Give them what they want

Quick PSA: It’s time to start calling movies with shoehorned-in female leads “chick flicks”

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I have literally only seen 3 2019 films so far.

Just call them jewish money laundering and intentional sabotage of goy careers, or ''jewry'' for short

That's a lot of movies though

Bump. Also fuck (((Hollywood))). Anyone who still watches mainstream (((Hollywood))) movies is a fag


Are you gay?

damn thats a lot.

i have not watched any movies since the last avengers and i think im going to skip this one unless friends drag me to it i dont feel like spending 14 dollars if mary sue and time travel are just going to solve all the problems.

>“chick flicks”
more like chick flops.

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that's 3 too many already

That's almost 1/month you fucking retard. Stop it.

the last movie I paid to watch was Age of Ultron. After that I lost interest all together because capeshit was all there was and it was fucking awful - also combined with the realisation everyone in Hollywood is a cult member who had to swallow 10 miles of dick to get the role of spreading shitty forced propaganda

Iv not seen one since the first hobbit, befor that is the the last matrix film.

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So capeshit is now chick flicks

And netflix not chickflix

>haha le ebin quirkz hehe
>uh we live in a society
>I cant even

Anyone else here who gets tired of movies quickly? I can't even watch for a hour anymore. Thats how bored i become now with movies in general

Why don't we just call them shit then move on and not give them free advertising? Dumb fucking niggers.


those stupid fucking movies are not funny.
theyre called chick flicks because only stupid cunts watch that shit in the first place

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The next star wars movie is going to flop. Cap this.