Neighbor cut down a tree on his private property. The tree was beautiful and I had a great view from my backyard...

Neighbor cut down a tree on his private property. The tree was beautiful and I had a great view from my backyard. Is there anything I can do about this? Can I sue him for ruining my backyard? It decreased his property values, but also my property value as well. Will there be no justice for this tree?

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Plant your own, faggot

If there's some sort of neighborhood committee you can take it up with them.

If you do this, i hope he accidentally shoots your dog

If it was rotted, it would have decreased your property value further should there have been more destruction by letting it sit.

No. Now fuck off you selfish twat.

Cutting an innocent tree unnecessarily is OK, but complaining about it is selfish? Fuck off scum

It's not your tree to unnecessarily assert your aesthetic whims upon and yet you do, fruitlessly. You want what you can't have and you're looking for excuses to get it back. You can scraecrow some supposed morality about the value of a tree but you actually don't give a fuck about that, you just want a view. Quite entertaining. Now fuck off.

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Heh, nice one user

Pleasure. Have a nice day.

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I actually don't care about the view, it was more an excuse to show that I was harmed by his actions. The tree was what was really harmed. People like you deserve to get raped and killed.

His property, his call. Period.

How little testosterone has to be in your body to feel bad about a fucking tree?

>Neighbor cut down a tree on his private property.
>his private property

Why even ask?

There will be justice soon comrade

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Nothing you can do.

Are you trying to be the biggest faggot on Jow Forums? This is a very unique approach gotta respect that.

I think your best course of action is to be a massive bitch and get obsessive about this and complain about it constantly for years and years. Like, really hold a grudge about that tree. I think you should make a really big deal over this to anyone who will listen.

Fuck you it was my goddamn tree!


I love you.

You classy bitch.

Ok is guaranteed circumcised

>rape and murder people, but think of the tree
Incel, I hope you genetic line ends with you. You've had your fun, but it's time to go.