I'm a gay guy who likes black/mulatto guys but I live in a Northern European country. How do I find a black guy to date...

I'm a gay guy who likes black/mulatto guys but I live in a Northern European country. How do I find a black guy to date? There are almost zero here.. Is the only solution to emigrate to the USA or Africa?

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Yes move to America and don't come back here.

Sorry? Why don't you want me to come back?

Stop being gay

That's not an option. I like being gay and have no intention of stopping.

if you want easy access to life long diseases go to migrate your type of partners will surely give you what you need to be disciplined

I'm already disciplined enough so that's not what I'm looking for. I also don't want life long diseases ofc.

yes, please leave our continent

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because neither blacks nor you are wanted here

Why do you have a problem with homosexuality? I think you're the one who has to leave.
No you got it wrong - YOU are not wanted here. You're the one who has to leave, go back to the middle ages where you and your opinions belong.

no, I'm normal, you're the mentally ill one, hence you gotta go.

You don't know anything about my mental health.
And how uncivilised of you to imply that mentally ill people need to get deported. You're definitely not normal when it comes to your views on mentally ill people.

Stop acting like a faggot.

human behaviour is divided (whether you like it or not) into the constructive and the destructive, the generative, and the degenerative. our society was built on the foundation of people who wanted their offspring and the offspring of their genetic peers to succeed. homosexuals do not reproduce, and are therefore degenerative, rather than generative, wrt society

oh and i forgot to mention that homosexuals' tendencies to do drugs and fornicate at a higher rate than normal people (exposing them to serious diseases at a higher rate) is certainly also degenerative

me user

>homosexuals do not reproduce, and are therefore degenerative, rather than generative
That's good then they can adopt the offsprings of heterosexuals who are generative but can't take care of their children
In my country we don't have these differences. Maybe they should try to make the conditions for gays better in your country so they don't feel the need to take drugs.
Having sex before marriage in normal and doesn't hurt anyone, come on man are you a priest or a muslim or something

you live in Scandinavia?

an increased number of sexual partners leads to a higher rate of divorce, which is a degenerative behaviour. my country is one of those that takes the best care of homosexuals in the world, something i was proud of before i realised the net impact homosexuals have on society (of course by this i'm not saying that homosexuals can't be remarkable people, only that the average net impact of one is negative). even in my country, however, homosexuals are disproportionately drug users, alcoholics, smokers etc.
i don't think homosexuals adopting is entirely generative though. the child will be raised in an unnatural environment, one that doesn't maximise their health and growth as a person. if i had to choose, of course i would prefer homosexuals adopting and nurturing their children as opposed to not having any children at all

don't adopt, the kids fucking hate you also

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>an increased number of sexual partners leads to a higher rate of divorce,
no not necessarily. And even if it does why is it your business if someone gets a divorce?
>my country is one of those that takes the best care of homosexuals in the world
If they are disproportionately drug users, alcoholics and smokers then maybe your country isn't doing enough and is still stuck in its backwards ways.
btw. being homosexual doesn't mean that you do drugs, use alcohol or smoke, just that on average they are more likely to do that in your country.
What is the source? I can tell you that according to a study from Cambridge kids from families with same-sex parents in the USA and Europe thrive just as well (or even better) as/than kids from traditional families.

>Having sex before marriage in normal and doesn't hurt anyone
What is normal is not what is good, degenerate fag. This only became an accepted norm very recently, as well.
It most certainly does harm people when it's a commonly accepted practice, since it encourages more people to do something in the erroneous belief that it's ok.

>Bivariate results suggested that delaying sexual involvement was associated with higher relationship quality across several dimensions. The multivariate results indicated that the speed of entry into sexual relationships was negatively associated with marital quality, but only among women."

>"I find that premarital sex or premarital cohabitation that is limited to a woman's husband is not associated with an elevated risk of marital disruption. However, women who have more than one intimate premarital relationship have an increased risk of marital dissolution."

>"Both structural equation and group comparison analyses demonstrated that sexual restraint was associated with better relationship outcomes, even when controlling for education, the number of sexual partners, religiosity, and relationship length."

>And even if it does why is it your business if someone gets a divorce?
Because society doesn't exist in a vacuum--and you implicitly know this, I assume, if you support things like civil rights laws.
Divorce in itself is not at issue--I have no interest in keeping a failed marriage together. But I do have an interest in reducing the rate of failed marriages, which is something that waiting until marriage accomplishes exceedingly well.

This doesn't apply to faggots, since they're already genetic failures, and trying to increase their success in fantasy "marriages" is putting the cart before the horse.

>gay parents makes one obese
this is genuinely funny. Hey, americans, your gig is up