How to boost your IQ?
I bet that there are better/scientific proven ways than
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How to boost your IQ?
I bet that there are better/scientific proven ways than
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Actually in order to increase IQ (fluid one) there is not a single scientifically proven method to increase it.
Yet by knowing a lot and aquiering a new skill you are more intelligent (I belive "stationary"?) as well.
I came to the conclusion that IQ is highly related to being creative. New methods to combine stuff together (mind maps that combine by symbols and thus combining unexpected stuff) could result in creativity.
Or you see certain stuff and they are needed as one single thing; a hammock with isolation and some sort of possiblity to close from above; water proof. This would be a full tent in a hammock. Creatively combined.
Also although there is no proven way to increase IQ, I would recommend meditation and mindsetting (aka magick; playing with your mind can make crazy -> take those as an example, you want to be alike)
Also you can make the population smarter (higher IQ) by use of Eugenics; Eugenics is not necessarily Euthanasia.
Ususally women are more centered around an IQ of 100. While there are more men way smarter and way dumber than average 100; yet men still have a bell-curve on IQ.
I really thought a lot on IQ!
I recommend you social skills, though. If you can communicate with every node in the humanity-brain-network, you can create synergies that serve you best.
In other words: If you can communicate, and are failing at everything else, you still can make it to space. It would be a "WE" if you could communicate with all. And in the end it is an I, as we are all a conglomerate of different "complexes" (CG Jung). There are many subsystems operating you. As there are many subsystems operating mankind.
Gut bacteria.
Honestly, being well fed and getting enough sleep plus taking naps will increase your IQ.
When in deep sleep your brain is practicing what it's learned. It's why you sometimes dream about things you do a lot.
Not being starved for calories and eating a better diet will make your brain fire on all cylinders. People who are calorie starved tend to get sloppy and can't think as well.
Finally, coffee. Caffeine has been shown to increase IQ if taken in moderate amounts in the day.
You're not going to become a genius by doing these things but you may rise a few points.
There are people who are more stupid than a monkey.
At an IQ of lower than 84, you are a retard.
Unironically nofap.
Choose the right parents.
Or take a lot of IQ tests and look up the right answers afterwards, committing them to memory, then retake the tests and memorize the answers again until you get them perfect every time.
Keep in mind Koko's "IQ" was guesstimated in comparison to 5-year old human children. It's not the same as adult IQ. And a lot of effort was sunk bringing her up that is not expended to niggers, which are "raised" by idiots like themselves for the most part.
Sleep does wonders
>take ACT with 102 fever and no sleep
>take ACT healthy
Can you even really make IQ go up? That’s like critical thinking and quick reactions and no matter how many books you read, you’re not going to get better at that.
I guess my main suggestion is don’t eat acid and questionable ecstasy pills every weekend in your college years.
I was taught that the main (and possibly only) thing IQ correlates to is test taking ability. It doesn't really matter what your IQ is.
IQ is a measurement of your ability to apply logic to problems. It's not a be all end all but if you really think someone with an 85IQ can ever be on the same level as someone at 130IQ you're an idiot.
Having Common sense an the ability to learn helped me
Why just so you can be another one dimensional insufferable nerd out there?
>Can you even really make IQ go up?
In theory, no. In practice, you can study and get better at IQ tests to get a better IQ score from them.
I'm pretty sure someone with a normal IQ wouldn't make assumptions and set up strawman arguments for a simple post that only relates what one was taught at some unnamed point in the past. This idiocy you speak of, are you speaking from experience?
An 85 IQ person could probably raise their IQ to 130 if they made it their sole goal in life
this and reading more
thank you.
i will consider it.
nevertheless the africans in general are scoring lower on IQ. this does not mean they are worse human beings, neither does it mean they are no human beings at all ^^, because it could very well be that they have certain abilities that prove right by changing environments; and who am I to judge what nature brings forth? As long as it lives and is able to sustain itself, it is worth living, to respect and learn from.
This goes for mosquitos as well as for birds and the hobo next corner. women are responsible for natural selection within the human race and they have done a good job so far, as mankind is propelling forward since very long for evermore. also nature is selecting naturally. if the humans are to select this generates hate. thus fighting against wild animals in order to prove manhood (and the allowance to procreate within the guardiance of the social structure) would be the right way to go.
eugenics is good. euthanasia is not.
sterelisation is also not good. what could be applied would be the stuff going on in europe, where many africans are shipped over; changing and tilting the IQ. This could be considered dysgenics, or eugenics. depending on the point of view.
going into epigenetics would go too far now...
Not OP
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the reason we have iodine in our salt if that's the kind you buy is that it was found air force recruits were more likely to have had iodine in their diets throughout their life averaging a 10 point iq increase over the army which had few people with iodine in their diet. Iodine is attributed to being one of the major causes of iq increases in the 1900s in america.