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>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

>Guys insecure with their 4+ inches dick
Fuck off

>Is it too late to start dating?
As Jordan Peterson says, what's the alternative? Just not to date and wait for death?

>Why is there no new thread?
Create one yourself. You can use these macros:

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When i feel bad and need to vent, my boyfriend always turns my issue into his issue and in the end im the one consoling him because he feels sad and guilty for "not helping enough".
When i hold it in and dont want to talk about it he feels sad and/or angry at me for "not letting my feelings out" and i end up having to be the one consoling him.
There is literally no escape. I want to be his partner, but he treats me like his mom.
Im gonna try not showing anything at all and just keep smiling, but id better transition slowly, otherwise hell notice and ill have to console him
Any ideas?

This situation here is about me needing support when quitting my addiction and him making it all about him

Does a woman at work not like me if she's friendly and nice to everyone BUT me? Do you think it's possible she might have a crush on me? Do you think it's possible I could make that person like me?

I’ve been dating this guy for 5 months now, and he’s explicitly told me from the get go he’s a really bad texter. He maybe tried a tiny bit more when we first started dating, but it was still so bad even then.

He only texts to set up dates or for logistics, which means at times we can go for days or even weeks without talking. Every time I don’t hear from him, I get so angry and feel so rejected. He told me to feel free to text him, if I want to text more- but he can’t promise he’ll know how to respond.

Right now he’s on vacation for two weeks, and I texted him to check in. We had a text exchange that lasted maybe 10 texts altogether which is more than usual for him- and I sent a flirty text to him that he just didn’t respond to. I’m so upset and insulted, and I can’t help but feel like he doesn’t like me based on his lack of enthusiasm, and disinterest in carrying on a text conversation when he’s going to be away for so long. He still has over a week of his vacation left, and I’m sitting here paranoid that I’m not going to see him until he’s back and settled, which could be weeks.

What do you guys think? Am I worrying for nothing? On one hand, I’ve been warned by him. But on the other, how could he come off SO disinterested and uncaring without there being a shred of truth to it? Blatantly ignoring a cute text from the girl you’re sleeping with for months? I try to be reserved with my texting but I missed him, and now I’m sitting here second guessing that I said something wrong.

Yes loser devote your life to a fat whore who hates you and will get you fired

Why girls show interest, accept the date but in the last few moments cancels everything like it was planned from start?
Destroying someone else night is really that nice?

She's actually really damn hot

She doesn’t like you.

My boyfriend is like this as well. The flip side is that I’m also like this as well. I don’t like chatting over text. Occasionally I send him a funny comic or meme, but that’s less than once a week. Most of the time, it’s pure logistics and that’s how I like (though we do ask each other to text when we get home— we like to know the other person made it home safe.)

You’re communicating to your boyfriend that you need more text contact. That’s fine, though I will say that some people just find that difficult. But if he was a good boyfriend, he would actively make an attempt to meet you halfway here. It sounds like he isn’t, and that’s the problem.

Have a discussion on how you want him to react.

Also consider that you might be a people pleaser that hides her feelings until you are boiling over. Or you dont know how to be comforted.

I have a female friend that likes to cry alone and it drives me nuts. Like, I'd just like to hug her and let her cry on me. Or talk if she wants to. But she'd rather cry sitting there or cry in her room.

I dont guilt her like your bf does though. I give her the space she wants and then when she is done crying let her know that her feelings mean a lot to me and that I hate that she felt so bad.

Even if she liked you, this is a red flag. You deserve a girl that is more direct.

That's even worse she has fucked hundreds of guys

No, it’s probably anxiety. I’ve cancelled at the last minute (three hours in advance) because I was freaking out and panicking.

Sometimes you arrange a date, and in the days leading up to the date, the guy says and does stuff that makes you second-guess it. Then when the date arrives, you’re so afraid of how it’s going to go that you cancel.

I’ve never cancelled with less than three hours’ warning, usually I managed at least 12. I’m sorry if someone cancelled at the literal last minute or stood you up, user. It sucks no matter what to have someone cancel something you were looking forward to.

One thing I learned with online dating is to conform with someone that they’re still “on” for the date at least 6 hours in advance, and then to confirm they’re leaving for the date at roughly 30 min before the date starts. I don’t leave the house until the guy texts back that he’s on his way. Been stood up too many times.

The girl cancelled in the last three hours, and now I don't have anything to do and feel horrible.

Now the girl just seem like someone who is using me to spend time texting, I'm tired of this shit man, I want just to send her "you don't look interest in me, don't waste someone else time like this" block and never again.

Another question does setting up a date earlily like in less than 2 days is better?

>Also consider that you might be a people pleaser that hides her feelings until you are boiling over. Or you dont know how to be comforted.
This opened up a lot of stuff ill have to look into. Thanks for pointing this out.
Its really hard, however, to harden up in the middle of a situation like that (when im very sensitive and exposed) just to tell him hes making it about him (again acting like a mom towards him when i need to have a supporting adult), so i usually just shut down and let him continue bc i dont have the energy for that.
It would be a dream if my bf did what you do

What would make you uncancell the date?

Guys what are your opinions in lonely hikikomori girls? Would you give one a chance for a long term relationship?

Holy shit, he already told you he doesn't like texting.

>Blatantly ignoring a cute text from the girl you’re sleeping with for months?
I'd ignore texts from a whore, too.

I’m sorry. My advice to my friends who’ve had that happen to them is to grab a pint of their favorite ice cream and settle in with a book or a good video game. I dunno what the guy equivalent is, but I don’t recommend alcohol because that’s a depressant— maybe grab yourself some good takeout?

If she spent a lot of time texting you enthusiastically and then cancelled last minute, yeah, it sounds like she was just playing you. I had a guy do that, except he actually stood me up on the date itself without warning and ghosted me after. Online dating sucks. It’s full of shit people. Brace yourself.

I think setting up the date for no more than Bree days in advance is advisable. If you wait a week, you lose momentum, and if you try to maintain momentum over text, the girl can feel like you’re pushing in too fast. Honestly, being able to set it up for “I’m free tomorrow, let’s grab dinner at x” or “I’m free the day after next, let’s do y” is way better. You get a face to face quickly, with minimal loss of momentum, and even if they flake, you didn’t spend a whole week working yourself up over it.

>first date touched her knee under table, she looked embarrassment, didn't know what to do, i backed off.At the end of date i tried kissing her and she went for hug
>second date no touch at all, just talking and laughing
>third date grabbed her around neck and pulled her towards me, she started giggling in her phone at the end went for kiss, she laugh nervously so went for her neck and she get goosebumps from the kiss

how did I do so far ?

Well the thing is I did kind of bring it up, and that’s when he told me that I can feel free to text him, but that he can’t promise he’ll know what to say. He said he doesn’t initiating texting unless it’s for a purpose, he doesn’t just have idle conversation. I would be more comfortable initiating texting conversations if he didn’t give my lukewarm responses, or worse, stops responding mid convo. I’m just not sure if I should take him at his word at being a bad texter, or maybe I’m right in feeling perhaps he doesnt like me that much.

>what are your opinions in lonely hikikomori girls?
Neutral to slightly positive. Like anything, though, this is conditional on you not being a degenerate--and you seem to be at a high risk of doing very dumb things out of loneliness.

I uncancelled one date because o shared my anxiety on Reddit’s r/okcupid forum and the nice people there encouraged me to give it a shot anyway. My gut said the guy was fine and it was just my anxiety, so I went.

There were dates with guys who I’d never uncancel with. One of them told me he went to the date location *three hours early* when I told him I was canceling (I told him three hours early) and he threw an absolute fit over it. I still don’t understand why he was there three hours early, but it was more than a little alarming.

On the first date it seemed a bit awkward, then on the second date you were allllmost losing her, then on the third you got her back like a true Chad and left her wanting for more. Good job.

this doesn't really give us much. It really depends on her other characteristics. Describing her simply as hikikomori does not capture a full personality

But she does like texting. Relationships are about compromise. He needs to text a little more or at least find a way to answer texts that soothe her insecurity, and she needs to text a little less and find ways to be more secure.

Ask him if it would be easier to respond if you shared funny memes or jokes, and all he had to say was that he found them funny/appreciated it, or respond with a meme/joke of his own.

>I think setting up the date for no more than Bree days in advance is advisable. If you wait a week, you lose momentum, and if you try to maintain momentum over text, the girl can feel like you’re pushing in too fast. Honestly, being able to set it up for “I’m free tomorrow, let’s grab dinner at x” or “I’m free the day after next, let’s do y” is way better. You get a face to face quickly, with minimal loss of momentum, and even if they flake, you didn’t spend a whole week working yourself up over it.

I know all this shit already why I give her a chance, she sound so cool and we had a lot in common but in the and using someone to spend the summer vacation is bigger than getting serious or at least drinking in a bar.

Thanks, I'm gonna try have a better momentum and lower my expectatives while texting to multiple girls.

Sure. As for a relationship, that depends on how much of a hikikomori she is. If she's unable to handle basic such as meeting me at a particular time at a particular place, or inability to go to the store, then we're running into issues.

>He needs to text a little more
No he doesn't, not on a practical level. She already slept with him and gave the guy what he wanted, and she's still with him.

Female anons, what was the gynecologist like?

this wasnt online dating, we spent like a month together on a part time job before meeting, right after the first date i could sense she was a little scared ,didnt want to meet again soon but like a month and half later or was testing me if im just in it for the sex, considering i touched her like that ,was a mistake but thank god not a fatal one

We’re dating? How is us sleeping together a problem for you.

You aren't dating you are having casual sex

Why do you say they’re not dating?

Sorry, uh, could you rewrite your first paragraph again?

>We’re dating?
Semantics. You're not married, and if he wants to leave having had his fill of you, he can with no consequences.

I thought we clicked together and lost momentum, so I gave her a chance and settuped a really cool date 6 days in advance.

Nothing wrong with what you said I just needed to read this from another source than my own experience.

Yeah.. we're dating? What do you mean? Unless you're actually him then don't tell me we're not dating.

Dating is a euphemism for females fucking 100 men over a three year period

Ignore them. They’re being pricks.

Listen. Talk to him about this again. Lay out what you need, minimally. One text a day? Would you like him to say “good morning, beautiful, have a great day” once a day so you know he’s thinking of you? Think about what you need minimally and if he can’t give that, consider breaking up. Communication problems are a huge reason relationships fail.

Why do men like women more than women like men? Why are men more affectionate than women? Why do women only want casual sex instead of proper relationships?

>making baity questions based on loaded and faulty assumptions

I see you too enjoy trolling

>Why do men like women more than women like men? Why are men more affectionate than women? Why do women only want casual sex instead of proper relationships?

because you aren't nearly as masculine as you think you are. They want these things with hotter men.

Yeah breakup because you can't control him. Haha giving it away didn't work out so well and now you are only worth half as much

>They’re being pricks.
Don't lump me in with the incel. It's patently obvious that the amount of effort the guy put in (that is, very little) is enough for him to get full use her body, and this problem is largely of her own making. She has no standards, either morally or practically--she is willing to stay in a relationship where she says stuff like
>Every time I don’t hear from him, I get so angry and feel so rejected.
And she's also willing to sleep around in said situation. That's not on him to fix, those problems are hers.

Why do women use me as an emotional tampon?

Im not even involved in this discussion but jesus christ is this guy projecting. This is so comic its tragic.

Like a regular doctors visit. I've only ever gone to see women gynaecologists but it's purely medical. They ask about your current birth control methods, if you've have any issues, then they ask you to change into a gown and lay on your back. They they stick their fingers in you to check your ovaries (it's not sexy-it feels neutral but I'm also straight and don't have a medical fetish) then they use something to collect cells in your uters to check for cancer, then they do breast check for lumps.
They also ask about sexual health stuff. If you think you have an STD or if you have been having unsafe sex.

Well things are very good when we're together, so I keep going from one second feeling rejected, to the next feeling so sure of his affection towards me.

Also, who the fuck said I'm sleeping around? Sleeping with the same one man I've been seeing is sleeping around in what world?

How is she sleeping around? She’s only sleeping with him.

She should break up because he’s not making an effort to meet her needs half way. But we also don’t have the full picture on their relationship. Again, I am a terrible texter, but my partner gets my undivided attention when we’re together. Some people can deal with that and even like it. Some can’t. She needs to realize it’s okay to be the latter and that it’s okay for that to be a dealbreaker.

Whiteknighting for a used up roastie is a weird flex but u be u

They don’t check your ovaries with their fingers in your vagina. They check your cervix. If they can reach your ovaries that way, you’ve got problems.

You have fucked so many different dudes you are emotionally celibate and are no longer able to pairbond. Being a whore ruined your was the gina tingles worth it?

Are u drunk

what the actual fuck lol

She's sleeping with somebody she's not committed to, i.e. while not married. Your advice here is for her to break up and """commit""" to someone else, and then presumably repeat the process of fucking and breaking up ad infinitum until she finds 'the one', nevermind that by that point, the repeated sexual deviancy will have already blown a gaping hole in her chances of keeping a lasting marriage.

It's "sleeping around" because there is no downward pressure (or cap) to keep exclusivity. She can easily go through any number of sexual partners while telling herself an innocuous-sounding lie that she's not a degenerate. In short, serial 'monogamy' isn't monogamy.
>"I find that premarital sex or premarital cohabitation that is limited to a woman's husband is not associated with an elevated risk of marital disruption. However, women who have more than one intimate premarital relationship have an increased risk of marital dissolution."

Mind you, I'm not defending the guy in all of this--he's just as culpable as her (save for the fact that he did warn her about his texting habits). But he's not posting here, so any deeper criticism against him would be wasted.

At other girls: im appalled that your gynecologists actually stick their fingers in. Ive been to countless doctors and the most they do is use little tools to go inside (if at all) and only if its really needed

Pretty normal, like always. He asked me if anything uncommon happened, if the bc is working/if i think im pregnant, then did the breast cancer touch test, checked the vulva for any infections, ordered an x-ray of my ovaries as usual (its a non-invasive alternative for intravaginal, for all the other girls out there, but the technicians will think youre pregnant).

Not her but truthfully, being friendless and celibate has done more to ruin my ability to pairbond than anything else. I often don’t feel much about people unless they’re family.

I dont need to whiteknight, im just making light of this situation

... yeah youre drunk

My gynos have always been women. And they stick their fingers in because there are some things you can’t feel with an instrument as well as your fingers.

It’s fine. Just a bit painful if you’re a virgin.

Is common sense so rare that it is considered drunken behavior? Everything I said is common knowledge since the beginning of time until about five years ago

This has really fucking gone off the rails.

I'm simply asking this question- should I be offended or not, and should I take him at his word with his texting. Can he still really be into me, when he doesn't reply to my nice texts to him?

This isn't about are we dating, how many men have I fucked in the past, and so on.

We don’t know what the cause of marital dissolution is, and correlation is not causation.

It’s possible, for example, that women with more than one previous partner is more willing to leave a bad or abusive relationship, which a woman with no prior experience might be more afraid to do. It’s also possible there’s a strong correlation between religiosity and fewer sexual partners, which would lead those women to think dissolving marriage is less of an option and their social network would be less supportive of it.

femanons have you ever fapped to this show?

Attached: The_Handmaid's_Tale_intertitle.png (1366x768, 175K)

It’s impossible to know whether to take him at his word because we don’t know him. At the very least, he may just be lazy about doing emotional labor, which is a problem.

My advice is that if this something you cannot live with, be prepared to break up if you don’t see improvement after having one more talk with him about it.

I find it kinda pointless/a meme when girls say they are virgin but still finger thenselves/use toys. The point/the most basic "act" of virginity is keeping the hymen intact anyways. You cant keep it intact if you shove 2 fingers in every week.
I find it kind of hypocritic, in a "you want to have your cake and eat it too" way.

Not hating on any girl who does that. Not an incel either. Im a girl who decided to stay celibate until her first committed/stable relationship and thus i wonder.

You whores think you can control a man you need that ring or trick him into impregnating you, but since he now has had you and knows your controlling nature find another simp and know any quality man doesn't want a used up whore

Men and women are very likely to pairbond in different ways. Testosterone is a suppressant of oxytocin, one of the hormones responsible for pairbonding (among other functions).
>"Several studies have now demonstrated that oxytocin plays a role in the development of the pair bond in the female prairie vole."
>"These regions [of the brain with oxytocin and vasopressin receptors] are excellent candidates for facilitating pair bond formation because they are rich in dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with reward and addiction."
Rest of the quotes starting there are worth reading, but they're too long to paste here. Suffice it to say, 'love is a drug' is more than just a saying (although 'lust' would be more accurate), and by repeatedly stimulating the pairbonding mechanism, it isn't a stretch to say you build a tolerance for it.

I told you in my first post, he already warned you, and if you're not satisfied, that's solely on you to deal with--however that may occur. He isn't deceiving you.

I’m Seeing a girl at work. Sometimes she does really flirty things in front of me and it bugs me.

Just today, this guy wanted her to lay on his back as he did push ups. Would that bother anyone else? I don’t want to be a beta but fuck. I would never do that let alone in front of someone I’m dating. It makes me feel like shit.

do girls really never masturbate

Ive been to male and female gynos and the most they did was 1) breast cancer check 2) check vulva (only) for infections and 3) check the development of body hair (when i was going through puberty)
When i needed to get my ovaries checked they instantly assigned me an xray, and pap smear (without suspicion of disease) is done here only when youre 30+

Of course we fucking masturbate

Most of them never did. The huge majority of 30+ women you see never masturbated as teens. The younger women though masturbate more on average, but i think its safe to say that 60% of women up to 30 never masturbated as teens.

Are all ladies boring when it comes to oral? As of today I've given oral to two girls and both of them were completely silent and just kinda touched my arm a bit. One was an escort and one was a gf, for context

Ovaries or cervix?

What do you want them to do? Moan breathily like a porn star?

I had one say she felt a cyst on my ovary. But yeah you're right fingers don't fit through a cervix haha

>We don’t know what the cause of marital dissolution is, and correlation is not causation.
You have no idea how often I've gone through these motions with other anons. You seem to be saying this in good faith, though.
Suffice it to say that the immediate grounds for dissolution are irrelevant to the break itself, and that the only consistent indicator that we have (and which can also be controlled by an individual, unlike disparities in age or education) is sexual behavior.

>women with more than one previous partner is more willing to leave a bad or abusive relationship
That's pure conjecture, and furthermore quite nonsensical--the effect holds by *sexual* partners, not simply number of relationships. Far more suspect is the idea that sex is REQUIRED for any sort of relationship experience to be gained, and this doesn't even have a 'correlative' bit of evidence that I'm aware of.

>It’s also possible there’s a strong correlation between religiosity and fewer sexual partners
The effect is actually quite modest (on the order of a 5-10% difference in divorce rates, iirc, compared to as much as 40-50% in the difference between the promiscuous and those who wait until marriage) --and it's mostly seen in that the religious are simply more likely to wait until marriage. Interestingly, the very religious areas in the US Bible Belt have HIGH divorce rates--this is because very few of them actually wait nowadays, but those who don't still feel pressure to get married to an unsuitable partner.

Nevertheless, other studies control for religion, and the pattern remains:
>"Both structural equation and group comparison analyses demonstrated that sexual restraint was associated with better relationship outcomes, even when controlling for education, the number of sexual partners, religiosity, and relationship length."

The problem probably lies on you if theyre so silent. What are you doing down there exactly? If you want women to really lose their heads you gotta work your tongue out more than you do your right hand

I think one of the reasons Im so fucked about this is when we're together, we're very intimate and cuddly, and I honestly blame it on the oxytocin for why I cant stop thinking about him for the first two days after we've spent the night together. I've never been close to a guy like him before and after months of cuddling and intimacy, I really do find our relationship has only gotten stronger. Then once those two days are over, I get butthurt about the texting again.


Tell me if I'm doing any good? Make any noise? Ideally touch my head with their thighs especially when they cum. Literally any interaction beyond just just touching my arm
How do I work my tongue out without a partner? My ex gf came 3 times when I did it but it was only the one experience. I just want interaction I guess, not so much moaning or anything if its forced

I'd like to take this opportunity to clarify that I don't share the hostility to marriage and commitment that posters like this have.
Incels are part of the problem.

You can't pair bond to your own finger, or a toy (although extreme fetishism, like dragon dildos or other degeneracy, is a red flag in its own right).

As far as moral standards go, the physical presence of a hymen is secondary to the mental state that one has towards waiting until marriage. For the extreme case, while a rape victim who had waited until marriage is clearly no longer a virgin (and without any emotional considerations, they are going to be a far riskier partner than someone who wasn't raped), they are morally unchanged by their very unfortunate situation.

What I mean to say is that, while the physical fact of virginity/lack of sexual activity is the desired state, the way to get there is by encouraging individual commitment to that standard, which is in the mind rather than the body.

A society where people only judge by numerical odds is heartless indeed; the way to go is to have an emotional attachment to an ideal which ALSO gives you good odds. It's for that reason why I wait until marriage and expect a partner who does the same, but I wouldn't have any moral opposition to marrying a rape victim (or to killing the rapist).

If you have sex in a (nonmarital) relationship, you're clouding your judgement about long-term compatibility. This always happens to an extent in the 'honeymoon phase' of a relationship, which is why waiting for a time is so important. Shotgun marriages done for the sake of sex miss the point.
>" The results of these investigations suggest that romantic love and sexual desire are governed by functionally independent social-behavioral systems that evolved for different reasons and that involve different neurochemical substrates.-

When i say work your tongue out i mean REALLY dive into that pussy and lick it like its an oasis and youre a man lost in the desert.
Sadly you need to get a partner to be able to work it out. Nothing is quite like pussy, especially taste/smell/the feeling on your mouth
Also, its not really easy to touch someone so close yet so far away. Hairpulling WILL hurt A LOT eventually and scar your head if it gets too extreme. Thigh pressing is (honestly hot as fuck) but often women need to push their thighs apart to get into the perfect position for cumming (because half of the work for orgasming is getting in a good position to reach all the right places)
Some women are silent and wont moan a lot, thats the sad reality. You should look into other signs though like moving, trembling, face looking weird/in pleasure/in pain, blushing, etc
If you want more verbal communication however you should tell her so and "ease" her into trusting you enough to tell you what to do/how good it is. Girls feel like its "whorey" to talk when receiving oral so break that habit out of her

Incels out in force whiteknighting for m'lady

Those are mutually exclusive here, and in any case I'm neither.

Attached: bucko.png (500x547, 55K)

They might think you don’t want your head clamped between their thighs, I’d certainly think that.

Making noise can be embarrassing. And talking can make it hard to concentrate on the pleasure— I have to concentrate or I don’t really get much out of it.

>When i say work your tongue out i mean REALLY dive into that pussy and lick it like its an oasis and youre a man lost in the desert.
I did that with my ex, it was so much easier cause we were on a deck with wood slats so I could get leverage with my feet
>Sadly you need to get a partner to be able to work it out. Nothing is quite like pussy, especially taste/smell/the feeling on your mouth
Completely agree, but that first part presents a problem for me
>Also, its not really easy to touch someone so close yet so far away...
Yeah I mean I get all of that, even the leg position, idk it just feels like I dont get much out of it. I love sensual things like just touching and talking, it feels really empty without any of that yknow?
I do look for signs like that, that's the only reason I know what I'm doing works, iunno I just want to feel appreciated is what I'm getting at

>They might think you don’t want your head clamped between their thighs, I’d certainly think that.
I was pretty upfront with both my ex and the escort that I'd love stuff like that. Neither did anything like it. I hope me and the other guy have changed your views on thigh pressing a guy (or girl I dont judge mang) when they give you oral
>And talking can make it hard to concentrate on the pleasure— I have to concentrate or I don’t really get much out of it.
Wouldnt that make it last longer though? I mean let's assume your partner doesnt mind going for a while, wouldnt that basically be like edging for guys and make the ending more rewarding?

I just found out that my bf texted his "ex". She wished him a happy bday a month ago, to which he replied with a "thanks" and it ended there. But then, yesterday, i found out that he actually texted her himself with a "how are you?" and they kept talking about random shit for some days and it ended there. I also found out that it wasnt the first time he texted her since we were together.

What should I think? Their conversations are pretty innocent, there is nothing that could suggest anthing that could lead to cheating, but still

I don't know what to do

>Wouldnt that make it last longer though?
Not necessarily, because it can be hard to even reach the peak to begin with, and frustrating that it takes a while. And if the pleasure keeps dipping down to middling and meh because I’m focusing on talking to you, then it’s boring and frustrating.

It’s easy for you to choose between a quick wank or edging to last. Not so here.

I see, that's good to know
Still, as a guy that enjoys it, plz do something to make it more fun for both parties. It just feels weird otherwise

>The point/the most basic "act" of virginity is keeping the hymen intact anyways.
Haha what? That's not how this works.

Attached: CDqD1KV.jpg (666x499, 77K)

The entire point of virginity is not letting ANYTHING go up your vagina so that you reserve yourself for the person you trust/husband/that one 30 inch blue horse dildo
The hymen is there for this exact reason. If you break your hymen you know how it feels to have things inside of you and this first memory will be seared into your mind, and thus youre not a virgin anymore

I'd argue that avoiding degenerate """loopholes""" like oral or anal is of much greater importance than avoiding horseback riding, but if you can hold yourself to both standards, more power to you.

You know that hymens aren’t actually supposed to break, right

So a woman who gets fucked in the ass on the daily is virgin, but a woman who does gymnastic and breaks her hymen isn't.
You must be a smartie.

>Still, as a guy that enjoys it, plz do something to make it more fun for both parties. It just feels weird otherwise

I mean, you could just get a detachable showerhead and use that on her, that's guaranteed to do 100x more than your tongue

If it’s innocent do nothing? What would you prefer? No contact?