Boomer CHALLANGES Jow Forums Again!

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Please get off the board Boomers

>i lived through therefore I am smarter than you
boomers are delusional

lmao i like this boomer

somebody post his vids to leddit Jow Forumslostgeneration, i want to see uenmployed millennial bugmen seething

We don't know shit about shit.
Well it's probably because they were shitty teachers and parents that never taught us anything.

based boomer, wu-tang fan lol

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Yes, it's a form of knowledge. Keep seething zoomer.

>Well it's probably because they were shitty teachers and parents that never taught us anything.
maybe you were shitty listeners and students?

"Listen here kiddo, you seem to think that we had it so good back then"
>proceeds to tell us how the city let him drive about in a $260 shitwagon that he had makeshift milkcrate seats bolted to his car floor and how robotics are taking our jobs
Literally wtf, did he forget the whole point of his podcast?
I wish I could buy a shit car that doesn't run and fix it up, but I'd never get the safety check for it, cause the laws have all changed, the boomers changed em and took our freedoms.
Wtf does this guy think he's talking about?

You mean to say that we are shitty at 2 other things that are supposed to be taught to people?
holy shit, what could ever go wrong.

Gen-x'r here
smart enough to know there are varying degrees of truth on both sides of the argument.

This is directly the result of parenting. You trying to place the blame on this generations mental issues on the kids themselves is beyond pathetic.

This could not be a more clear cut case of boomers being shitty horrible people who raised shitty horrible kids and so on and so forth. Boomers need to take responsibility for the society they created and help us fix it.

But they won't fix anything for us, they will just make it worse by voting for less freedom for us. It's to keep themselves safe. It's because they are control freaks. Deep down, bitch as they might, they don't actually want their children to grow up to be strong and independent leaders of the future, because then obviously they would lose power they refuse to pass down.

a retard can grow old you know.


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'92 here and can say the same. It's shit but some things he says are right but he ignores that millennials do have a shitty hand but in a different way.

On nooo...



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He knows about the (((nose)))


*breaths in


he needs to do more videos like this

this is based
the other video was gay

>stop reading books
>stop listening to academics
>the oil crisis happened in the 60s

All the race comments are cringe

>refers to his employees as "the help"

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He lived HIS LIFE. The only thing he knows is what was around him, how he saw things depended on what he saw for himself.

Now we got this thing called THE INTERNET, and we can go back at any point in time and read up on the BIG PICTURE.

The boomers are the ones that flooded the fucking borders and caused nation wide over population. Filling this country full of spics and niggers who breed like rabbits and dont pay for shit.

Boomers are the ones that up'd the fucking socialistic aspects of America.
The BOOMERS are the ones responsible for the several proxy wars that lasted for several years
The boomers are the ones that created a bunch of gay shit like affirmative action and diversity quotas

fuck the boomers
they did more harm than they did good

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Boomer is delusional. He is the one online crying about not being able to retain anyone while we just don't give a fuck. He's like a roastie, why does no man want me? Wahhhh No one wants your shitty job. Pay more or close up shop. IDGAF


This boomer is putting all millennials in the same camp.

I was born in 92
I got my own house, 3 bed 2 bath, finished basement and a new car
I have a mortgage, and a small car payment but other than that I am debt free
I dropped out of college because degree saturation can't be curtailed when EVERY FUCKING BOOMER AND GEN X'er BRAINWASHED MY GENERATION INTO GOING TO COLLEGE FOR SOME FUCKING REASON

college college college
go get brainwashed goy
go get an "education" in bullshitsucking

Boomers tipped the first domino
Then gen x proceeded to shoot smack in their vains and were overall apathetic to the political process

take the entitled "pay for my medical bills" aspect of boomers
add that to the "party like theres no tomorrow" aspect of gen X

and you get your typical millennial

a washed up entitled cunt who thinks the world owes them something

thank you boomers and gen x for giving my generation the worst start in since the great depression whilst also brainwashing them into being a bunch of selfhating cucks who are fragile and stupid.

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>Pay more or close up shop.
Why pay more when there are so many immigrants?

why pay immigrants when we have robots





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So basically they gaslighted millennials into this position and now are gaslighting them to hating themselves for it? Is this what you are saying?

Boomers who talk like this piss me off. Their speech patterns is soi boomer tier and they lack self awareness. Boomers who talk like this are generally one stage away from dementia, fortunately.

He is a sack of shit, he admits the he wants to replace you with beaners because they are cheaper

If they wanted the job he wouldn't be online crying

if only they could generate 13.6 billion EUR of revenue though




check this out

we're going to replace those jobs with ROBOTS AND AUTOMATION


not only will there be dwindling jobs in the future

but a massive
MASSIVE amount of unemployed, unemployable populous of niggers and spics who CAN'T get a fucking job anywhere due to robohomos and automation


just needs a little more spice

lets add in some anti-white sentiment and a touch of kike brainwashing and BOOM

you got yourself a big steaming pile of shit in the shape of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

Imma needs them yang bucks to help pay for them inevitable reparations we are going to have to pay at some point.

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fuckin sad to watch a dude run his mouth the absolute last thing he ought to be doing in this situation.

but then again, whats new about an angry old fart on the internet.

theres a lot of good people out there, but i fucking detest hard workers that pride themselves on their hard work, and look down on others because of it.

How many times do we have to teach him this lesson?

cheaper in the short term

they WILL be expensive in the long term when they're jobs are replaced with robots and WE the smart whites working in the country are going to be forced by our kike government to pay for their shit through welfare

why dont people get it

we shouldn't be accepting ANY FUCKING IMMIGRANTS because the vast majority of them do braindead jobs that WILL get replaced with robots and automation

once they are here they are here
talking about immigrants

once they are here, and unemployed due to technogolgy
what the fuck are we going to do?

realistically speaking
what can we do?

we're going to have to fork over some sort of cash to them for simply existing here whilst being a dumb fuck

its not like they are going to go back on their own
and lets face it
America, the western world as we know it

is doomed

We are importing a bunch of people into this country that don't have the economic longevity required to continue to be a productive member of society once the robots come and take these jobs they have.

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>but i fucking detest hard workers that pride themselves on their hard work, and look down on others because of it.

Isn't that what we do

We take pride in our collective accomplishments and look down on niggers who can't even develop a structurally sound building or even make some functioning tech.

I'm in the process of designing the PoopBot 9000 to clean up human feces from all the unemployed homeless people who lost their jobs to Invaders and robots

i personally dont. but then again, what makes this old tootbox so annoying is his level of projection, which incidentally, a lot of folks on here do.

Than we blow the bridges and roads and let them starve in the cities.

>Everything is someone else's fault.
Fuck off you lazy shit.


>We take pride in our collective accomplishments and look down on niggers who can't even develop a structurally sound building or even make some functioning tech.

This is cringe. People who feel as if they've accomplished something because their ancestors did are detestable, and beta

Decided to call it Sani-Janny instead

That old fart seems to forget one major thing

It was his generation that got the ball rolling on this entire fucking immigration crisis

It was his generation that DID NOT take the racial composition of this country into consideration....ever.

Thanks to him and faggotboomers like him, our grandchild are going to be taxed and/or lynched just for being white

being white is a hate crime now
and its because of boomers like him who imported swaths of these spics and niggers into the country.


We need to keep blasting him in the comments. Every video on his channel from here on out will be him complaining about zoomer comments

you braindead nigger
I didn't say everything was the boomer's fault


good luck with trying to unite the whites in this brainwashed country

have fun paying reparations

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I agree. All of our ancestors were failures. They all failed to eliminate the Jew. It is imperative that we accomplish what they never could.

he is trying to portray driving used cars as a poor guy's thing
is it really like that in the US?

>meme flag

Kike detected

you and the rest of "god's chosen ones" can suck my fucking dick until your jaw breaks.

Dont need to unite anyone to blow a few bridges user.

This fucking guy. Hes having a rough week/life.

>Gen-x'r here
Can confirm.
We're surrounded by insufferables. Our numbers were always too small to be heard over the noise.

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There's a difference between appreciating what your ancestors have done and feeling as if you've accomplished something because they were your ancestors. The latter says a lot about your character; if you feel accomplished based on something you had no part in.

>u not live history teacher told u
exactly, you failed your responsibility to teach us, just threw us into marxist gulag with feral niggers and told us don't be racist

>u r worse gen in history
you let them take religion and tradition what did you expect we would look like with only the tv to shape us...and look who you gave that too...

I'm a Gen-Xer too and fuck this delusional boomer. Sure kids today are fucking lazy and useless, but they're smart enough to know the world is a lie and it's going to burn

>thank you boomers and gen x
Please don't lump us in with those insufferable, beatles listening, VW wagon driving, tie-dye wearing, patchouli smelling freaks.
Our generation was too small to do anything. We are being sucked along in the tail end by the sheer gravitational force of the boomers. I hate them MORE than you do because they are my social group and peers. You have NO IDEA HOW INSUFFERABLE they are at dinner parties, swilling expensive wine while the world burns.

this guy is partly right but he's stubborn as fuck in the way he's unwilling to entertain how fucked things are for young people now

says fatso with doritos crumbs all over himself in his moms basement

This guy is a legend...
Most everyone growing up thinks they should be “entitled” to something. That kind of mentality is supposed to be reserved for the weak. Now we have strong young men with nothing wrong with them that won’t work hard and make good decisions to better their own lives.
Always trying to blame the Jews for your hardships.
Jews literally have had some of the worst breaks in host and look now. They have everything because they endured and kept on pushing.
You see the most successful people always are planning what they can do to be more.
Even Arabs and Punjabs come here and there whole family get shit jobs and they pool there money buy a store and continue to develop.
Meanwhile you are upset because you can’t make enough. While you stay at the same job and never strive for opportunity.

TL;DR is basically:
>You young people think you're entitled to all sorts of stuff. But you're not, you entitled little fucks.

1. In the context of the USA, this makes sense.
>You want a better minimum wage than the 7$50 per hour? Go fuck yourself

But then 2. If you pull your head out of your ass, or are not from the USA, you recognize that yes, people should be entitled to basic things like healthcare and free education, in the name of equality of opportunity.

The dude is only right in the context of the defunct american capitalism model, where people die every year because they can't afford healthcare.
Or are actively discouraged from University, because of the price and "far left" rethoric from the professors.

If America wasn't so stubborn and learned to spend money "The Right Way", aka not putting all your chips on the military, and outlawed what is currently Legal Corruption, America would be doing way better than it currently is.

People are asking a raise of the minimum wage because it hasn't changed for decades (unless state themselves legislate). And when you factor just inflation, you should be around 15/hour.
Not a hard concept really.

So great video to demonstrate the american state of mind, how narrow and close minded it actually is.

>smart enough to know there are varying degrees of truth on both sides of the argument.

>I'm a Gen-Xer too and fuck this delusional boomer. Sure kids today are fucking lazy and useless, but they're smart enough to know the world is a lie and it's going to burn
True but the last pasrt is very indicative of how Americans see the future.

There is a way out, through reform and common sense.
Americans seem so desperate, because of how slow and difficult the process of change is.
Meaning you need a rupture, a catastrophic event to push change, instead of slow progressive change.

I feel bad for you fellow stars and stripes.
Cheer up, things will get better, one way or another

Nothing to do with Jews. I don't want my children and grandchildren surrounded by what are currently known as "minorities" who hate them and have been "educated" to want them dead. I should be "entitled" to work hard and not have 30% shunted to subsidize my own demographic replacement.

This guys strawmen are ridiculous.. what 20 year old can afford a 50k dollar trucks? The only people I see driving luxury trucks they dont need are BOOMERS.

Pack it in, boys he drove a used car.

>theeze keeeds don’t know ‘bout dem timez
>I worked with reel mexicuns when I was a teenager I laid SOD for $3.50/hr

$3.50/ hr in 1970 = $22.93
$3.50 X 8 = $28

This cunt was making $183.44 CASH a day as a teenager doing menial non skilled labor.

I really hate this motherfucker, look at how he avoids telling you how much things cost. Fuck this guy, this is the poster child of boomers

No, you aren't entitled to goods and services of others. That's theft.

Give me data on how many Americans per year die from lack of insurance.

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He is right

He’s missing from that picture

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Even higher with housing inflation.

Comedically higher with housing inflation controlling for area whiteness.

But he worked with a bunch of Mexicans too! And then everybody clapped

he's not wrong this is the shittiest dumbest, unhealthiest most degenerate generation to ever exist

why is he accusing pol of being marxist?

btw who keeps posting about belle dolphine in the comments kek, its the fault of the men who are enabling them.

gen x is worse. go back to watching beavis and butthead reruns fag

You can’t make this shit up

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He thinks pol is marxist because he has a boomer one track mind that can't imagine someone could both disagree with him and not be an Obama voting libshit

I love its boomer vs zoomer and X just lays in the cut watching and eating popcorn.


Can someone post his personal info?

> The boomers are the ones that flooded the fucking borders and caused nation wide over population.

In 1965 most boomers were like 10 years old


Fuck off scumbag. You a commie? Jew? Commie Jew?

Respect your elders, dipshits!

That could be out of context.
Notice he makes a distinction between his son and her son

Gathering knowledge makes you knowledgable, not breathing air in front of a TV watching sitcoms or w/e boomers do.

He's not wrong though.

>out of context
You fucking nigger, it's right there in front of your eyes

He's almost entirely wrong

WW2 ended 1945.
One year later.... Boomers.
Those of the Boomers used their generational political power to do crush everything their fathers and mothers supported.
They were programed from the crib to support government.
College taught them that governments lie and so they set out to become the government only better.
This government only better, undermined and destroyed everything that made government valuable.
It is a sad tragic story of ignorance and betrayal.

shut up zoomer

Even if all boomers were born in 1945 they would be 20 years old at the time of the 1965 immigration act so literally zero power in Congress or buisness.

t. lost Vietnam

I cant even buy a vehicle now without antilock brakes, traction control, and a backup camera.

>The only thing he knows is what was around him, how he saw things depended on what he saw for himself.
Like every other philosopher?

Also, the internet is full off a lot of fake shit and half truths. Just reading it without comparing to your life experience (or experience of others) is going to paint a crooked picture.

Thanks for the lesson on how to run a country Jamal Mohammad. Should we burn down the Statue of Liberty now?

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