Incel advice

A 30-year-old incel here. I'm a rarity on this board from what I've seen, but I need something Jow Forums rarely offers: actual insight and help. Not incel shaming and blaming.

The thing is, if you're 19 years old you might think I must be ugly or a shit person to end up 30 and alone. That's what I thought at 19. But time flies by amazingly fast and what you don't know yet, is that your chances at women go down exponentially every year. Right now it's almost impossible for me, because of this:
>Women my age think I'm too inexperienced and immature and I should date a younger female
>Women my age are usually married to begin with, and I wouldn't want my first girlfriend to be a single mom with kids anyway
>20-year-old women want someone their own age because they think I have too much life experience, which I don't
>Women 18-30 are usually in a relationship already. I'm absolutely amazed at how hard it's been to even find a single female. Females get a new relationship after a couple of weeks from breakup
>The more years you spend alone the worse it hits your personality and you will become a bitter freak no matter what.

Another thing I'd like to discuss is dealing with loneliness without going bitter.
Most Jow Forums users come here to mock incels, they think it's fun and makes them feel like they're better people. That's just bullshit.
In reality, nobody can take being alone. These incel shamers couldn't go a month without sex, and a year would drive them absolutely nuts. The bitterness will affect anyone no matter how Chad. If you've felt the pressure and pain of being single for a while, imagine extending that period into 30 fucking years. Yeah, if you even survive it without killing yourself, you will not be a decent person after that, even if you were okay in the start. Considering I'm 30 and haven't been validated once, I'm doing well.

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Nice blogpost, take it to or whatever the new cancer congress is at.

Why do you think someone is "cancer" just because they don't have a girlfriend?

>cancer congress
fucking losing it

I'm from 2008 and remember when the entire Jow Forums was for incels and nerds only.
Seeing this become a dating central for virgin-shaming normies is baffling me.

Its not about not having a gf, its about being a covert narc, despising everyone and everything, having a victim complex, blaming everything else for your problems and never actually attempting to grow as a person

Thats why its cancerous, it has nothing to do with having a gf or not
Hell, its basically a narcissist social club that have, unsurprisingly, incorrectly identified themselves as having the no-gf thing in common, when really its their own mental illness

Not because you don't have a girlfriend, and you know this you liar. Because you identify yourself as someone who belongs to an online community of nasty angry violent psychopaths. They are no different from isis. Both hate women, both blame society for their problems.

you didn't even ask for advice
go back to robot9000

I'm not an incel but I understand them. It's incredibly easy, too.
Just imagine being alone throughout years 18-80.
Would you be pissed off after that? Yes you would.

Just realized I've never seen guys mock female incels. Only male incels.

Huh what do you know.

Sjw tumblrinas get mocked all the time. Incels are male versions of sjw tumblrinas.

But you're choosing to be alone, why do you blame others for your own life choices?

Imagine believing this

Mate, get friends first
Gotta find a life that you enjoy
Then maybe look at wymen

What's happening, my dude? 22 year old virgin here. I've had a rough time adapting to life, and I really haven't. At 22 I'm only half way done with a bachelor's. I've worked and quit several jobs (including the Navy), live with my mom, and have no friends. At my first round of college (2014), I still had the delusion that maybe I'd become normal. Actually, I don't think it was a delusion at all because I genuinely didn't think much was wrong with me. But I got there and it was terrible. I came back home and started working and whatever. It's been a sad, pathetic ride ever since but I've come to terms with my position in, or, more aptly, out of society. I am among the men destined to be "loved" only by my parents and siblings. They will all leave me behind eventually and I'll die alone, probably in the woods. That is, unless, I manage to make enough money to afford a lifestyle of reading and writing philosophy and doing art without wanting to kill myself from the stress of wageslavery.
Long story short, you can adapt to isolation if you ignore what you're supposed to be. Clamoring for something beyond your capabilities is folly and leads to suffering. Accept it and you'll be as happy as is possible

Wut. Incels literally are male sjw tumblrinas.
>whine all day on the internet
>blame society and the opposing gender for all their problems
>refuse to look in the mirror and take responsibility for their actions
>refuse to improve their situation

You guys need to leave your comfort zone more often and try to be comfortable talking with girls.

Try again

One of them gets sex and makes up problems for attention

false. I have no friends and I've had several. Never have friends, at least not male ones. They will always fuck your gf. Every time. I've seen it happen. It's too risky. Friends are literally useless. If I'm not fucking you, I don't want to talk to you

Go outside, grow up, have sex. In that order

If you wanr too lead a happier life that is

Proof? I'm pretty happy as is, as hard as that may be to believe

Calling yourself incel is a mistake OP, They have made a name for themselves akin to giving up entirely and attempting to drag everyone and everything down with them. you should distance yourself from that.

If it is of any help, we do have some similarities. ill be 27 in a few months, and im fully aware ill wake up 30 basically tomorrow. Though i am not a "kissless virgin" i have slipped through the cracks to become single and lacking any intimate connection for many years now. It is true that the loneliness becomes crippling.
However where i think we differ is i dont blame anyone else for this, its likely a combination fault of my own & cirumstance, the world is cruel, but thats just nature.

What id like to see of this thread is anyone who's been down this road but managed to control it. please add your input if you're reading this. Mind over matter is key but not the easiest thing to accomplish, id appreciate any tips to having the strength convert depression to a more jaded & stoic attitude.

Your post didn't sound very happy

That is unfortunately how it tends to sound to normies, but isn't necessarily the case

Neither gets sex and both make up problems for attention

Jesus christ man. If you don't trust anyone you might as well just kill yourself.

I'm a 33 y o incel.

I feel getting laid in my 30's will probably be easier than in my 20's as more women are desperate to start a family and are realizing their favorite chad won't stay around for them. So they'll take interest in any single guy with a good job and is reasonably stable.

Too bad I have neither of those either lel.