Come say what's on your mind.
Reminder: nobody you know posts here. Don't feed the trolls and/or roleplayers.
Come say what's on your mind.
Reminder: nobody you know posts here. Don't feed the trolls and/or roleplayers.
I wanna leave but the world won't let me go. Wanna leave but the world won't let me go. What it is and where it stops nobody knows. You gave me a life I never chose. I wanna leave but the world won't let me go. Wanna leave but the world won't let me go.
I go to my friends who live away from their parents houses and take a shit in the milk cartoon in the fridge when everyone’s asleep.
I feel bad because one friend I did this too beat up an innocent mutual friend because of me.
They beat my friend up because he is a boy and they couldn’t imagine a girl doing such a thing.
It's OK that you have ghosted me. I have made five new friends since you vanished. You weren't much of a friend anyway. If anything, you removing yourself in my life made room for cool new people. Thanks for going away. I never realized how much better off I would be without you.
No problem, bro :) Glad there's no harsh feelings between the two of us, amirite? ;)
The only two things stoping me from dating is my obesity and the fact that her parents/family won't like me. I feel so legitimately autistic at times and it sucks.
Je veux te voir toi.
Had a job interview today, and a few hours later got an email for a second/final one. I really want this thing, is it possible to fail at this stage of the game?
You want me to see me? Wut?
Fuck niggers
My girlfriend is pissing me off. We've been together almost 1000 days now and she hasn't had a job. I know counting days is weird, but I am weird by nature. She's fundamentally lazy. I don't know if I want that for the rest of my life.
I love her though. So damn much. I just hate how lazy she is. I fear she will eventually become her crazy mother. Wasting millions of dollars, not working, burning her fortune. It''s annoying. Especially because I know how hard it is to build wealth (my grandparents have a lot of $$ they're passing to me). What about our future children? What if she never gets a job and instead expects me to do everything? It stresses me out, man. Really. REALLY.
I'm unhappy feeling dependent on the validation of someone who I think sucks. I'm gonna throw myself off of SEVERAL cliffs, thanks.
Was this a mistake? Eh. I learned from it, got to have a lot of experiences, I feel like a more confident, more grown up version of myself now. So I can't say I regret it. But it doesn't feel good in the current moment. Been crying all fucking day, what a week for my therapist to be gone for. Come back from your holiday please ma'am.
I just want a hug, real bad.
I gained a shitload of weight(70lbs) in 12 months and I am about to lose my job because of the company I work inside as a contractor is being bought out at the end of the year. I am only holding by a thread by being with a woman that cares for me enough to support me once it all until it hits the fan. I have no idea what I am going to do once all the shit hits, still I have an idea of just killing myself out of shame for letting myself become an embarrassing husk of a man. Yet I imagine years into the future and it gives me panic, the days that go by and the older I get. I am 30 years old and I fear being a 40 year old doing the same thing that I have done at 20 like I am at 30. Shit is terrible.
You have no idea how much im proud of you. keep doing you! I love you
A friend told me that if I want to go anywhere, I have to have a vision. I've never had a vision or a dream or a long term goal, so it all seemed quite bizzare at first.
It took a while, but one day when I was reminiscing about something, I has a vision. A beautiful, small home. Secluded from the world but not so secluded it was ridiculous or meme-tier. Lots of windows facing a big lake with mountains in the background. Only my house on the lake.
I'll save you the other juicy details, but thinking about this wonderful home away from wagie work, stress, and societies troubles made my heart melt. Thinking about having a family there with lots of land to spare, and being able to work half a year as an EMS helicopter pilot then the other half in another career sounded perfect. It's so far away though, but it still encourages me to keep doing something even if I don't like doing it. Just so I can realize this vision one day and be at some kind of peace with my life, instead of the me now who is always super stressed, aimless, and awkward.
Hoping it can give me direction. Encourage me to talk to people more and be more outgoing. Not for the sake of impressing people.
This is my 5th interview process where I've been rejected
I spend nearly every waking moment trying to improve my skills
I have a degree in software engineering
I work as a BSA
But I don't think I can ever accomplish my dream for becoming a software engineer
Because I chose the wrong job to start off with. Now people just call me a web dev
I will
once we're together like we promised.
Not for the sake of impressing people but for showing the real, wonderful and colorful you.
Now that i've got colors aswell I know we can do this and it was all because of you.
Your efforts will not be wasted, I will never let that happen.
I'm still in what you might call "love" with her, even though what made me fall in "love" was rape and did other bad things to cover her tracks. I wonder if she ever gave the slightest fuck about me or if she manipulated me into developing feelings for her to keep me quiet and let her do what she wanted with me. I'm also curious whether or not she's ever thought about me since she abruptly disappeared
>What if she never gets a job and instead expects me to do everything?
Man, you’ve just described the main purpose of marriage
t. femanon
I'm delusional. That hasn't been you writing that all this time.
Je veux pu te voir. Je te veux nue.
Writing what? Maybe drop some initials and find out
But what if it was me all along?
Shut up larping asscrack penis. Marriage was created by tiny dicked boys because religion and white Jesus and trying to make sure their Christian women were miserably monogamous and wouldn't be able to get resources from multiple males at once. Women don't give a fuck about what men do and will always have back ups ready whether or not the guy in the marriage "does everything." These days women know this and marry mostly out of love, and cope with their neglectful, porn-obsessed/cheating husbands by having lovers. She's not never working putting up with a penis-creature.
I caught HSV2 a few months back and have not had any sexual partners since. I have not told anyone except the person that transmitted it to me. I've gone on a few dates since, but I have not had sex since being diagnosed. I'm scared to disclose but I'm also at a crossroad if I should tell my hookups if they do not ask.
Yes, but you made the next round. Keep doing what your doing and don't overthink it.
Do what I do, don't get tested and don't tell anyone. I have been fine just ignoring all the shit that I have wrong with me. I ate some bad pussy once and my throat closed up for a week and had ooze falling out of my mouth. Also my dick burns when I cum or pee but I don't tell a girl nothing. No problems with people coming back in my life telling me that I gave them the clap. So it's all good in the hood.
I finally caught you. I don't know how he slipped out of your room with the dog, but I heard the other dog. I know it wasn't your room mate's dog. But I finally fucking caught you. And I caught you off guard because you expected me to yell. You expected accusations, but I pretended to know nothing and gave you flowers. I saw his van outside and his underwear in your room. The three of us will eventually talk about this, but until then I hope you finally admit your infidelity and manipulative tendencies to your therapist. I will love and accept you if you are able to do this. Please do not try to start over with this new guy. Tame impala and Bright Eyes fucking suck and are for people with shallow emotions. I know you, you know me, we already have great sex/communication and shared interests.
To the user that called me crazy and controlling, suck my dick. I was right. She was changing herself to appeal to the other guy. She doesn't fucking like that director or that fucking band and that kid can't even fucking draw as well as I can. I was just using Jow Forums to vent so that I could be nice in person. I love this woman and want her to change.
Goodnight J
gnight T
Night brother t.PPPOOPOO
I never told that girl about the chlamydia she gave me
You should tell. It's the right thing to do.
Also use condoms, people.
I got in a bad car accident at work and I’m pretty damn sure I lost my job. I’m just thankful and frankly amazed that no one got hurt.
Lost my girl a couple weeks ago as well and I’ve been drinking alone a lot more, especially since I haven’t been working for the past few days.
This was a pretty good job too, fuck.
She forced herself on me, so fuck her. Also, it was 8 years ago at this point
This roller coaster of emotions is annoying. Every week I say something personal, you don't talk to me for a few days, I freak out silently thinking I scared you off, then you reply and I find out I was worrying for nothing. Every. Single. Week.
Today I tried to drown out the worry with memes and alcohol. I probably need to chill the fuck out and stop worrying. I'm just not used to this love thing and really have no clue what I'm doing or how badly I'm fucking it all up. Am I fucking it all up? How the hell do you even look up to me, or are you as lost as I am?
I'm fat as fuck but I know I'm too weak-willed to get skinny.
I still, almost everyday, think of this girl I one-sidedly fell in love with, even though I lost contact with her years ago and I am propably not even a memory for her.
Can't help but compare every girl I meet with her.
That wouldn't make sense. He's the one kept denying it would ever come to anything, instead orbiting someone he'll never have a chance with. Arrête ton char. Ou pas, je m'en fou.
This was the final test. I’m ready. Thank you for being my friends, even if you weren’t the kindest.
Help me anyanon.
I am purely an object of other people's aversion or desire. Everything I do is just a means for people to decide if I'm useful or detrimental for their purposes.
Probably better to ask in Jow Forums where they have daily programming threads. I don't do C++ but I think the bulk of the blanks has to do with comparing student grades so they can be ranked. Like if a grade is above 89 it's an A. Above 79 it's a B. So on and so forth.
yall I just heard a big ass explosion
yall I just heard another
I wonder wtf is goin' on
better aint not be no more earthquake shieet gon again
I finally found proof of her cheating by surprising her with Flowers. The guy had his van parked out front, his boxers in her room, his dog in her house. Idk how he commando'd out of the room but my GF was naked and shit definitely wasn't right and it was definitely his van. He made the mistake of dropping her off from their job at my place on night as friends.
Nevermind, I got it.
You send my heart flying
You do so without trying
You're a star worth admiring
A destiny worth riding
>have wasted 8 years of my life on a ldr where the other person doesn’t care about me
>have been soul crushingly destroyed by any person I have real feelings for
> first time in person where a girl I love tells me she loves me only for me to ruin it and not be with them the next day
>my parents constantly belittle me and crush my dreams
>can’t move out because I dropped out of high school and my job doesn’t pay enough to move out
>too poor for college
>know I’m wasting the massive potential people tell me I have
>we move away from all my friends that were holding me together
>those friends bailed on coming to see me on my birthday claiming it was too short notice
>told them two months prior and they forgot
>in the hospital for my birthday where the doctors tell my family and I that there’s nothing more they can do for grandma
>she is now in the room next to me waiting to pass
>my best friends house burnt down and has to move to another state
>can’t see him cause we don’t drive and my grandma is dying
>don’t know if I’ll ever see him again
>set up primary care
>doctor tells me I scored pretty high on the depression test thing
>he has a therapist call me to set up an appointment
>therapist leaves a voicemail
>go into the office cause they didn’t pick up the phone
>receptionist tells me I should here back in a day or so
>it’s been two months
>stuck on Jow Forums venting cause I have no one else anymore
>life is crashing around me and there nothing I can do about it other then wanting to die
Thank you for the suggestion anyways, really appreciate it.
Aww I would make you a poem too if only I am not busy.
It's "je veux te voir." Why did you switch to French? If you want to see me then tell me some other way, not anonymously. You are fucking with me/us.
I hate niggers!
Based Frenchie.
Put your penis in my cock.
Because she's a nigger
We aren't friends.
Who is she? She got a fat ass?
Need me a hatian bitch. ayo
Go to Florida. Tons of Haitian nigger-sluts. Might as well go to the zoo ans fuck a monkey though
I am neither! Tuez-vous.
Don't mind if I dooooo :))))
I'm so sorry bubby. I don't think I can ever be more than I am right now. You deserve so much better than anything I can offer. It's incredibly selfish to go this way, but I can't think of much else. I know who I am and what I can and can't do.My only hope is that you realize who I truly was and don't hold this against me. I didn't do everything I could and that's a fact. But you aren't responsible for this. You're far more worth than I can imagine, and I'm not even close to worth that nor will I ever be. I hope you know this last few months have been amazing. I just can't do this anymore. Please don't ever take this as you not being worth it, because you are for certain. I only hope you move on and find somebody more worth your time than I am, and that whatever you do, it's not tied down by my existing. I love you so much. Please take care of yourself first and foremost.
Come see me.
Right now you need to separate out what is you fault and what isn't. You also need to separate what can be changed from what can't. Fix what can be changed. Move on from things that can't.
You are a high school dropout, but can get a GED. Trade school is cheaper than college and would let you get a better job as something like an auto mechanic or an electrician. Your job and education states are your fault, but can be changed. Your friends are dicks who clearly aren't good friends. This is not your fault and can't be changed as you can't force them to be better friends. Get new friends.
The person I wrote this for has done enough for me. My only wish was to see her face just once.
I'm gonna start taking care of myself better.
People aren't easy but they act dumb and simple minded because they are scared of acting out of reach
Life is so simple if you let it be as complex as it is
I’m really sad because I’ve come to realize that while I have best friends who I care about, I’m no one else’s best friend. Someone they knew longer will always be more important than I am to them. Even if it’s a relationship, I’m still second fiddle to the other people in my SO’s life...
I’m also just really sad... No particular reason half the time, things just hurt...
Some days I just want to make it in life so people would end up carrying about me, remembering I exist... Talking about me because they miss me...
You're a dissapointment.
I know I am user, it’s really tough, but I understand that no matter what I do, I’m just not the person myself, or others want... I write shitty short stories, and no one takes me seriously among a crowd of artists... I’m a worthless joke...
Larper I didnt mean you
Im here, not angry and in a flowery mood today~
If you're actually him, what's my favorite fruit?
Your larp won't work anymore
At 23 I'm finally getting my life sorted and I'm, finally, gonna go to university. Pretty decent one at that. But I'm really nervous about parting with my dear friends. We've all been supporting each other and entertaining each other for 17 years now. Had to do the math on that one, pretty nutty stuff. I really hope I don't fuck this up like I usually do..
Also. One and a half years ago my girlfriend of 5 years left me. I hope I never have to see or talk to her ever again but her cheating on me is the best thing that ever happened to me. Although through her infidelity she discovered something ugly in herself she awakened something beautiful in me. And no, not the fact that I'm a cuck at heart. I think I had, prematurely, grown roots. Gotten too comfortable maybe? Well, I don't have it in me to forgive her yet but I hope she can forgive herself without resorting to self-delusion. I've wasted too much time already, I'm rushing ahead.
Im a larper, im not actually him.
ok good
That Jesusfreak is actually an extremely powerful wizard. He has the ability to distort reality to his own whims. If he were to know an ex-friend of his were here, he would probably do something... destructive...
I guess it comes down to simply not wasting time and always doing something productive.
Dating is a large part of me and nobody wants to date me I am 14 bi male what should I do? I feel very suicidal because of this
hehe I'd date you mmmmm
Stay strong
My gastrointestinal track has been burning and generally hurting recently. I’m stressed about applying to nursing school because if I don’t get accepted I don’t have a back up plan except to just try again I guess.
I’m scared im infertile considering I haven’t had my period in two years (not pregnant, but I am using the birth control implant). And my bf of 4 years seems to be losing interest in me though I’m starting to think of marrying him.
I’m feeling pretty depressed with thoughts of death (not truly wanting death though). My anxiety gives me nighttime hallucinations, food isn’t worth it because my stomach hurts no matter what I eat, and nothing I do brings me joy. I nap and then wake up confused and sad. I think about death a lot but fear being trapped in between dimensions so I’m just sticking it out for now. Do I have a mental illness? My anxiety has never been this intense before and I can’t tell if I am overreacting or if I need to seek medical attention. My thoughts are confusing a lot of the time and it scares me. But I can be a hypochondriac sometimes.
I don’t want death because a part of me still feels like everything is going to turn out okay
I had such a good time with you. I secretly love you, and I always will. Please let me go see you again soon. You're honestly the best person to actually ever happen to me by actively being in my life. I will always cherish every single second with you.
hey please respond hehe i want to be your friend...
Slept in and having coffee. No sounds of whipping and no veiny dildos next to me. This is good. How's your mornin?
This book doesn't even attempt to make any sense. How is this allowed?
I think my problem is that I'm trying to do the right thing with out stopping my doing the wrong thing. It's just a resource-drain trying to change my ways. That was a practical decision, not an egotistical one.
Ok, time to get really serious.
I've been noticing a really cute cashier in one of the local shops. She seems friendly (towards everyone, she doesn't give me any special treatment). Anyway, found her of FB and am tempted to send her a friend request. I have no idea if she's seeing anyone. And, as you can guess, I'm not quite the social butterfly (4chah, duh).
How do I not fuck this up? Any tips? Has anyone ever have this kind of scenario work?
I have nothing in my chest
I asked you for your opinion, that is :
"Do you want me to come and see you ?
Answer = no
No answer = yes"
You answered, which means no.
It was rather clear.
But now it means the contrary ?!
Il y a trop de confusion dans tout ça.
Si tu veux une partie de jambes en l'air il faudra m'expliquer quand on sera face à face, un peu comme on explique à un enfant de 5 ans.
Parce que ... Surprise !
Ça m'énerve !!
J'ai AUCUNE patience, tout est diablement compliqué, j'ai envie de m'arracher les cheveux.
Mais si tu es d'accord, alors je viendrai te voir. C'est toi qui décide, c'est aussi simple que ça.
Si tu changes encore d'avis et que tu dis non, je t'enverrai une petite culotte par colis postal.
Yes, I am ready for the dude who particularly hates french natives. He'll quote my post and unleash barf on me, go ahead please.
Walk up to her and ask her out. If you get anything other than a positive warm response, say "damn, thought I'd at least try" and walk off. That's it. No Facebook stalking, no asking for her number, unless she says yes, just ask her on a date. It's literally that simple
>No answer = yes
fucking millennials >_>
Whoever you’re talking to they did the right thing for rejecting yo ass
Get your gut checked out. Bad gut issues easily lead to bad mental health issues. Find a functional medicine specialist and get diagnosed.
How exactly can I pull it off? She's at her job, and I'll be lucky to be the only person in line. Plus going at it would be weird, there should be at least some smalltalk first. But what the hell can I make smalltalk about on the register?
>Si tu changes encore d'avis et que tu dis non, je t'enverrai une petite culotte par colis postal.
Oui oui oui oui
Proof you don't want to consistently work yet are able to.
Pardon me, could you possibly mind your own business ? Nobody asked you anything.
Merci beaucoup. Pardon pour les malentendus.
I forgive my parents.