interesting about this life and god is that there are stories and conditions and limits to things.
What if this life was just pleasantville and everything is just nice. Forever. For no reason and effortlessly?

Remember that quote from the Matrix? I won't tell you what it is but if you know the movie you know which one I'm referring to.

Darwinian evolution is the atheist creation myth in the same way that genesis is the christian creation myth.
It's interesting how everyone here knows for a fact they've been repeatedly lied to their entire lives about some of the biggest things you can imagine, yet so many blindly accept evolution as the final and undeniable answer for how it all happened without the slightest skepticism.
Really Jow Forums, I thought you were smarter than this.


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So what happened then, big guy?

As an Atheist the idea of an intelligent creator is laighable. Its more likely we live within a mechanical simulation made by an observing scientist.

Is this a joke post?
So the scientist is not intelligent then?

I don't know. And neither do you.
But if I had to bet on one thing and one thing only, right now I'd probably put my money on some form of intelligent design.

Pick (only) one

Noah was from Antarctica confirmed

>No wonder they are a dying breed.
Onky the secular don't replace themselves

It's also more likely we live in a dream than a mechanical simulation. It's a cool idea, but it won't help unless you wanna try hacking it somehow, assuming it's true.

>evolution is a creation myth

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so you agree there is no intelligent creator and we are instead manifestations of a greater being.

>this kills OP and his gay thread

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The only correct creation myth.

It has nothing to do with the beginning of life, that's abiogenesis. stop making evolution out to be anything except descent with inherit modification within populations, faggots like you is why people group every secular theory under the sun into the theory of "evolution"

False. Critical thinking creates more secularists every day. Only the religous are afraid to actually apply critical thinking and logic to things.
>who needs critical thinking when I have muh faith!

Not really. We develop a tail during the fetus stage and keep some of the bones. Are you actually that fucking stupid that you didn't know this? Nice job BTFOing yourself

Do you fucking understand how fucking big the universe is? We cant even SEE all of it because its so fucking far the LIGHT from the edge hasn't even reached us! Everything is so non comprehensively small compared to the size and depth of the universe.
Do you seriously think some fucking hebrew cow god that was written up a few thousand years ago made things so far way its impossible to fucking see because light, the fastest thing in the universe, is too SLOW.
our planet is like the atom in a grain of sand, our galaxy, in the the beach, the galaxy super cluster, in the sand on our planet, and every other planet in the solar system.
There is no god.
We are the masters of our own fate, to think your imaginary sky monster is in control is pathetically foolish.
Believe what you want, but the second your religious believes interfere with the politics of universal order, you get a bullet through your skull

We can prove we are here.
We can prove that your god doesn't exist
Our theory is worth more than your lie.

what the actual fuck are you on about?
Can you prove god with the scientific method?
No pseudo science

Niggers are proof of the connection between humans and simians.

Macro evolution is a fucking meme, micro evolution however is a real thing. Atheist BTFO once again!

>>atheists think this all happened

Explain our gills during the embryo stage.

Macro evolution is micro evolution.

You're in here with this dumb shit again?

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It's called adaptive radiation, not "micro evolution".


Dense and poser pilled

gay commies, the worst atheists
NS atheists best, we aren't running from anything, we're conquering subversion.
meanwhile you fuckers are just edgy retards who want gibs.
Life is struggle, without struggle there is no life.

Darwin literally did not know that DNA existed

>atheists think we sprang from riding horses to multi-stage jets in 100 years
yep once it gets rolling it's exponentially fast user

It happens in a cave in a month. You either adapt to cave or not, then your eyes shrink, your legs get longer and your food changes. Many species that fallen into cave don't adapt, but some do.

>Christcucks think the world is less than 7000 years old.

Whos the fucking retard here?

he is correct you fucking idiot
micro evolution makes macro evolution you nonce.

Explain the simulataneoys evolution of dna helicase, dna polymerase, and dna.

>anons tiny dick is actually a big dick
Doesn’t work like that, sorry

An aggregate of mutations from genetics aka fucking is what we call macro evolution, if there is no micro evolution(how your cells change slowly) then there can be no macro evolution.

>Atheism is irrational
>Biologists don't know maths

That has literally nothing to do with anything
try again.
Stop fucking lying to yourself, god cant save you. YOU are the master of your own fate, and that responsibility is on YOU

>penguins cants swim
lmao are atheists really this retarded?

user you and everyone else who has existed began from two cells your mommy's ovum and your dad's sperm these cells combined into a gamete or zygote I forget which is which then began multiplying into stem cells which slowly began to form your tissues in the embyro stage. The fact you began from a microscopic scale proves evolution.

That’s micro evolution and you haven’t proved anything concerning macro evolution. Everyone buys into adaptive radiation


Macro stage organs etc are useful. Anything between nothing and complete product is not, thus the "developing phase" gives absolutely no competitive advantage.

Are birds micro or macro?

No one even knew about penguins until the 1700s when Antarctica was discovered.

I can't, because it wasn't simultaneous. RNA came first.
What we now refer as DNA didn't come along until later.

The fedoras are too tight. Cuts off blood flow to the brain.

Not true. Anything that offers an advantage over the previous form is an improvement.
Complexity is an accumulation of tiny adjustments, but I don't expect you to understand this.

Let's say your parents are stupid, genetics would say you come out stupid too (which you clearly have). There is plenty of documentation behind this, I seriously have trouble seeing how you could deny this. Now, when when of your retard kind dies, retards have a lesser chance of contributing to the gene pool. This means that future humans won't have those undesirable traits. Over time, this natural selection, along with sexual breeding, changes a species as a whole. This is called evolution.

Off yourself, degenerate. We don't want you in the gene pool.

Micro evolution unicellular organism splits into two and every time it splits its RNA fucks up or mutates creating a change, the environment filters these changes creating the idea of natural selection and an illusion of a course directed set of mutations or evolution basically, and by filter I mean if the mutation last enough for the single cell to reproduce which takes less than an hour then it stays because single cells mutate very rapidly thats exactly why bacteria are the most diverse lifeforms on planet earth capable of ingesting even electricity or nuclear radiation.

DNA passes information to RNA and that passes information to protein.

>ring species
right now. there, I proved macroevolution.

Underrated post

Earth and everything on it have been around for a fucking incomprehensible amount of time

You know there are penguins native to Australia... right?

It's a better theory than sky magic