EPP will win the EU elections

Attached: file.png (1025x705, 399K)

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>thinking europe is relevant

Viktor Orbán and a couple of others are planning to break up the EPP.

Hungary only has 11 seats

> people's party
> socialists and democrats
> liberals

Top 3. So it's literally run by communists. Not even hiding it.

Seriously, after last week, I don't understand people voting EPP or S&D anymore. There isn't even the least bit of a redeeming value among them.
I think the EU is fundamentally a good idea, but they make it exceedingly hard to not hate them.
Britain may be doing the right thing in that light, but with the domestic politicians they have, it won't change anything.

What will be the better place to flee to in a few years? Switzerland or Norway?

EPP are cristcucks, ALDE are liberal, left of ALDE are indeed commies

>ALDE are liberal
Neo-liberal != liberal
Usually quite the opposite.

Red - far left
Orange - left
Blue - centrists

Attached: 1555516652644.jpg (666x1184, 406K)

> Britain may be doing the right thing in that light, but with the domestic politicians they have, it won't change anything
That's the main problem I have with brexit

> What will be the better place to flee to in a few years? Switzerland or Norway?
White ppl are too cucked everywhere. Just move to Singapore

> Neo-liberal != liberal
Neo-liberal is liberal, what do you mean?

> ">thinking europe is relevant"

Well, I'll probably vote for CDU/EPP again. They've been great for the economy here.

this are the old fractions

the right wing formed a new one

krauts love merkel
doesnt matter what she does

>Reallöhne sinken 12% in 10 jahren
>Reiche leihen sich mit 0 zins billig geld und werden immer reicher, während Sparer unter dem Nullzins leiden
>export von nicht EU Länder stärker gewachsen als der von EU Ländern
>stimmten für den Euro welcher uns 8 Jahre Einführung die erste Euro-Krise brachte und Millarden verbrannte
>Staaten wie Griechenland dürften zu Deutschen Bedingungen Geld leihen und verschuldeten sich wie noch was

Gute Wirtschaft?

>what is European Alliance for People and Nations

How shocking!

BTW all of ENF will join EAPN, as will some new parties. Politico a shit

EPP are cucks.

>forced to hand in fingerprints for ID (in Germany you can simply refuse to do that so far)
>posts on Jow Forums will need to be filtered, or Europe gets blocked entirely in order to avoid fines
>central European bio-metric database

CDU is absolutely unwählbar.
Also, you can mostly "thank" Schröder for the last few years. He completely smashed the Unterschicht resulting in a rise of GDP.
Merkel hasn't really done anything.

Holy shit europes political parties are cucked

>alliance of demorats and socialists

Aliiance of children and snakes

No they wont the Jews will just rig it like they always do.

Of course it will. The elction system was designed this way on purpose.

yea but hasn't been updated

i think it's now 7 parties that are member

they are now way bigger

Europeans are cucks, so it's fitting

And En Marche will join EPP. EAPN won't matter

kek, tell that to my bank account. You sound like an East German welfare leech

>En Marche will join EPP
Lol no

>You sound like an East German welfare leech
West-German "Mittelschicht", although certainly below "Mittelschicht"-Merz.
Hartz IV was a mistake. Back in Zivildienst I had contact with 1-Euro-Jobbers, and that job didn't get them anywhere.
"Die Würde des Menschen ist unantastbar", except if we say so.

>ALDE are liberal
>Neo-liberal != liberal

It's exactly the same. Nothign is more cancerous than FDP voters.

Die einzigen Jahre in denen Realloehne gesunken sind waren 2009 und 2013.


>West-German "Mittelschicht"

Attached: file.png (800x527, 748K)

Why don’t the ENF and the EANP merge they would be 4th

That's Unterschicht.
Granted, West-German.

why the fuck did Salvini split the nationalists?
this is so fucking stupid

Also where is the EFDD

And I'm going to vote for them because the Romanian ones didn't vote in favour of Art. 13.

They're actually an umbrella of both classical and neolibs.

Allan ENF members are confirmed to be going to EAPN. Politico is retarded