Remember this every time you wonder if someone is "based"

We are told so often about how it must be done, that this or that fellow shall lead us through the power of his media presence or his charisma, on wards into the light.We are told that countless individuals, all spreading different messages, all simultaneously creating an endless network of contradictions, are to see for us Victory —and a victory at that wherein we need do nothing. These talking heads, as they come, voice from all quarters the same attitude to the situation: it is western identity that is under attack, it is Judaea-Christian civilization that is under threat, it is Islam that is the problem, not merely a symptom, and so on.They list a thousand falsities as if they are speaking gospel truth and expect their hordes of online followers to gulp down anothertwitter statement as if God Himself has opened up the heavens to bring forth rain after a drought.Not so an exaggeration. That these deceiving prophets or should that be profiteers, go forward together as a unified but completely contradictory front is obvious to even the most childlike observer. We all know the individuals of whom I speak. The endless swarm of civic nationalists, libertarians, and even so-called “fascists”, who pose under the endless tide of the same regurgitated statements, and the same lack of genuine belief. For all of their different political opinions, there are two common points which unify them and thus enable them, despite spouting different views of the world, to be thus unified:

They are entirely in it for themselves. They do not name the Jew. They never name the international high finance clique, which is linked to Jewry to such an extent, that it is impossible to make any distinction between the two. They are entirely intertwined with the voracious Jewish spider. They are stuck in the web into which prey falls.

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On the first point, these deceiving prophets, regardless of what it is they claim to believe, whether they advocate for the creation of a new Confederacy or for a new 1776, this time arranged against the current US government, all refuse to acknowledge the real enemy. They do not even go so far as to name the origins of the crippling economic situation. Certainly, they will complain that it is difficult for young white people today to form a family unit, that they are discouraged from doing so by various factors, but they do not explain why, nor do they name the culprits of this horrific circumstance. They are much more focused on triggering these so-called social justice warriors, than in identifying the individuals responsible for why these social justice warriors exist, or why it is so financially. difficult for young white people to form traditional families, both financially and emotionally.Ultimately this all feeds in to the terrible truth, that all of these individuals, regardless of how they identify themselves, are merely in the business of politics to make money, entirely for themselves. They are not interested in the survival of the white race. Many of them actually despise the white race, which is why they use terms such as western civilization in place of white civilization. Many of them are sexual perverts or race traitors. There are even some so—called fascists Who turn out to be nonwhite, Jewish, or sexually perverted.

The problem is not the individuals themselves. They are horrendous, unaccomplished, egotists. They do not deserve the attention they’re being given, now. The reality is much more dangerous. They preach amongst good young men and women who should be supporting the only correct cause. They are successful to an unimaginable measure in swaying said white men and women away from the right path; the blessed path. The path of white survival: National Socialism.

Only National Socialism can guarantee the survival of the white race. That should be self-evident. These individuals have been deliberately placed along the path to discourage those who may waver, falter to have them turn back before the sacred hakenkreuzfahne can be hoisted once more. And this is their ultimate purpose. Whatever it is they preach, it is never National Socialism.

And this is why they are such poison. It is why they must be stunted, and if possible, altogether abolished. That they preach such claptrap without any kind of difficulty beyond the smattering of harassment they receive from the left is evidence twofold: that they are not really targeted beyond the most basic slander. This should ring alarm bells in even the most deluded observer--and that they are not really challenging the status quo. Yes, they might complain about the sweeping tide of non-white immigration into Europe and America, they might complain about low white birth rates, under the guise of the Words native or indigenous, but never white. However, in reality, they are just as much an enemy of the white race as the brown hordes pouring into Europa, and so are those who support them.

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You see, an ideology is a comprehensive package. The Jewish ideal, that of the Kalergi plan, is a goal which unifies the Jewish people. Their religion, which is as much a political doctrine as it is a religious practice ensures that they possess an iron will, capable of insurmountable individual differences in the name of a common evil. They may not all live in Israel. Some may even dislike the Jewish nation state and will publicly say so, but they are united by a loyalty to it. And, their plan for the complete subversion of the white race, thereby the elimination of the European identity, the only identity which blends with careful adjustment the ideas of the collective conscious and the individual responsibility, is a threat to the existence of the Jewish race and the Jewish religion as a whole to ensure that their twofold objective of securing a Jewish world government are possible, because they are unified in their intent to achieve this.

If you have not already guessed, the Alt-right is nothing. It does not mean anything. A collection of various talking heads and prancing loons discussing their various ways of changing the world. They all claim to fight under the same banner. They’re merely paying lip service to the Jew, who uses them as tools to ensure our destruction by our very inaction. Some of the leaders of this virtual movement are themselves either of Jewish origin or quite evidently working for Jewish interests. To such an extent, it is incredible that some individuals can support them or follow them, simultaneously claiming to be in support of the Fourteen Words. These people encourage not laughter nor pity, but anger. They, by their inadequacy, stupidity and general idleness, are more of a threat to the continued existence of the highest culture known to man than any amount of mud-skinned legions ravaging Europe.

Clearly explained, imagine some twenty people divided equally into four groups, all of whom are attempting to achieve a goal. They wish to raise a flag upon a hill. Each group acknowledges that they all want to raise the flag, and so on. However, as they go to do this, they quickly realize that they disagree. The flag must be raised at such an angle that one group, and then another, claim that the flag must be a different size. Then, another claims the flag should be flown, first, at half-mast, because of such a reason.And eventually all of these divided groups demonstrate their divisions that the flag is not raised because they are all so busy quarreling amongst one another. So, they do not even accomplish their set goal.

Suffice to say, the situation we are dealing with is much worse. We are not merely talking the raising of a piece of cloth, however valuable the sentiment attached to it. We are talking about the future of history. If we fail, if we are defeated, everything will be flushed away. Whatever comes after will be unimaginable torment, for a civilizations existence without identity and culture is merely an-ant heap, waiting to be kicked over by some cosmic force.

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As the Fuhrer said:“If, with the help of his Marxist creed, the Jew is victorious over thepeoples of the world, his crown will be the funeral wreath of humanity and this planet will, as it did thousands of years ago, move through the ether devoid of men.”

If we are to be victorious, Victory shall only be achievable with the strategy of one leader, one ideal, one banner. Not a fluctuating spectrum of ideological positions but rather the single bastion of National Socialism: pure, unchanging, incorruptible, unwavering. And so through this belief we shall win.

Because that is the key. Belief first. And once you believe, you can fight. And once you can fight, you can win. But if you do not believe then in any case the fight you wage will be a losing one, and if you cannot fight at your best, you have no hope of winning. Indeed, these people, these fascists, libertarians, so-called national capitalists, etc., really might believe they’re fighting for the fourteen words, but they aren’t. They are working for the Jews by their paying lip service to ideologies created by Jewry or entirely insufficient for the purpose of providing our race and culture with salvation. Economics are irrelevant if the race is going to be wiped out, so why would you be a libertarian? National capitalism is an oxymoron, and fascism is merely a political and economic system, not a change in fundamental worldview.

When we speak of changing the world, we National Socialists mean it. We do not take as examples Mussolini, nor Mosley, nor any of the other fascists who hardly even merit the title nor did they self-identify as fascists. The concept of calling anyone remotely linked to either Hitler or Mussolini in theory or practice “fascists” is an entirely Judaic concept. Before the war, and even during it, it was regarded that Mussolini and Hitler were quite different.Indeed, Churchill even went to some lengths to separate Mussolini and Hitler, who before 1935 had had quite poor relations. If one is to read Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War, one quickly discovers that Mussolini was in fact quite disgusted by Hitler. And for good reason! Mussolini did not come even remotely close to resembling the world changing principle of National Socialism. Fascism is a joke, it is a political system of power and greed, founded upon statist politics, corporatist economics and totalitarian thuggery. National Socialism is power through the will of the people, which funds its expression in the person of the Leader. Where Mussolini called for the state to encompass the entirety of the people, Hitler recognized the truth: the state is a tool, nothing more, it is the apparatus by which the worker, farmer, and artisan are protected from the savagery of capitalism and the slavery of Bolshevism. It is not the end, but merely a means of achieving that end, and we all know the end, since it is written so clearly in Mein Kampf:

“What we must fight for is to safeguard the existence and reproduction of our race and our people, the sustenance of our children and the purity of our blood, the freedom and independence of the fatherland, so that our people may mature for the fulfillment of the mission allotted it by the creator of the universe. Every thought and every idea, every doctrine and all knowledge, must serve this purpose. And everything must be examined from this point of view and used or rejected according to its utility.”

Any concept which interferes with the fourteen words is by its nature an enemy of the survival of the white race.There must and can only be ONE salvation. And to achieve this salvation we must look to the past and seek a blueprint for our future. That blueprint has already been provided generously for us by Adolf Hitler. That this is not embraced with a universal faith amongst our racial brothers and sisters is merely further evidence that these talking heads, these sickening, deceiving prophets, are spouting their delusional bile on behalf of the Jew, and those serving them, or acknowledging them, or supporting them, or apologizing for them, are also enemies of the fourteen words. Until you can clearly say that you take your beliefs exclusively from Adolf Hitler, from his associates, that you do not listen to the atrocious nonsense spouted by these fascists, libertarians, capitalists, whatever, you are by default an enemy of the fourteen words. By all good reason, a front line which is divided deserves to collapse in the face of an inferior enemy. If you sitting there now are one of these people, embracing the harpies that call for systems or philosophies divergent from that provided to us by National Socialism, then you are doing a disservice not only to yourself --for you are actively embracing blatant idiocy--but, also to your race, which will not survive the coming millennia if this disorganized rabble is permitted to persist in their raging stupidity.

Alfred Rosenberg remarked “National Socialism stands or falls by its worldview”. And ultimately, the same applies to the white race. If we cannot rally around a single banner, and fight for that banner until either our enemies have given up, or we are all dead, then we cannot win. And if we cannot even rally around that banner, then I will say this: the white race will deserve the terrible fate that awaits it, and all those Who assisted in this demise, by hook or by crook, will be pulled into the morass with it. Regardless of the fate of our culture, he who fails to act, or who acts in a fashion which is contrary to common sense, will invariably be punished, perhaps not immediately, but eventually. Like a deserter who flees the front and leaves the rest of his comrades to die, the preachers of deceit and their callous followers may escape justice for some time, but they Will eventually be caught, and the will of the people shall fall upon them, as is demanded by history itself. No quarter for traitors, no quarter for any other ideology, no quarter for unsavory individuals, no quarter for the deceiving prophets, and above all, no quarter for the Jew! No matter the severity of the situation, no matter how bad things may get still, no quarter, ever, for the Jews or their servants. It is as Hitler said and demanded: the work of the National Socialist movement is the labor of the coming centuries. And only through your action, your belief, your steadfast determination, can this ever be achieved. You must assert: I believe, if you are to fight. And you cannot believe if you simultaneously harbor fundamentally contradictory principles. So I shall make it abundantly clear for you all:

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Fascism and National Socialism are two completely different systems. Fascism is in fact much closer to Bolshevism than it is to National Socialism. One must remember that Mussolini was a socialist after all. And a socialist in the Marxist sense, to boot.

Libertarianism, anarcho-capitalism, national capitalism, whatever you want to call them, are all diseased ideologies founded either by Jews or on radically ill minded principles. Libertarianism is by definition contradictory to the fourteen words, since a state built upon material values is destined to destroy whatever culture it has. When you can sell everything in the state, do not be surprised when everything is sold off, and you have nothing left. Why would any sane white person desire this? The conclusion immediately drawn is that no white person would ever desire such a state.

We cannot win if we are all imagining a different conclusion to this struggle. There will be no time for debate, nor any time for tea and cakes to think about how our new state might come about. If you assert belief in the Northwest Imperative, then you must by definition thereby also assert belief in National Socialism, because no weak state can guarantee the freedom and security of the white race. It must be that system, that system whereby faith and belief are placed in a single leader, a leader who can guarantee that he will placethe burden of waging whatever was necessary upon his own shoulders, that he will be philosopher, statesman, soldier and the first servant of the people at all times. As in the spirit of Frederick the Great, passed on to Bismarck, and then to Hitler: the leader of the nation is responsible always as first servant of the people, to guarantee their prosperity, security, and a future for life.

That is the essence of the fourteen words. Let no persons take that away from you. Let no one dissuade you from the reality of the situation. We cannot, and we will not achieve Victory by half measures. We cannot achieve anything with a divided front. Only through a single organization, with one leader, with one plan, with one idea, with one flag and with one anthem, can we in any real terms achieve the Victory we so desire. The deceiving prophets will attempt to tell you otherwise, but I advise: let them continue to screech like wailing harpies. They only prove my point, as each one is exposed as a pervert, liar, hypocrite, profiteer, or Jew. Meanwhile those of us true of heart and faithful to the cause maintain a sole belief, more powerful than anything else: belief in Adolf Hitler, and his prophecy.

"It is necessary that I should die for my people; but my spirit will rise from the grave and the world will know I was right"

no knowledge ever was found in a book, it's all some bs someone else already wrote.

the only true knowledge comes from god, and only the worthy get to know it.

That's dumb and so are the logical conclusions drawn from it.
"We can't find Truth by mortal means, so we might as well not even try!"
You are no better than the many nihilists so convinced that the White Race is doomed to annihilation, that they refuse to take any action. They are race traitors.

Then how come the whitest states and countries are the most cucked ? The only 'based' white ethnostates are poor as fuck and have the standard of living of niggers (eastern europe). Developed + white = cuck (scandinavia, vermont...)

White extinction is natural selection

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>The only 'based' white ethnostates are poor as fuck and have the standard of living of niggers
what about israel?

White extinction may be natural, but so is any action whites take to avoid that fate. In any case you have tattoo'd on your forehead which side you're on. You're lucky I decided to respond at all.

Maybe next time I should put an anime girl or something similar in the OP.

It's interesting that you didn't answer my question

pretty chill

Another cause of revolution is difference of races which do not at once acquire a common spirit; for a state is not the growth of a day, any more than it grows out of a multitude brought together by accident. Hence the reception of stranger in colonies, either at the time of their foundation or afterwards has generally produced revolution; for example, the Achaens who joined the Troezenians in the foundation of Sybaris, becoming later the more numerous, expelled them; hence the curse fell upon Sybaris. At Thurii the Sybarites quarreled with their fellow colonists; thinking that the land belonged to them, they wanted too much of it and were driven out. At Byzantium the new colonists were detected in a conspiracy, and were expelled by force of arms; the people of Antissa who had received the Chian exiles, fought with them, and drove them out of their own city. The citizens of Apollonia on the Euxine, after the introduction of a fresh body of colonists, had a revolution; the Syracusans, after the expulsion of their tyrants having admitted the strangers and mercenaries to the rights of citizenship, quarreled and came to blows; the people of Amphipolis, having received Chalcidian colonists, were nearly all expelled by them.

Reading Aristotle is quite interesting

In group preference is a hell of a drug. Luckily it appears we can shape this ingroup preference along racial lines pretty easily, it only stops working when you attempt to convince a nigger that he is an American for example.

Once whites regain their racial identity, there's a whole other kind of natural selection coming.

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The richest white countries are the most cucked because of the democratic system set up in them. These systems become plutocratic over time and become vulnerable to jewish influence. They built enormous wealth while they were white and conservative, but now that they have become degenerate and multicultural due to jewish influence and some natural societal degeneration, they will probably cease being pleasant countries in less than 50 years if they haven't already on a case by case basis.

Those eastern european countries are and will be much nicer to live in without nonwhites and most degeneracy.

The assessment of countries purely by GDP is a jewish line of thought that justifies importing mudskin slave labor and destroying personal rights to protect monopolies and the ruling class.

Nigger we have managed to survive for thousands of years in hostile countries while being hated by the so-called most powerful race on earth. Don't talk to me about natural selection. Jews are the superior race, bow down to your master. We outsmart everyone. Call it deception, call it trickery, call it subversiveness, the fact that here i am shitposting while you are bitching everyday about how powerful we are.

Nationalism in that sense is quite interesting in how it developed differently in West (civic) and Eastern (ethno) Europe. Even if you live (and perhaps thrive) in a state premised on civic nationalism, you still have the problem of representation; this seems to suggest that recognition of the physical self, is pivotal for fidelity to flourish in society. Colored people simply can't look at a painting of France depicting French people of the 18th century and see a continuing line between themselves and those that are portrayed and whose ancestry and legacy you essentially seek to honor and continue. Physical self-recognition is essential for belonging and becoming.